Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 109 Invitation

The team meeting followed the process, first Pascal reported what he had done during this period, and then Rorschach and Paulina.

"It turns out it's made from purple potion! I wonder why it feels so subtle and familiar." Kano suddenly realized after Rorschach told him about the drink.

During the few days when Rorschach was out in the field, due to the relocation of the laboratory, subsequent experiments were not continued. Paulina shared several newly published collections of papers by the Magic Guild.

Rorschach also learned from this that there were many mages who had the same idea as Kano and were trying to explore the star world. The contributors to these papers are primarily from the Tower of Storms and the Tower of Time. If you think about it, both are magic towers located in Istani.

"There was a swarm of comets in the sky in late February this year. The Tower of Storms sent a letter inviting us to the Tower of Stars. The best observation point is on the Atlas Sea. Do we want to send someone there?" Paulina took out a transfer from the Magic Guild. Official letter delivered.

"Our group doesn't have enough people. Let's ask other professors what they think."


Missed an opportunity to study on a publicly funded trip to Istany! When Rorschach heard "Comets", "Tower of Storms" and "Atlas Sea", he immediately remembered that Teacher Caroline should be there now. It's a pity that Rorschach couldn't tell Kano that he would go on his own - as a graduate of the Imperial Academy of Magic, his ability to read star charts was his limit. Stargazing was impossible to compare with other professional mages in the Tower of Stars.

On the second day of the group meeting, the last day before this ten-day break, Luo Xia had a rare moment of leisure.

The drawings have been handed over to the general manager of Newsingen, and the relocation of the laboratory has been coordinated by Kano personally with the alchemy department and the construction team. In short, Rorschach has nothing to do.

He lay on the bed in the dormitory and turned off the panel that was still spinning. He got up and sorted out the notes on "Geometric Analysis of Standard Magic Array" and notes on Elf Totemology. The former is more like a reference book that can be used to quickly check concepts than a textbook, while the records of Elf Totem are relatively messy, and it takes a lot of effort to sort out the author's logic.

Rorschach suddenly thought of an idea: "Taling, are there any classes related to magic circles today?"

"Hello, Master Rorschach, there is an advanced class of 'Spells and Magic Circles' from 3:15 to 6:00 in the afternoon. It is located in the twelfth house on the third floor."

"Can I sit in?"

"As a teacher, you are free to observe, please do not disturb the order of the class."

Luo Xia thought for a while and felt that she still needed to seek the opinion of the teacher: "Who will be the teacher in the afternoon? Can you forward the application for auditing on my behalf?"

"Okay, Master Rorschach sent an observation request to Master Poincaré. No one answered Master Rorschach. If Master Poincaré replies, I will notify you as soon as possible."

"Thank you."

However, he did not get a reply for permission all morning and noon, so Rorschach simply went to the classroom early to wait, planning to communicate with the teacher directly when he came.

You can't drive me away now that you're here, right? Rorschach thought about it carefully. If he didn't wear a mage's robe but borrowed an apprentice's robe from his senior brother, he would be able to blend in easily. After all, some of the guys in the audience looked older than Rorschach.

When class was about to begin, the students under the podium were already full. Rorschach also saw Pascal, but the senior brother was yawning and did not see the good junior brother lurking in the back row.

The last person who came in at the sound of the bell was an old acquaintance of Rorschach: "Professor Poincaré is busy, so I will teach this class instead." The senior apprentices have all attended his class, so there is no need to introduce themselves.

Rorschach, who was observing, did not need the substitute professor to introduce himself. Why is it Professor Kano? It turns out that Master Poincaré has gone out. No wonder Ta Ling never replied to me. Does Ta Ling not know who the substitute teacher is? Rorschach had a new experience with just how retarded this magical intelligence was.

Kano also saw Rorschach sitting in the back row, raised his eyebrows, and started teaching without saying anything.

Kano spoke with great excitement on the stage, and on the demonstration board was the teleportation circle that had been dismantled and marked.

". So returning to the name of our course, how to connect spells with magic circles is a basic quality that every spell caster should master. But don't think that the connection here is simple, just like pure words to language .”

Of course, Kano will not teach according to other people's lesson plans. He is also a master who has been deeply involved in the field of magic circles for many years. His research project is based on magic circles. Today he spread his thoughts appropriately and wanted to give some inspiration to all the apprentices and an intermediate mage:

“The development of this art that combines magic, geometry and alchemy has three important issues: first, how to break through the limitations of the existing magic circle form and no longer stick to planes and simple geometric figures on the overall outline;

Secondly, it is known that some magic circles can achieve magical effects beyond spells. Can they be transformed into spells that do not rely on drawing magic circuits?

Third, if different people, or even the same spell caster, casts a spell multiple times, the effect of the spell may be different. Can the magic circle accurately record the specificity of the spell? In other words, can any effect of the spell be perfectly reproduced by the magic circle?

The last two questions can be summed up as the ‘spell-magic circle completion hypothesis’, which is a hypothesis that cannot be fully confirmed at present. It also shows that there is still a lot of room for improvement in the current magic circle design technology. I hope that one day there will be masters among all of you who can solve these problems. Okay, get out of class is over. "

Hearing this sentence, a guy sitting in the front row blurted out: "Teacher, it's not time to finish class yet." As soon as this statement came out, this studious classmate was eaten alive and cut into pieces by a thousand cuts on the spiritual level of others. countless times.

"Isn't it okay for you to go to the cafeteria early? It's really. Go!"

Kano drives away all the apprentices except Rorschach and Pascal who just woke up.

"Are you so interested in magic circles?"

"I saw the topological magic circle on the airship. It was very interesting. I have been studying the magic circle knowledge recently."

"Yes, that is the breakthrough in the first major proposition I mentioned. But I think if you are interested, you should study the second and third questions in depth. They are closer to the essence of magic. You have the prospect of being promoted to an archmage. , a full understanding of this aspect needs to be established.”

Rorschach chatted with Kano for a few more words and left the classroom.

Pascal was fully awake. He took out a letter from his robe, which contained a beautifully printed invitation: "Professor, a letter came to your mailbox this morning. Paulina asked me to bring it to you."

"Tickets?" In addition to the invitation letter, there were three theater tickets. Cano looked at it and said, "There will be a charity performance at the Royal Theater tomorrow night. Call Paulina and come with me."

"Me? How can a little apprentice show his face? You'd better ask Rorschach to go."

"Don't you want to hang out in a trading company? Now you have to deal with these well-dressed beasts more so that you can see clearly the faces of these oily people!" Cano knocked Pascal on the back of the head.

In fact, there is another reason. The tickets were sent by Saliana Mining Company, one of the sponsors of the show, so Kano would not let Rorschach attend. Kano, the so-called gold mine, has always been skeptical. As a party going to the secondary plane, Rorschach can no longer be associated with this company.

On the other side, Rorschach got a letter from the mailroom. A charity opera performance was held at the Royal Theater. Hercules Beverage Company was one of the sponsors. The major shareholder, Rorschach, an intermediate mage, was sincerely invited to come and watch.

At the same time, there is a beautifully printed admission ticket.

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