Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 125 The Righteous Man

Rorschach did not return to the Tower of Stars immediately after graduating from Valuana High School. Because the materials for the defense were prepared and the classes were attended, the young man got a rare period of free time at this moment.

After staying in the Magic Tower for too long, I felt like my whole body was starting to become sluggish. Rorschach admits that he is not the kind of person who can isolate himself from the world for research and practice.

Rorschach could concentrate on learning magic circles for a month, and devote himself wholeheartedly to the design of the "Transmutation Dust Collector" for ten days. The spare time he took out was not for entertainment, but to compile basic alchemy textbooks. But he needs to relax now and take advantage of the spring sunshine.

According to the requirements of the Higher Normal School, Rorschach did not wear a mage robe to go to class. Now he is wearing ordinary clothes, which is convenient for walking in the market without attracting attention.

In spring, the sun is brighter in this season, and Rorschach walks aimlessly along the banks of the Seine River. Compared with when he first came here, there were more carriages on the Valuauna Road at this time, and there were many new styles. There were also more people on the road than usual.

However, he noticed that pedestrians in the past were often well-dressed, and the colors of their clothing were in the style of the Holy Kingdom: bright and bold, but now many of the people around him wore old clothes that had not been taken care of, and their faces and hair were also unkempt.

There will be a small kiosk on the street that sells newspapers and groceries. Rorschach plans to buy a bottle of soda.

But there was a skinny sans-culottes man who rushed to the grocery store like a ghost, blocked Rorschach, and raised a crumpled livre in his hand: "Boss, here is a flower ticket."

"Now we are selling from five pieces." The grocery store owner glanced at the customer and began to pull out colorful small pieces of paper.

"Damn it, are you still making money?" The man raised his second hand again - this time it was a fist. What Rorschach could see was that the rough ravines on his knuckles were covered with grease, and there were a few scratches on the back of his hands.

"Next time, don't buy it alone." The boss took out a note and gave it to the man, then collected the money.

The man who got the "flower ticket" immediately put it in his arms, looked around and ran into an alley and disappeared.

Seeing Rorschach's fair skin, the boss immediately changed his face and smiled, showing his yellowed teeth: "What does this gentleman need? Do you want to buy a flower ticket? For one livre, you can win up to a hundred gold coins." , with royal guarantee.”

"Isn't it possible to sell at least five tickets?"

"Seeing that you are curious, I must have never bought flower tickets before. You can try your luck by buying one first." The boss seemed to be particularly considerate: "Young master, a decent person like you will buy flower tickets from me. They are all ten notes." Just bet and buy, and the person who guessed Marseille just now is an old scoundrel, don’t pay attention to such people."

It turned out to be lottery tickets, and they sounded like they were selling very well. I am just a mage, and I don’t have the superpower to bet 50,000 and win 220 million. Rorschach shook his head and declined, insisting on only buying soda.

"You can get the deposit of three copper coins back if you take the bottle." The boss helped Luo Xiaqi open the bottle.

"What is that?" A dozen marked maps hung on the wall of the pavilion, making Rorschach curious.

"A guide to selling money! Oh, the latest new product claims to have collected restaurants and other shops worth trying in Valuauna. In short, it has marked out the places for you to eat, drink and have fun, and there is also a booklet with detailed reviews. Purchase the map separately Twelve coppers, and a livre for the pamphlet."

Isn't this the idea I came up with when I was shopping with my senior brothers and sisters? Is it really done? Rorschach bought the entire set, and there was a guy named "Thor" among the editors on the title page of the booklet.

I think I should pay a dividend to my senior brother, as the provider of ideas. Rorschach happened to be hungry and planned to see if there was anything he could recommend. There are icons and stars under the shop names on the map. The intersection of the fork and knife is obviously a restaurant. There are also teahouses pointed to by cups, clothing stores pointed by hats, and butterflies parked at the "Moulin Rouge" and "Dream Vallou". On the business premises with a store name like "Wana".

It should, I hope, it is best that the "butterflies" are not evaluated by the senior fellow students in person, otherwise the research team will have a bloody storm sooner or later!

"Sir, don't go down there." The boss saw Luo Xia put away the map and was about to continue walking down the street. He kindly reminded: "There is a group of people from other provinces in front of us. I don't know how serious it is. It will be in danger for a decent young man like you to go there." of."

"A foreigner?"

The boss explained: "There was a factory in front of us that closed down. The workers couldn't get paid and were making trouble at the door every day. These people have no income. Seeing how you are not short of money, they may have some evil thoughts."

"Thank you for reminding me." How could it go bankrupt? Luo Xia refused to leave after being persuaded. He simply chose a restaurant and hired a taxi on the roadside.

There are indeed many people who have lost their jobs further down the street, but now they gather together without causing trouble. Instead, they gather around a young man to listen to his speech:

"Listen to me, everyone, there is no result in doing this! This place no longer belongs to that cunning moth! You can't wait for him to show up even if you surround him every day!"

"What should we do? We came here to work, and we still have to make money. Now the bread in the capital is made of gold, and the little money we have is just enough to exchange for rations! We don't even have money to go back to the fields! 伱If we don’t catch that lying pig, what else can we do?”

The person who answered the call was originally a farmer, but he had a relative from Valuvana who was introduced to work in the workshop of the royal capital in the new year. In the first month, I did make much more money than cultivating the fields. Unexpectedly, after half the village came, the workshop closed down! We agreed to be paid quarterly in March, but now everyone has been working for nothing for two months.

People can make a lot of money here and spend money quickly, which puts people in a dilemma. They have to do odd jobs to survive, and they have to wait here in batches to see if they can meet the damn factory director. Nowadays, labor is not as valuable as it was when I first came here. Without skills, I can only live half-starved and half-fed.

The young man explained loudly: "Of course we have to catch the person involved and the guy, but we can appeal to the court and petition His Majesty the King to get justice and the money we deserve. Instead of wasting time here doing useless work." "

The people from the provinces were excited and timid when they heard about "appealing to the king" and "asking for money".

"Sir, we can't read or write, and we don't know any masters. How can we let His Majesty hear us?"

Unexpectedly, the young man was already prepared: "I have already learned about the situation here. The owner of the workshop is now being sued by other creditors and is being controlled. As far as I know, the gentleman still has some money and he can't run away!

Since I owe you remuneration and you are also creditors, I can appeal on your behalf and ask the judge to order him to pay your share first. The judge cannot make a ruling based on merit and justice, so I will write a petition on your behalf. To Your Majesty! "

"Who are you? Can you really help us?" Everyone couldn't believe that Valuana was really that big, that a strange gentleman would jump out to do justice for them.

The young man's voice was firm and convincing and extremely reassuring: "My name is Maxim. If you all agree, from now on I will be the lawyer for all the parties involved. I will provide free assistance and help you get an explanation!"

"Rock" Maxim was once again surrounded and cheered, from the small town to the royal capital.

"Where are you going, sir?" The coachman received the job.

"'Golden Crown Tavern', on Montoggli Street." Why does the name sound so awkward to pronounce? Rorschach originally planned to look for food near "Valuana's Belly", but he felt that he should stay away from the unreliable aquatic product manager. , Mr. Floran, a member of the underground club, stay away.

There is one more update. The content of this chapter is to serve the subsequent plot and has nothing to do with reality.

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