Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 103 Thank you for the invitation, I just got off the airship in the Kingdom

The airship was about to dock at Platform 2 in the central port area in a quarter of an hour. The waiter in a bow tie walked up to a passenger, calling and tapping the bell on the table.

The bell was originally used by passengers to call the flight attendant, but now it is reversed: "Sir, sir, wake up, the airship will arrive in fifteen minutes."

The passenger fell asleep on the table. He was young, holding an open book in his left hand, and holding a fine charcoal pen in his right hand. The manuscript paper was filled with drawings that the waiter could not understand, and words were written here and there.

The sunlight shines through the porthole on the young man's profile, reflecting his long and dense eyelashes. Passers-by who have campus experience can't help but smile - as is customary, exam season comes after the Holy Festival, so this must be a student.

Of course, what was opened in front of the public was the "Geometric Analysis of Standard Magic Array". The book Luo Xia of the Elf Village would not take it out easily.

Rorschach woke up and wiped the corners of his mouth, a little embarrassed: "The sunshine in winter just makes people sleepy." In fact, this textbook also has the magic power to make readers drowsy.

The waiter showed an understanding business smile: "The fact that you fell asleep is an affirmation of us, proving that this journey in the sky is smooth, safe and comfortable."

He was quite talkative. Rorschach asked the flight attendant for a cup of licorice tea and opened the panel while drinking it.

After the Black Forest God War, Rorschach's panel fell into a state of spinning and updating again, and it is still spinning. I don’t know where this urination that keeps getting longer and longer from generation to generation comes from. Could it be that the person responsible for operation and maintenance behind the panel is Asan, a programmer outsourced by Ju Hardware?

There is another change. As long as Rorschach concentrates and observes, he can vaguely see the magic aura. It seems that [Magic Detection] has solidified into his field of vision. He didn't know if he had observed the changes brought about by the original layer in his dream.

A quarter of an hour passed. The airship docked on the platform, was fixed, opened the cabin, and the passengers entered the "Sky Tree" building to go through immigration procedures.

While waiting to get off the passenger elevator in the tower, Rorschach leaned against the viewing window of the airport. From the window overlooking the edge of the city walls of Valuauna, he noticed that the area between the royal capital and the central port area was no longer farmland, but construction sites.

These construction sites are spread out along the Seine River, with wooden scaffolding and cranes, and workers the size of ants coming and going. In short, it is a dusty and lively scene.

"Young master, are you from another province? As you can see, there are workshops under construction below." Luo Xia met a familiar man in a trench coat.

It’s not surprising for workshops. Most of the machinery used in production now relies on water power, and raw materials and finished products can also be imported and exported along the river with the help of water.

After finishing speaking, the man in the trench coat suddenly opened his woolen coat without waiting for Luo Xia to answer. Don't get me wrong, he is not a pervert with special hobbies. Rorschach only saw that the windbreaker was filled with documents and color-printed leaflets. The colored inks used for printing are not cheap nowadays. It was really a big deal.

The man pulled out a beautiful flyer and gave it to Rorschach, with the name, address and various clothing of the trading company printed on it: "Valois United Clothing Company, co-founded by three of the largest cloth merchants in the country, we are on the construction site you just saw. The new factory is still in the public offering stage. Are you interested in buying the original shares? You only need one share of Saburo."

The craze for stock speculation in Valluvana has not subsided. Nowadays, there is no need to mention dividends or rates of return when promoting stocks. Everyone defaults to making money from stocks.

"No, thank you." This salesman was quite smart, and came here to sell people - passengers who can take the airship to save time are usually rich or expensive, and Luo Xia was regarded as the eldest son of a certain family.

Rorschach left the port and rented a carriage into the city. He saw that there was obviously more traffic than when he first came. People on the road were in a hurry, and the men often carried leather bags containing documents.

In any case, is the economy of the Holy Kingdom really getting better now? Rorschach could only observe the surface now. At least the car he was riding in was brand new, and the seats were covered with spliced ​​cowhide instead of the exposed hardwood boards that were common in taxis in the past.

Back at the Tower of Stars, the tower spirit told the young mage that Kano left a message asking him to go to the research building after lunch tomorrow.

Damn it, Kano actually returned to Valuauna before him. As expected, teleportation is fast!

"Slow down! Pour, pour, pour. Okay, turn left, turn left." As soon as he entered the research building, Luo Xach met a team of master workers. Four people were carrying a large copper cauldron carrying a wooden frame, and there was also an old man from the alchemy department. Casting spells and directing from the side.

Normally, only four people couldn't lift the pot. It was probably because the brother from the Alchemy Department used [Levitation Technique] to reduce the weight.

Rorschach saw that the lower three floors of the building were empty, and some metal joints, wrapping paper bags, and wooden boxes were scattered in the empty rooms and corridors.

"The Alchemy Department ran away?" This was the first thing Rorschach said when he saw Kano. The Archmage was reading documents while eating lemon tart, a dessert that has become popular in the city recently.

"Yes. Oh, no, no, the Alchemy Department didn't run away, it was the production line of 'Energy Potion' that was moved. It was originally a temporary solution to be squeezed together with us.

Now that the trading companies affiliated to the guild are expanding in an all-round way, the Alchemy Department took the opportunity to attract investment and build a closed factory for purple potion. "The master said as he got up and led Rorschach outside the office. They were going to the laboratory on the top floor.

Due to the recent boom, many workshops have begun to expand, and the most powerful among them are the trading companies affiliated with the Magic Guild. Taking advantage of the financial mania of the people of the Holy Kingdom, debt financing is also easy, and factories endorsed by the Magic Guild are particularly popular with investors.

"The value of the currency is going to fall anyway. Let's borrow money to build the production line first." Kano explained: "We mainly rely on exports. In cities where guilds are stationed, we can ensure that goods flow unimpeded. As the saying goes, the arrival of the mage Wherever our products can be sold.”

Rorschach thought for a moment. The Magic Guild is a powerful cross-continental organization with many affiliated chambers of commerce. The most important thing about relying on a guild is that you can conduct cross-border trade and have channels to obtain physical currencies of other countries.

In the Kingdom of Saint-Valois, you can use borrowed money to open a factory, buy raw materials, and hire employees. If you export your products to the Empire, Istany, and the countries on the southern coast of the continent, you can get real gold and silver. Even though this game cannot be played by ordinary merchants, and money and supplies can only be circulated in the Holy Kingdom, the magic guild's signboard can be played.

The mages and merchants were certain that Valois's banknotes would depreciate, and debts denominated in langs and livres could be written off in one fell swoop by only repaying a small amount of metal currency.

This is not financing or borrowing, but picking up money from Mr. Necker, the kingdom’s number one alchemist and finance minister.

"So Pascal has been very busy recently. There are too many new workshops being built, and our low-level mages from the Tower of Stars and the Alchemy Department have also been roped in to help. Your kid doesn't have to go to class this semester. In addition to coming here to check in, you can also check out the venue. Well, the labor fee is quite high."

"Okay." It doesn't matter if the instructor tells the students to do it horizontally. What matters is whether the students can share the benefits after their hard work.

Cano finished the last bit of lemon tart on the way and rubbed his hands together to make them clean. In Rorschach's eyes, a magical aura flashed between the master's palms just now.

"But don't mention this in front of your senior sister. Pascal's regular examination is pending again. He has plans to work in the Alchemy Department and the trading company affiliated to the guild, and he has a big quarrel with Paulina. Maybe I will The two of them must have quarreled while he was away."

Kano said regretfully: "Paulina still hopes that kid can become an official mage, alas." He sighed deeply and went to the laboratory on the top floor with Rorschach.

As soon as the junior brother entered the door, he saw Paulina who seemed to be exuding a black aura. Her face was tense and she was adjusting the equipment without saying a word.

There’s another chapter tonight!

Thanks to book friend "Riyue Yuanche" for the reward! Thank you to book friends "Riyue Yuanche", "The Bitten Apple", "Not Enough Sleeping", "Raven 23333333", "Blowing Clouds", "Book Friends 20170714235128954" and "There is a Bear in the World" for their monthly ticket support! Thanks to book friends such as "Baobaopin", "Blowing Clouds", "Riyueyuanche" and so on for their recommendation votes and encouragement!

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