Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 108 Are you interested in sponsoring extreme sports?

While admiring the "Liquid Amethyst", Rorschach suddenly thought of a very serious question: "Mr. Antoine, is this thing not addictive?"

Antoine was caught off guard when he faced the serious Rorschach: "Isn't that right? The mage from the Alchemy Department often drinks it. Even if the supply was cut off during the relocation, it didn't matter to them. I've also drank it myself, and the taste is better than normal herbal medicine. It’s weird, I don’t want to drink it anymore now.”

Rorschach breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, let's follow the previous steps to refine more No. 4 samples."

"What's addictive?" Antoine couldn't help but ask.

Yes, but if it is at this price, of course it cannot flow into the market! This is Rorschach's bottom line: "Then, not a drop of the sample can be taken out of this laboratory. Okay, don't think about it, let's fix the sublimation temperature of the malva extract."

Rorschach finally tasted a small drop of the concentrated extract. The sour and slightly bitter taste spread from the tip of his tongue, and his head rushed from his throat to Tianling Gai with a bang.

Unlike those functional drinks in the previous life, where one had to wonder whether they were really effective or had a psychological effect, this "energy potion" did have an immediate effect. At least Rorschach was a little tired after several hours of testing, but a drop of the concentrated liquid refreshed him.

"Take Sample No. 4 and go see your uncle."

Pierre Neusingen's general manager's office is very low-key. There is not much space after entering, and there are currently no furnishings that can reflect his personal characteristics. The only thing that makes people take a second look is the half-open wardrobe. The clothes inside are all highly saturated red, purple, green and bright blue, as well as the orange coat that Mr. Pierre is wearing now.

"Master Rorschach and his assistant! Welcome to my office." Pierre put down the business newspaper in his hand. There was no one else in the office now, so he personally poured two cups of tea for the visitors.

"Uncle Pierre, let me show you our results!"

"It's the work of Master Rorschach." Pierre gave his nephew a look.

"Mr. Pierre, Antoine was really helpful. He is very talented in alchemy."

A bottle of crystal purple potion was placed on the desk. Pierre picked it up and observed it carefully: "It's beautiful, gentlemen. I can't see any impurities, and it flows very well."

Antoine excitedly introduced the process they tried and summarized the entire process. But the general manager who heard this was not interested, and finally said to Rorschach after careful consideration: "Master Rorschach. I admit that you have achieved remarkable results, but just in terms of productivity."

He raised his small glass: "I don't think it's high."

"The extraction rate of active ingredients has been improved! Greatly improved!" Antoine was not convinced by the doubt.

"Okay, let's say we open a new production line for the new process, and then the equipment needs to be repurchased or even designed. Even if we double the sales of such high-end versions, it is better to directly expand an original production line."

"Yes, at least the open concentrator needs to be changed, and some new separation equipment needs to be designed to achieve production from laboratory to factory." Rorschach did not deny this.

"So from the economic point of view, sorry, from the perspective of a profit-seeking businessman like me, this achievement can only stop at the laboratory. Even though it is great, it is not a good deal." Pierre shook his head. In front of him were two young people People, it is very necessary to be tactful and cautious in denying their achievements.

"Uncle you"

Rorschach stopped the stunned young man: "Mr. Pierre, please give me the original product."

Pierre immediately took out a bottle from his drawer - he had used it before deciding to invest heavily in this project.

Rorschach took the original product and poured some into his own tea. He stirred and stirred, and as expected, he got a cup of turbid and terrible stuff. At the end, there were oil droplets gathering on the top, and a little could be seen at the bottom of the cup. Flocculated sedimentation.

Rorschach then added drops of sample No. 4 to the tea originally meant for Antoine. No stirring was needed, the liquid spread naturally, and finally a clear liquid that was uniform, stable, still transparent, but tinged with a light smoky purple color was obtained.

The self-proclaimed general manager jumped up from his chair. He took two cups of the product, one clear and one turbid, and observed them carefully.

Pierre, your nephew may not have a good eye for business. At this time, Antoine was still a little confused and didn't understand why a simple dissolution could make his uncle so excited.

Like a messenger from heaven, Rorschach declared to the mortal Pierre word by word: "The medicine we made can be miscible with water and wine in any proportion."

There is no exaggeration, this is the gospel that Pierre has been waiting for since the establishment of the factory. It means "blending!" Pierre shouted directly.

He had previously complained to the stationed representative, saying that the product line was single and the unit price was too high to sell. He hoped to convey this to the alchemy department and ask the adults to find ways to improve it and overcome the problem of the incompatibility of medicines and water.

However, that young man mingled with the workers every day and even cast spells to help. Pierre admitted that the work progress was much faster when the original representatives helped the masters, but the problem he was concerned about has not been solved. Until the new representative, Master Rorschach, appears! Overcame this problem in one day!

Sir, you are so excited, can you not be so straightforward! Rorschach coughed slightly: "I would rather describe it accurately as that it can set gradient formula concentrations for different target customers and according to different price positions, and adjust the corresponding taste and effect."

"Yeah, yeah, look at me, I've been a businessman for half my life and I still can't calm down."

"The unit price of the original product is now four livres, and one bottle is as effective as the concentrated extract I have now. Then we can create at least three product lines:

A bottle of ten livres of concentrated potion was mixed with less water than the current bottle, in order to convince customers that this was the most concentrated essence.

Then mix one bottle of the extract with ten or even fifteen bottles of water, add enough sugar, and have them sold in various restaurants for three livres—just a little less than the cheapest table wine. Isn’t soda popular right now? We can also add some bubbles to match the sweet and sour taste, the people of Valuana will like this.

My final suggestion is to mix it with spirits, continue to package it with fairy tales, and make some reasonable hints. It should appear in the wine cabinets of all luxurious mansions, so that every dignitary can pour it for himself at night when he has more than enough energy but more than enough energy. Warm up with a drink. Of course, the unit price of this line of products is more expensive, the better. "

You can also find sponsors who are willing to cross the Strait of Istania physically without relying on ships and magic, and report it in newspapers with the main theme of "I pay you to die." But these are things to consider later, the premise is to build the product first.

Pierre held Rorschach's hand tightly, this time much more eagerly than at the factory gate: "Master Rorschach, you are not only a magic genius, but also a business genius! Can you be in my office instead of being my opponent?" This is the luckiest thing that has happened to me!”

Although the three product lines mentioned by Rorschach were what Pierre had planned from the beginning, the idea of ​​adding soda water was unexpected, and the others were all within the general manager's plan. However, as a businessman, he firmly believes that flattering someone for free is the most beneficial and inexpensive way to facilitate business and interact with people.

A few days later, there will be a new group meeting.

Pascal and Paulina have not arrived yet. Cano is reading the newspaper and Rorschach is drawing pictures. There is a glass bottle on their table, with small bubbles rising and bursting in the lavender liquid.

Kano picked up the drink and poured himself a glass, and poured another glass for Rorschach: "This drink is quite delicious. It is said to be a special supply for a small area in the Alchemy Department. Snow brought me two bottles yesterday."

"Oh. Thank you."

Kano continued to read the newspaper: "Why is this new trading company advertising its products while it is still in the investment stage? Hercules? It can't be related to Hercules' Pharmacy Workshop, right?"


"What have you been drawing here?"

"Drawings of new equipment." Luo Xia drew equipment assembly drawings. The extraction kettle and ethanol regeneration tower have been drawn. Now it is a stirred concentration kettle designed with a head to seal the kettle body and a hydraulically driven stirring device.

These gadgets, together with the previous craftsmanship, are currently worth three times the labor fee, plus 20% of the original shares of the new trading company "Hercules" Beverage Company.

Thanks to book friends "Riyue Yuanche" and "Yueluo Wuwei" for their rewards and support!

Thanks to book friend "Hong Mu", "book friend 20170413225759617", "book friend 20230326221043464", "super quantum magnetic flame", "no rolling" "linmu123" "class, class" "moondrop witch cry" "dota2ggg" "book friend 20220822174910394" Monthly tickets support "Ice Traveler", "Hen's batch", "Taihao Supreme", "Gu Qingyun" and "Your head is a little green"!

Thanks to book friends such as "bokklubb", "The Whisper of the Sighing Wind", "The Deficient One", "Witches of the Moon" and "Sun and Moon Source Che" for their recommendation votes and encouragement!

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