Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 110 Overture and Opening

At first, Pierre Neusingen was a little upset. With the financing of the new company and the launch of its products, he now has insufficient funds and cannot sponsor too much money for charity performances. The fatal consequences are shared There are not many votes left.

Fortunately, after inquiring, it was found that Master Rorschach and Master Snow were both alone, which made Pierre let out a long sigh of relief.

In front of the leading trading company Sarayanna Mining, the two companies in Neusingen are Xiao Xiami, and the former naturally occupies the best position. Fortunately, Mr. Pierre's goal was achieved, and all the drinks during this performance were provided by Hercules Trading Company.

The charity show is a great title, and will be attended by the Head Professor of the Tower of Stars, the Bishop of St. Miller's Cathedral, and representatives of the King. Newsingen was counting on the princes who controlled the country to taste the marvelous purple drink, which would then naturally appear in fine restaurants, on the most exclusive shelves and in their mansions.

Valang, the general manager of the mining company, will not care about such trivial matters. Mr. Necker left this momentous occasion entirely to himself, and many of Mr. Necker's subordinates were not convinced. He must do his best at everything to prove himself and prove how discerning Mr. Necker is in handing over the kingdom's number one business society to a young man with a down-and-out noble background.


"Sir, are you okay?" Valan's secretary quickly stepped forward and handed over a brand new flannel handkerchief, which had been dipped in antitussive herbal powder.

Valang took a deep breath and immediately suppressed the impulse in his chest, which turned into an indescribable pain. Valen has contracted this problem since he fell into the water. Even the priests of the monastery did not cure him, and he could only take medicine from time to time.

After adjusting his condition, Valan seriously reminded his secretary: "In front of other people, call me sir or manager." Valan must smooth out every wrinkle before going on stage, as if this title cannot be confusing, even if he is about to recover and Inherit the title that his father was deprived of.

His hand reached into the inner pocket of his coat. The piece of donkey skin was still there, but now it was so small that it could be stuffed into the pocket without rolling it up.

That was his biggest uneasiness, and facing the fear of death, this little nervousness seemed insignificant at the moment.

"Okay, this outfit looks good."

Kano looked at the young couple in front of him: the man had his hair combed and was more energetic than usual after putting on the custom-made formal suit; while the woman was not used to the dress and was holding on to the rabbit fur shawl and not wanting to show off too much. It was revealed that her temperament changed after she put down her high ponytail. However, she only applied a little powder at her insistence and did not cover her face and neck with white powder.

Carnot himself wore a mage's robe, but unfortunately one of the three did not. In order to save Pascal's face, Paulina, as his female companion, wore a formal dress.

The waiter guided the three of them to the largest box in the center, where Valan had been waiting for a long time: "Dear Master Leonor Cano! We meet again! These two are"

Because Pascal and Paulina's temperaments had changed so much, Valen did not think of his savior.

"My students, Paulina and Pascal."

"The two mages are really eye-catching." Valan was a little disappointed. In his calculation, Cano should at least bring Rorschach, so that he could draw out the reporters who had been ambushing him for a long time, and then speculate on the secondary plane. topic to boost fast-rising stocks.

Someone who was not very popular asked the question directly for Valente: "Where is your most precious boy?" The seats on both sides of Duplesi and next to him in the box were empty, and the three owners of the seats - —The priest of St. Miller's Church, the chief of the palace guard, and his wife were standing aside drinking purple wine and chatting animatedly.

"Although I am never partial to students, I can still guess who you are talking about, Bishop. Master Rorschach is busy tonight, and I am sorry to miss this performance."

Before Kano finished speaking, Pierre Neusingen's powerful voice came from across the door in the corridor: "Master Rorschach, you are finally here! This is my wife Delfina, Snow." The mage is already in the box, follow me."

Very energetic and complements the products he sells.

The corner of the Cardinal's mouth rose a few millimeters: "Mr. Cano is right. Now we all know that Mr. Rorschach is indeed a teacher who cannot accompany him."

Rorschach doesn't want to wear any custom-made dress that conforms to the etiquette and fashion of the Holy Kingdom. Whether or not it costs money is secondary. He does not have and will not hire servants in the future, or use the hands of a mage to dress himself in cumbersome sets. . These gorgeous clothes and every decoration are exquisite. When you wear them, you join the game of hierarchy, accept consideration, consider, and despise others. For a young man, a mage's robe is enough.

But now Rorschach is no longer short of money. He purchased a new set of robes. Different from the low-key black tone and purple trim in the empire, his robes at this time are all purple velvet, and the inside is White double-breasted tuxedo and no scarf.

"You are a mage who looks like a priest, but those priests are becoming more and more aristocratic. Except for our bishop." Snow made a joke when he saw Rorschach wearing simple clothes.

You showed off the slovenliness of a sans-culottes man. Luo Xia also sat down: "Most of those clergymen have extraordinary backgrounds."


There is a small table next to each person's seat, with mineral water from Mount Saint Cassius, lavender sparkling water and wine. The waiter will bring an ice bucket if necessary, although the weather is still freezing now. In addition to drinks, there is also a telescope used for watching dramas placed lightly on the flannel.

The glasses are made of gold wire. If the audience cannot see clearly, they can hold the long handle on one side and hold it in front of their eyes.

Just as Rorschach was about to pick it up, Kano's voice suddenly came from his mind: "Why are you here?"

Unexpectedly, Kano would use [Communication Technique] nearby. Rorschach took a sip of his drink to calm down his shock: "Teacher? I was invited by Mr. Newsingen, oh, he is the general manager of Heliqiu Energy Potion Factory."

"Oh, then you do better than Pascal. Listen, Pascal, Paulina, and I are in the biggest box next door. We were invited by Saliana Mining. If there are reporters or something, don't show up, and go around it. The general manager, Valang, is leaving. Do you still remember that boy, right?"

"Remember." Not only did I remember, I also saved his life!

"That's good"

"So you have always been sure that the gold mine in the secondary plane will not produce any output. Otherwise, why would you not want the person involved to be related to the company?" Another voice joined in again.

Why do you say two again?

"That's enough of you Du Plessis! Last time we were in the wrong, but this time you were rude!"

"I can only blame you for not being good at [Communication Technique]." In fact, Kano was already on guard. However, Rorschach's [Communication Technique] skills were not as good as Kano's, although Snow on Rorschach's side was not at all. aware. Well, the main reason is that the prime minister is very powerful.

"I don't believe it!"


The noise stung Rorschach's brain. "What's wrong?" Snow finally noticed.

"Do you believe me when I say that the Archmage and the Archbishop are fighting next door?" Rorschach could feel the subtle and violent fluctuations of the ether on his left hand side, dominated by two wills. The two seemed to be engaging in an arm-wrestling battle between magic and theurgy.

"Stop making trouble, the play is about to start. Have you heard? It's a very popular movie, but it was originally hard to get a ticket."

Applause broke out in the box and the audience, and then the overture played in the darkness, with wind and string instruments singing.

The spotlights come on and the curtain is drawn as the overture fades out.

Thanks to book friends "Xinghan Traveler", "Non-Memory Strike", "jzllp", "Nightlight Shines on the Butt" and "Zhang Pur" for their monthly ticket support!

Thanks to book friends such as "There is a Bear", "Feng Jian Jue", "Blowing Clouds", "Little Fat Bee" and "Zhang Pur" for their recommendation votes!

Sorry for the late update this afternoon┗( T﹏T )┛

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