Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 118 The Great Extinction of the Symbolic Realm

Wherever there is a spear, there is a shield. If mages have means of attack, they must have means of protection. However, according to the research of the Kano team, transmutation dust can penetrate most defensive magic, so the idea of ​​constructing the magic circle on the crystal cover is to first intensify the release of transmutation dust, and then erupt ether to counteract the released divine power and ether.

Magic defeats magic, and divine power defeats divine power. What Rorschach can use is the divine magic given by the maiden in the forest.

The book in Rorschach's hand was cut and bound using specially treated phloem of tree bark, and was covered with leather. This totemological book of the elves is entirely in Yabo language. In addition to a large number of patterns and their corresponding symbols, there are also hymns divided by seasons, praising nature and their gods.

After comparison, Rorschach found several elements that were similar to Dryac's pattern.

"Divine law, playing", "creation", "vitality, upward", "protection", and then the symbols that represent "nature, sacredness, immortality" among elves. Nested within this symbol is an entire spiritual rune, a symbolic rune that can point to a great being. In terms of complexity of structural elements, only the Holy Glory of "Sylvanos" can equal it.

It seems that the corresponding symbol points to Dryats.

There are still many uncertain circuits and structures, and Rorschach is not sure how to modify them, so he first traces some elements individually and combines them.

The combination method is very crude. First, draw the simplest magic circle on the metal plate, then construct an energy-guiding loop on the outer ring and connect it to the totem. Alchemy ink will not penetrate the metal plate, and Rorschach has mixed bone glue in advance to ensure that the ink will not spread on the plate.

After the totem of "Divine Rhythm, Performance" was activated, the ether in the environment trembled, and then there was no subsequent reaction.

This effect seems to be "magic drive", but what happens next? just this?

Rorschach thought for a while, no longer using this element, and directly added geometric units that guide environmental magic in the outer ring, replacing elves and talismans, and then tried the next totems one by one.

The effect of "Creation" was very strange. The metal plate was rusted, and Rorschach could only use [Decomposition] to disintegrate its surface and re-outline it. "Vitality" and "Guardian" have no effect until the "natural, sacred, immortal" totem lights up, producing a weak emerald green light, which is fleeting. After it is destroyed, only the faint smell of grass and rosin is left. Rorschach I don't know if this smell is my imagination.

This is close to the aura of the great mages of the Forest Tower.

Finally, we arrived at the Holy Emblem of Dryats. Rorschach finished drawing it and said silently: "Sister, please do me a favor, for the sake of me pulling your old man up from the secondary plane." Rorschach input the Queen of Ether, Feeling that the structure was responding, but not strong enough, he increased the input, and finally the familiar blue flowing firefly appeared, which was also fleeting.

At that time, blood needed to be sacrificed. Rorschach thought for a moment, pricked his fingertips and dripped his own blood into the alchemical ink, and then traced it on the metal plate again. As expected, the blue flowing fireflies could continue to be produced. He entered the ether, and in Under the mark of the holy symbol, it continuously transforms into flowing fireflies, which continue to evaporate and dissipate after leaving the plane of the metal plate for a certain distance.

Then add the totem of "guarding" and excite, and the blue fluorescence stays and condenses on the surface of the metal plate. Rorschach summoned a small fireball to hit the surface, and instantly the fireball shattered together with the blue fluorescence.

Not yet, now just like the tempered film of a mobile phone screen, the blue light barrier is only one-time and very fragile.

Rorschach added the "life force" totem, and the barrier became more resilient, but it was not enough. The state he envisioned should be one that could be continuously regenerated like the [Forest of Dryatz]. But wouldn’t that recreate the entire magic? There should be other alternatives. In addition, Rorschach found that the activation delay of the mixture of modern magic circles and totems is far longer than that of other magic circles.

Rorschach activated the metal disc again and looked at the blue light barrier: Did he make a holy shield?

Ta Ling reminded that it was time to use his practice room.

Rorschach packed everything and came out, recording his gains in the dormitory. It seemed that there was no special progress or gains, and the "disposable holy shield" was obviously not what he needed. In fact, this is normal. The previous research was more like drawing a target according to the landing point. Today's setbacks are the norm.

The next afternoon, Rorschach found Cano.

"Is this your result yesterday?" Kano looked at the metal disk and then tried to activate the blue light barrier.

"At that time, this energy withstood the storm of transmutation dust, so I think it has resistance to mixed divine power."

"If it really works, I can recommend you to consult Professor Poincaré. To be honest, your array design level is appalling." Kano put down the metal plate in disgust - it depicts a hybrid of a geometric array and an elven totem. Freak, and completely ignored the activation timing of the core unit and the attenuation of the ether density in the circuit. Its operation seems to mainly rely on the symbolic runes in the core.

It is truly a magical circle that not only creates a blue light barrier, but also increases Master Kano's blood pressure.

However, the symbolic runes that can be stimulated aroused Kano's interest: "Master Rorschach, do you know what the symbolic mass extinction is?"

Rorschach searched through the memories related to college education, but it seemed that the term was not mentioned, so he could only shake his head honestly.

"Then you should know that since the Second God War and the destruction of the old empire, many spell-casting rituals and magic circles have become ineffective."

This Rorschach knew that it was mentioned in the history of magic, but did not delve into the reason. The astral teleportation that Kano was studying also failed after the end of the old empire era, because the main plane and the astral plane were isolated by transmutation dust.

"In ancient times, there were many magic array systems, many of which were related to the symbols of high-level beings. By pointing to a certain high-level existence through symbols, you can gain part of his power or activate the authority he controls. Some can even directly summon people called by mortals. Something like an angel or a demon.”

These are common in various mythological epics. They may be angels, demigods, or they may be regarded as monsters, evil things, and demons. However, in Rorschach's perception, these existences in the current world have also perished like the Warcraft. Only in A glimpse of the form of the divine skeleton in the secondary plane.

Carnot drew a figure at random: "Don't we have St. Miller's Cathedral in Valouana? 'Miller' is not a saint, but the name of an archangel under the God of Light." He used ancient Arabic The letters write "Miller", and then they are deformed and overlapped into a symbol composed of lines:

"What I construct now is His symbol. Theoretically, I can pray and activate His power, fill it into the 'magic circle', and construct an original magic circle. This symbol is the core.

The caster can use power to protect himself or carry out holy attacks. As long as the spellcaster is not a corrupt person or a person who disrupts order, there is a possibility of being blessed by Saint Miller. It does not have to be a priest or a charisma. "

"Theoretically?" Rorschach knew that "theoretically possible" means no, "in principle not possible" means feasible.

"Yes, in theory it was possible before the Silent Era. The directions were rich and diverse, and the array system also had many systems around different high positions.

Then boom, they all failed, and at the same time, no trace of the symbolic realm of these high-level existences could be found. Combined with the silence of the gods, some scholars believe that most high-level existences have passed away, calling this phenomenon the "Great Extinction of the Symbolic Realm."

It not only represents the disappearance of those high-ranking beings, but also refers to the complete collapse of the totem, runes and magic circle systems built around the symbols of these high-ranking beings. The runes in your hand now are particularly precious. "

This is a symbol of response. Perhaps even the Holy Emblem of the God of Light and Order cannot be directly inspired in this way now.

Finally, Kano threw the problem of improving the magic circle to his colleagues: "The magic circle system we use now is the geometric symbolic system created by the great sage Euclid, and all the constituent units directly point to the four elements and basic spells.

I will contact Professor Poincaré tomorrow. He is an expert in this field. Compared with him, I can only count half of it. If he is free and can help, Taling will notify you to find him. "

Rorschach was a little surprised: "I didn't expect you to have such a humble side."

"To be honest, I'm already proud of myself. But now I don't specialize in theory."

Thanks to the book friend "Where Will I Return" for the reward!

Thank you to book friends "Love to Eat Fish and Fish Man", "I Can't See Big Things", "Law Observer", "HNO3" and "Book Friends 20170621162534896" for their monthly support!

Thank you to book friends such as "Wake Up from an Anxious Dream", "Lighthouse under the Sunset", "A Person's Leisure", "Fake Corpse", "Book Friends 20180714175110100" and other book friends for their recommendation votes and encouragement!

Character cards may be created one after another in the future. The first one is Ranger Hill's, which should still be under review.

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