Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 117 Analyzing God-given Patterns

At the prince's house, Valan made a bitter presentation to His Highness, pointing out that if he quit now, he would miss the next wave of rising prices and bring huge losses to his expected profits.

But the old prince insisted again and again, not giving Valan much room for maneuver.

"Your Highness, pardon me, the dividend date is less than half a year away, just like the delicacies for a banquet haven't been cooked yet, why are you in such a hurry to leave?"

The prince still insisted: "I want to sell my two thousand shares to the market. This is my right. Even if Charlie comes, don't even think about interfering! I am the prince of the Kingdom of Saint-Valois. I still need to be disposed of my belongings." Are you pointing fingers?"

Two thousand shares, according to the current trading price, should be more than 800,000 lang. At the moment when the stock price is weak, the sell-off will definitely cause a huge shock, especially since the identity of the prince has attracted countless people's attention, and the associated consequences will be catastrophic.

Valan did not expect the prince's attitude to be so resolute: "Your Highness, you are our major shareholder. If you have any needs, you can ask the company, and we will definitely do our best to satisfy you. Now in the critical period of mining, it is the time when funds need to be continuously invested. At that time, I implore you to think carefully for the sake of the company, no, for the development of the secondary plane and the future of the Holy Kingdom."

The old prince softened a little: "My son, Valan, your father is an upright man, and your father will be pleased that you are here today. But I hope you can inherit your father's honesty, and tell me carefully, what is Shariana's truth?" Is there a gold mine?”

Valan's smile was very sincere: "Of course, Your Highness! We will have something to gain soon, very soon! Please witness it then!"

"Well, I believe you for once, for your father's sake, he is an impressive model nobleman, if it hadn't been for that misfortune."

"Needless to say, Your Highness, I am very grateful that you can continue to support the company. You are our extraordinary shareholder!" The general manager of the mining company said goodbye after saying polite words and hurriedly left the Prince's Palace.

The old prince watched the servant send Valan away and said slowly: "You are right. It seems that the so-called free trade only has difficulties and troubles."

"If you insist on selling, maybe my cousin will write a letter in person to stop you." A man in black and gold-embellished clothes walked out of the shadows. His eyes seemed to belong to a falcon, with a sarcastic smile on his face. .

If Rorschach saw this man, he might feel familiar: The man is Philip's father, Duke Louis de Merovingac. He is a branch of the royal family, an open careerist in Valouana, and the most powerful person in the banking world. of great nobility. He holds shares in many banks, and his largest source of income has long since shifted from pure fiefdom output to money begetting money and compound interest.

The old prince frowned: "Louis, your attitude towards His Majesty the King is too contemptuous! Not to mention this, according to the previous agreement, two thousand shares can be worth 600,000 francs, right?" This is the prince's reserve price, although the purchase price The purchase price was lowered by the swapping of government bonds for stocks, but there is still inflation, and no profit will be made no matter how low it is.

"Your Highness, I must remind you that such a mortgage is not cost-effective in terms of interest. I have a better plan, which is equivalent to you transferring the equity to me. After you take the money, you don't have to think about anything. Don't worry, all the procedures are After it was done, they couldn’t find anything wrong with it.”

So on the same day, both Necker and Valan were under pressure to disclose the development status of the gold mine as soon as possible.

Fortunately, after months of intensive arrangements, the stage is almost ready.

On the outskirts of the city, the teleportation base where Rorschach entered the secondary plane has now been built with a formal roof, a metallurgical workshop has been built next to it, and a little further away there is the reception center of the "Sareana Mining Company".

Without opening the newspaper, the headline on the first page of the newspaper read: "The gold mining work is progressing smoothly, and the first batch of finished gold bars is expected to be excavated and smelted in the second half of the year. At that time, the company will hold a celebration ceremony and a press conference for the first gold mined, and sincerely invites all major Shareholders and media are not allowed to attend the ceremony without entrance.”

When Rorschach was having lunch, he held two pieces of bread with cheese, fried eggs, ham slices and vegetables in one hand and read the newspaper in the other. This way of eating has long existed on the south coast of the continent. Similar snacks can also be seen for sale in cities with prosperous commerce in the empire. However, it is still relatively rare in Valuana. With Rorschach taking the lead, apprentices who are in a hurry will imitate everything. stand up.

"Have a piece of Rorschach bread", now you can get the same configuration as in the cafeteria. Only the uninformed person always says one piece of bread and two vegetables.

"Is this because the stock can't be sold?" Rorschach rolled up the newspaper and left after dinner. He returned to his dormitory and started writing letters to his parents, mainly talking about the play "Emond and Catherine" he had watched.

"The nobles received a large amount of ill-gotten wealth, which made the residents of the harbor very dissatisfied. They asked for a fair verdict. In the end, the nobles were defeated and the two were happily reunited. The play was well received in Valuauna and the venue was full. , the audience is mostly businessmen and ordinary citizens, and it is said that the faces of the adults in the palace and the church in the audience are extremely ugly. It is equally exciting inside and outside the play."

The agency should be able to understand what it means, right?

Rorschach continued to write: "But let me say that the role of the magician in the play made us laugh. It seemed that all magicians could be represented by an old man with a white beard. My teacher pointed out the mistake to the screenwriter and hoped that one day he could bring it with him. If you go to the show, at least Angel will like it."

The letter to Teacher Caroline stated that people suspected of being members of the Holy Mother Order appeared in Valuauna, plotting to cause terror. Now the Kingdom and the Church have noticed, and the branch of the Magic Guild in the Holy Kingdom is also alert.

I wonder if the teacher has returned to the academy. Rorschach didn't know her contact address when she was in Istani, so she could only continue to send it to Imperial College.

After putting them all away in envelopes, Rorschach's desk was empty. He spread out a new piece of manuscript paper and carefully drew a complex figure between a magic circle and a secret contract.

This pattern saved many people in the secondary plane - after infusing it with blood, the [Forest of Dryatz] will appear.

Rorschach discovered that the magic in this field (probably divine magic) not only has a restorative effect, but also has a strong protective ability, which can withstand the storm of transmutation dust and the filthy divine power of Mother Earth.

Rorschach doesn't need a tree, he needs this protective ability to restrain the dangerous and deadly mixed divine power in the transformation dust.

For the subsequent research on transmutation dust, Rorschach's first thought was to use this pattern to inspire divine magic. It was not enough for him to cast it himself. It needed to be fixed in the form of a magic circuit in the collection device, and it could not grow like a mushroom. Several trees sprouted out when it started.

Before entering the black forest, what this magic summoned was the shadow of a tree, composed of blue flowing fireflies. Maybe it was just a projection in an environment that was not suitable for the growth of trees? Can this projection be transformed into the form I need to restrain the transmutation dust?

With this in mind, Rorschach tried to parse the pattern.

Of course, the experiment cannot be carried out in the dormitory or the laboratory in the research building. Rorschach has already reserved a practice room and prepared parchment paper, alchemical ink and the same metal plate as the laboratory.

"There shouldn't be any need for blood sacrifices, right?" If it can only be activated by blood, what's the use value? Rorschach wants results that can be industrialized, and he is not a villain, making flesh and blood to generate electricity. Rorschach is confident that he is "not a favored person but a favored one", and Dryarts should be willing to betray himself.

In the practice room, he began to compare the structure of the circuits. Comparing Dryac's pattern with the modern magic circle in "Geometric Analysis of Standard Magic Circles", it is obvious that they are not the same system. Rorschach did not hesitate and immediately took out the Totem Book in the Elf Village from the Najie.

"Sure enough, there is a reference for analysis and decipherment."

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