Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 120 A reunion only a boy knows about

Rorschach explained his ideas and needs, and Professor Poincaré recorded them in his notebook.

"I will design it according to your requirements. It will take about a month." The professor touched his smoothly shaved chin: "But Master Rorschach, I also need compensation. Haha, of course it is not money."

"You say."

"These elf totems should have a complete system, right? I want to translate them all. It would be best if the basic unit library could be expanded." Poincaré set his sights on Rorschach's elf totem book.

It was originally from the Elf Village. Rorschach gave it to the professor, but reminded: "Professor, they discovered it with the Forest Tower at the time. They hoped to..."

"Also in a month, I will give you the original text plus the translation, how about it?"

"Thank you very much, Professor." Is there such a good thing? Rorschach quickly handed it over to Poincaré.

After the young mage left the research room, Poincaré opened the book of totems. Except for the two pointing to the gods, there were thirty-four totems in total. He ordered the tower spirit to call his most capable students.

"Professor, are you looking for me?"

"Here is a small task for you. It should be completed within two ten days." Poincaré was holding the magic circle that he promised to improve for Rorschach, and asked to write it all down in a small notebook. Now the page has been torn out. Give them to the students together.

The student did not take the information immediately: "Professor, I am very busy! I will defend it immediately."

"Didn't we recruit a few new apprentices? You are guiding the newcomers to practice on this project. I don't want you to do it, let the newcomers do it."

"All right."

"Also, starting from the second half of the year, we will notify the apprentices in the advanced class of 'Spell-Magic Array' to do professional experiments. They will be paired up in pairs. Each afternoon, two groups will be arranged to come to my place to translate the magic circle. You can also contact the apprentices in the class to arrange one. The timetable comes out, and you can adjust it if it conflicts with the curriculum." The materials for the experiment are already available, and Poincaré stroked the cover of the Book of Elf Totems.


The professor thought for a while and felt that he needed to encourage the apprentices: "When you notify them, tell them that the runes translated in this experiment are made public for the first time. If particularly valuable content is discovered, I will personally guide the team that discovered it. Write and publish a paper.”

Overlapping with the memories from three years ago, the professor's protégé now had a strong sense of déjà vu. He forced out a smile and said, "I must convey your meaning clearly. If there is nothing else, I will leave."

"Go ahead."

The door to the research room was completely closed, and the professor sat back in his seat. He first casually browsed through a few elven poems, and then devoted himself to his own research.

The airship manufacturer wanted to improve the protective array on the surface of the air bag, and for this purpose he turned to Poincaré. The professor picked up an inflated rubber ball as a model, used charcoal to draw a magic circle on it, and then filled it with other geometric units. The schematic diagram of the magic circle was ready.

The circles drawn on the sphere get smaller and smaller, and some units only have a small dot left. The professor opened the air nozzle to deflate the ball, and the ball became shriveled, with convex and concave surfaces. He spread out the deflated ball to observe the schematic diagram of the magic circle he had just drawn. After observing for a while, he blew on the ball again, restoring its approximate round shape.

Slowly, a conjecture emerged in his mind: Are simply connected three-dimensional closed manifolds homeomorphic to the three-dimensional sphere?

Within a month, it was impossible for Rorschach to wait. He revised the manuscript of the proposal report several times according to Kano's requirements, and he insisted on improving the subject of magic circles. When Poincaré saw Rorschach in the last row of the "Magic-Array" advanced class, he nodded to him and started class.

Rorschach never missed a single class after that.

"I can also design it myself now." As a practice, Rorschach made the [Molten Ray] into a scroll.

This heat ray developed during the trip to the Black Forest has a higher temperature, thinner and more concentrated rays, and has burning and cutting effects compared to the "pseudo dragon's breath" obtained by directly replacing the entry with [Fireball]. Are these characteristics? It remains to be tested whether it can be inherited after being made into a spell scroll.

"Just think of it as a homework assignment for yourself." Rorschach took out the scroll in the practice room, but according to his design, the scroll needed to be rolled up and the ray would be released at the tip. He held the tube made of scroll in his hand and fired it forward. The blue ray rushed out and successfully passed through the target.

The parchment and alchemical ink could not carry the overly concentrated ether and spellcasting fluctuations. After unfolding the scroll again, Rorschach saw charred, radial burn marks, and some ink marks exploded, causing the magic circle to be blurred.

"It's the same as the wand, but it's disposable." Rorschach has no interest in continuing to develop it, because he knows this spell himself, and the charging process of the scroll and the efficiency of energy utilization may not be as good as his own energy storage.

In Rorschach's vision, the transmutation dust is no longer covered by a crystal cover, but a straight tower is designed. The top of the tower is turned upside down to transmit the array of transmutation dust, and the transmutation dust is sprayed downward.

The eruption process of the transmutation dust was very violent, and he needed to slow down its movement speed. For this, he prepared a variety of plans, including using [Feather Fall Technique] and [Levitation Technique] to slow down and hover after the transmutation dust was passivated. However, Rorschach didn't know if it would work, so it was just one of the options.

To this end, Rorschach spent "a lot of money" to buy two spell learning scrolls. At the same time, he copied several copies with his own skills. He also found the relevant notes of the two spells and the casting experience of predecessors from the data room. Without the panel, Learn these two spells by yourself if you participate.

[Levitation] involves a process of enchanting objects. Currently, the ether organized by Rorschach circulates in a certain pattern within the body of the experimental subject: a charcoal pencil, resisting gravity.

Rorschach grabbed the suspended charcoal, canceled the effect of the spell and then cast [Featherfall]. This spell not only provided downward repulsion, but also made the air around the charcoal very viscous. After Rorschach [Arcane Vision] 】The aura given by the ether is not only inside the charcoal pen, but also surrounds the whole body of the charcoal pen.

Okay, the next job is to draw these two magic circles and transform them into circular forms to arrange them on the inner wall of the straight tube.

During these days, Rorschach was in an autistic stage, and spent most of his time huddled in the Tower of Stars. Every few days, he would go to the research building and Kano to report on the progress, and test the effect of the magic circle on transmutation dust.

The only way to understand the outside world is during lunch time for eating and reading newspapers.

"His Royal Highness the Prince personally cut the ribbon at the Saliana Mining and Metallurgical Factory in the eastern suburbs. Under the watchful eyes of everyone present, the first batch of commemorative gold coins left the factory and were distributed to the top fifty major shareholders as early dividends.

General Manager Mr. Valan said that in order to completely respond to external doubts, the company will organize a visiting group of 30 people next month to visit the gold mining site in the secondary plane. In addition to the 15 shareholder members, five reporters, and Ten places are randomly open to people from the Valuauna region. "

The way to draw the number of visitors is very simple: if you buy a six-pack of "Hercules" purple soda in the Valuauna region, you will have a chance to find a gold coupon in the package. With the coupon, you can get a commemorative gold coin and a secondary plane gold mine. Visit tour.

"Okay, I know how to play." Luo Xia closed the newspaper without any special thoughts. Now the secondary plane has nothing to do with him, and he can do whatever the minister and young man Valan do. He ate the last bite of bread and washed it down with milk.

Suddenly Rorschach choked and let his nose taste the taste of milk.

Cough cough cough.

Panel, the long-lost panel has been updated!

Sorry, something suddenly happened at school tonight. I went to the college building to update. TT

Thanks to "Book Friends 20210301106554987982" and "Trip000000" for their monthly ticket support!

Thanks to book friends such as "SEERS", "The Lost Minotaur", "Xiaoxiang Swordsman", "Little Fat Bee", "The Deficient Man", "Riding the Wind in a Day", "Win and Fight" and other book friends for their recommendation votes and encouragement!

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