Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 124 The Last General of the Kingdom

Something that magic can't do? Of course there are many. For example, Rorschach is now an Internet addict. Magic should not be able to change the entire Internet to Rorschach.

But there was a hint of hostility in this question, and perhaps the student who asked the question didn't even realize it. His grandfather was a mage, but neither his father nor he showed any ability to cast spells since then. Under the care of his ancestors, he became an affiliate of the magic guild, and his father also achieved some success in business.

There are many such students here. If there really is a God of Magic, then He must be a God of stubbornness and fairness, who will never allow spellcasting talents to be passed down stably from generation to generation and bloodline to be refined. Because of this, most mages only value their own practice and do not fantasize about passing on any stable and talented bloodline.

This is also the reason why a great mage like Kano is single. In addition, his lifespan is longer than that of ordinary people. He sticks to his original intention in relationships - he always likes eighteen years old, but he can occasionally change his taste when he meets someone who is well-maintained. This is unusual in the Vanity Fair of Valuauna.

Some mages who start a family hope that they can be appreciated by the king and become a noble, so that their descendants can continue to be masters regardless of whether they have magical power. Some choose to use the convenience of the magic guild to let the family run a business. .

Over time, the chambers of commerce affiliated with the guilds have accumulated an astonishing scale, involving all walks of life. They can enjoy preferential tax rates in front of the king and emperor, but they bear the logistics and financial support of the magic tower.

Therefore, the family of the student who asked the question always showed a sense of helplessness and unwillingness, consciously or unconsciously, which the young man subconsciously showed in today's class.

Rorschach has always felt that there is no need to isolate spellcasters from those without spellcasting ability, and there is no need to force "pure technology" in a world with magic, tearing apart the "technological side" and the "magic side". He is not What Academy City Chairman?

"Have this classmate ever seen an airship?" Rorschach originally wanted to ask if he had "sited on" one before, but not everyone could afford to ride on an airship. To be cautious, he changed the question from "Have you ever eaten pork?" to "Have you ever eaten pork?" I’ve never seen a pig run”.

Rorschach turned around and drew a plane diagram of the airship on the blackboard: "Because the huge airbag inside the airship is filled with light gas, the average density of the airship with its people and cargo is close to that of air, making it levitated. This is our The great alchemical structure of the era greatly promoted exchanges and trade across the continent."

After he finished drawing, he turned around and faced everyone again: "Perhaps some of you can understand the principle and others can't. Let me directly state the conclusion here: the airship's floating and propulsion do not rely on magic, and it was built by workers who cannot cast spells.

However, airships pose great safety risks. Its airbags are like moving bombs. For this reason, every airship has a mage on it to protect it.

There is a mage among the gentlemen sitting behind us. I would like to ask Master Snow, have you ever heard of magic that can levitate 20 tons of objects at a time? "

I have never heard of floating cities in this world. Master Snow, please don’t slap me in the face.

Snow was very cooperative. He responded to everyone's gazes with a smile: "I would like to say that magic is omnipotent, but the fact is: no."

Rorschach continued to ask his classmates: "Do you dare to fly in the sky with a mobile bomb without magic protection?"

"I don't dare." This time, the students shook their heads and answered. In fact, many people said in their hearts that they would not dare to sit even if they had the protection magic.

"Then in my opinion, spellcasters and people who can't cast have done amazing things together. It is the joint achievement of us humans, oh and the dwarves. The power furnace of the airship and the light gas in the air bag are theirs. products of wisdom.

So my answer to that classmate's question is, yes, there are many things that magic can't do, but since you can sit here, in a school where mages, priests and ordinary people can teach you together, you should have the courage to A belief: work hard for the advancement of human wisdom, regardless of whether your efforts include magic or not, whether the 'wisdom' belongs to a spellcaster or an ordinary person. "

It is said that all courses in universities in the previous life had an assessment requirement, and teachers had to intersperse ideological education in professional courses. Luo Xia believed that this wave of "sublimated themes" could get full marks in the assessment.

After completing the interesting experiments and ideological education, Rorschach reluctantly spread out his lesson plan handouts and began to follow the text: "Okay, let's officially start the class. I haven't found a suitable teaching material for you in this class, so you need to follow my instructions. Lecture content and board secretary notes to ensure completion of assignments and exams.

Alchemy is an ancient art, for which the great ancient sages laid the foundation for the transformation of all things."

Without the "sensory" writing board of Tower of Stars, Rorschach felt like he was sucking up chalk dust when writing on the blackboard, which was the inferior lime chalk from this world. I want to learn how to use [Air Bubble] from Master Kano to avoid occupational diseases.

A short excerpt from the Piano Concerto No. 21 in C major played on a chiming bell designed by the most illustrious clockmaker of a certain holy kingdom. Only that lord could choose music from the empire as the bell without objection.

"Then that's the end of our class for today."

"Goodbye, teacher." The students who came from free schools and monasteries immediately left their seats and bowed. The other students took a moment to catch up.

"No more bowing from now on, let's go, let's go." College students should behave like college students! Luo Xia really wanted to criticize all the students like this.

The old man put away his notebook, nodded to Luo Xia and left.

Seeing that he was completely gone, Rorschach grabbed Snow and asked, "Who is that old gentleman? Why does he seem to be from the military?"

"You are from the Empire, but you don't know that this man is a household name among the older generation of citizens of the Holy Kingdom." Snow introduced to the young man that it turned out that the old man was General Villar of the Holy Kingdom. As a famous general under King Charles XIV of the Burning Sun, Defeated the combined forces of Istani and the Empire in one fell swoop.

"He is such a fierce man?" It seems that the old man must be eighty years old. If he is not a spell caster or a benefactor, he will definitely have a long life.

Snow's next words were changed to [Messaging Technique] and said:

King Lie Sun wanted to be independent from the Church of Order at every turn, including establishing the most powerful army in the continent at the time and participating in many wars. However, because of this, the kingdom began to fall into a quagmire of debt. The 15th Emperor and the current His Majesty successively dismantled their military equipment, and now their reliance on the church for defense has deepened.

The old general was sent to the Kingdom's Artillery Academy for retirement during the reign of Charles XV. Today, His Majesty the King and the Minister of Finance have almost forgotten the existence of this school. And Du Plessis is a naval man, so he can only give "aquatic life" Red Deer” was only happy when the funds were allocated.

"In short, the old general and the instructors at the artillery academy are almost out of food. The kingdom's independent forces are being cut again and again, and a large number of students are unemployed after graduation. Well, he found that there is a lot of money here, so he brought these people here to beg for food. These are the 'engineering' teachers His Majesty refers to."

There was another thing that Snow didn't tell the imperial guy in front of him. According to the school director's rumor, Villar had given something from the bottom of the box to the captain of the guard. The flatterer immediately reminded His Majesty that there was such a " The "last general of the Holy Kingdom" wants to use his remaining energy and at the same time allow the teachers of the Artillery Academy to support their families with increasing costs.

Your Majesty, you have a big heart. Rorschach sighed and walked out of the classroom with Snow.

Sorry for updating so late. Finally finished coding. Take medicine and sleep!

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