Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 102 Imperial Council

In the hotel room, Rorschach opened the Marin News. In addition to news about reduced grain production, a large amount of space is devoted to reports about parliament:

In the past few days, we could also see the follow-up investigation announcements about the attacks on the Royal Palace and the Parliament Building. After that, the focus was on the empire’s financial audit of the previous year and this year’s budget.

This year's budget was originally scheduled to be released in late November last year, but because members of the various states could not reach an agreement, they are still fighting in the parliament building and exchanging opinions fiercely. In fact, it is already New Year's Eve.

Generally speaking, the former Kingdom of Marin, the current core area of ​​the imperial capital, and other states and states in the eastern and northern parts of the empire requested a significant increase in the budget, while the MPs in the western and southern regions where the empire's commerce and handicraft industries were developed strongly opposed it.

The "Marin News" reported that the increased imperial budget is mainly used to build a more complete security system, cooperate with the newly passed "Employed Insurance Act" and other series of bills, as well as military expenditures.

It seems that the opponents of this budget have become a stumbling block to the imperial security system.

But the Marin News played a word game:

The increase in security expenditures in the budget was precisely proposed by the southwestern states and states, as they took the lead in proposing and passing a series of insurance bills; while the eastern and northern regions that requested a substantial increase in budgets aimed to increase military expenditures.

Increasing military spending and external expansion are consistent demands of the military nobles. Their origins and fiefdoms are in the northern part of the empire and within the sphere of influence of the Kingdom of Marin. Commercial states believed that they would have to bear heavier taxes and suffer trade losses due to war.

In the past, the Marin Kingdom and its allies in the parliament were in the majority, but this time the opposition was strong. And subtly, the real master of the empire, His Majesty the Emperor, has not yet expressed his preference. It is rare for him to sit quietly in the palace and wait for the princes to finalize the results, which makes some members with sensitive senses of smell undecided.

The palace's silence this time also triggered speculation. Newspaper commentators carefully selected their words and carefully speculated whether His Majesty was expressing dissatisfaction with the imperial military nobles.

"It's still in the quarrel stage, but it's okay, okay." The budget has not been passed, and the fight cannot be started without the money. Or to put it the other way around, if we can openly quarrel, then we won't be able to fight.

Rorschach began to read the business newspaper. He skipped pages of advertisements, investment information and indecent posters to find the transaction price column of commodities.

Rorschach spread out paper and pen to copy and compare.

"Grain prices have increased significantly, cloth has not increased, steel prices have increased slightly, and coal prices have increased significantly." Rorschach noted that in addition to increases in grain due to production cuts and seasonal increases in coal, other military-related bulk prices were stable.

The Empire was not really preparing for war.

After calming down, Rorschach's thoughts became clearer: at worst, he could use the teleportation array to escape. He didn't believe that the beloved Archmage Kano would not save him, even if he left the Holy Kingdom and went to Istani to take shelter. The head is fine.

For a long time, as a cross-continental force, the Magic Guild and the Magic Tower have been adhering to "Magic Without Borders", resolutely protecting mages persecuted by the church and secular powers, and requiring members of the Arcane Senate not to be loyal to any king or king. emperor.

Because of this, Archmage Granor's previous behavior of flattering the royal family, donating land to the Holy Kingdom, and begging for titles was looked down upon by his peers.

Well, especially Master Kano, who almost showed his dislike for him when they attended the banquet together. From then on, Kano never called "Master Granol" again, only "Count Granol" with an exaggerated tone.

The escape should be smooth by then. Putting away these things, Rorschach decided to board the flight back to the Tower of Stars.

Buying tickets, registering, boarding the airship, Rorschach is now familiar with these processes.

The giant beast slowly raised its bow from the platform and plunged into the clouds in the direction of the southern Holy Kingdom.

A classical castle stands on the east side of the hill. Although designed and built mainly around military purposes, the interior of this fortress is still as comfortable as possible for its occupants.

Because it is the emperor's visit in winter.

As Leonor Carnot said at the banquet, the ruler of the empire was extraordinarily heroic. Even in front of a warm fireplace, his sitting posture was as meticulous as his hair and mustache.

The other adult in front of the heater was not sitting upright, but relaxed on the seat cushion. He has this privilege - the privilege of the Imperial Chancellor. Beside them stood two tall and tall people: the Marshal of the Imperial Army of His Majesty the Emperor, and the Military State Secretary subordinate to the Prime Minister.

This is an informal royal meeting.

Based on the power structure of the empire, generally speaking, the smaller the scope of the meeting, the more important the matters decided.

"The boys with blood on their hands are clamoring again, especially those with military merit and those without military merit, as well as the second sons who have obtained land and want more land. Your Majesty, I think it is time, there is still one year, at the earliest A group of military estates will have to pay taxes normally."

The Prime Minister has always been worried about the excessive intensity of the imperial army. The emperor and the empire need sergeants who are eager for war, and he and the marshal need to ensure that this desire can be transformed into controllable fighting power.

It is controllable, which is very important, especially after the establishment of the Imperial Parliament and the number of members with military backgrounds. The Imperial Army does not allow second brains.

Some members of Congress began to advocate war before His Majesty the Emperor issued the order, which is a dangerous signal.

"Otto," the emperor called the prime minister's name: "The empire's financial situation is now in good shape. Of course, your contribution is indispensable. I mean, the empire can extend the tax exemption. Don't mistreat these loyal soldiers."

"His Majesty."

The emperor waved his hand and interrupted the prime minister: "I have followed your suggestion and temporarily suppressed the call to increase the budget. What I am concerned about now is the progress of that plan."

The prime minister could only ask the state secretary to come forward and order him to read the report:

"The 'Ending Order' plan is progressing smoothly. It has completed three theoretical verification experiments, one prototype operation experiment, and successfully suppressed the magic power of the entire city for 27 seconds during a sudden special power crisis.

It is expected to achieve high-power and long-term operation at the beginning of this year according to the project plan.”

"Does the prime minister teach you to report to me like this?" The emperor was a little dissatisfied: "The military secretary must act decisively! Can magic and divine arts be suppressed stably?"

"Yes!" The secretary was a newly promoted civil servant, and at this time he did not consciously imitate the manner of a soldier.

"When can we go to war?"

"." The secretary quickly scrolled down, and then reported: "If the plan proceeds smoothly, small-scale deployment will be completed later this year, and mobile deployment can be attempted early next year."

The emperor knocked on the oak handrail and thought for a long time: "Otto, please convey this to the MPs in the core region and the Grand Duke of Württemberg. The budget for this year will be tightened first. However, the planned funds must be invested quickly to ensure progress.

The Imperial Army, the main point is that the southern army needs to complete its transformation, and my Military Academy and Magic Academy are about to harvest, right? Invite those good guys into the chain of command and eliminate the influence of the Southern Principality.

Oh yes, food, the most important issue for my subjects, must maintain food price stability. "The emperor said, while the prime minister and military secretary were taking notes quickly.

In response to the reduction in production, the prime minister has already implemented emergency measures, and is also preparing for follow-up measures: "Your Majesty, this is my plan, which can import flour from Istani and collect grain tax credits from northern estates and some southern states. "

"Okay." The emperor only briefly read the bill handed over by the prime minister and signed it with confidence.

"As you wish, Your Majesty." The prime minister stood up and led the other two ministers to retreat.

Thanks to book friends "My wife's name is Yourong", "Xingkong Xiaodai", "Public Security Personnel" "0

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