Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 127 Teahouses across the continent are all black shops!

Rorschach wanted to ask the partners at the chamber of commerce if they knew Bart, but there were still managers present, so he decided to wait until the chattering... gentleman left.

Unexpectedly, the manager kept talking and started to promote stocks. Rorschach didn't wait for him to leave after finishing his meal. Rorschach didn't want to listen to the manager's words anymore. If he insisted, he was more interested in how to safely liquidate the stocks on hand, preferably in metal currency.

If you don’t leave, I will!

Rorschach stood up to say goodbye, and after paying the bill, he went to the opposite side of the tavern.

This is a street of restaurants and teahouses. Rorschach found a seat in the open-air area across the street and ordered a cup of hot tea.

"A cup of licorice tea, hot, without sugar. Are there any newspapers or magazines?"

"How about The Century? The latest issue has a new serial by Little Dumas." The waiters here wear floral cloth squares and have a more artistic temperament than the waiters in the tavern.

In fact, Rorschach had never heard of Little Dumas, so he casually said: "Okay, how much?"

"It's free, young sir. As long as you don't spill the tea on it and leave it before you go."

"Thank you very much."

Rorschach didn't read the newspaper. He glanced at the restaurant from time to time, waiting for the gentleman from the Baldorom Chamber of Commerce to come out.

After a second cup of tea, Mr. Windbreaker finally came out, followed by two sturdy men, one of whom was wearing an eyepatch, which made people wonder if he was a sailor or a pirate.

Are these two people waiting for Mr. Partner on the first floor of the pub? bodyguard? Or a hostage taker? The man in the trench coat tightened his hat and held a suitcase in his hand. He spread out the map and walked into the alley of this street with the two big men behind him.

Rorschach held down the newspaper and two one-livre bills with his tea cup, quickly got up and followed, and before leaving, he shouted to the waitress: "No need to look for it!"

The waiter walked over and took out the money, and was stunned for a moment: "Guest, a total of two livres and twelve denier." Denier is copper. This is the first time Rorschach heard someone call it its "scientific name" after arriving in the Holy Kingdom.

Is every teahouse exorbitantly expensive? Rorschach thought of boiling water on a branch for six silver coins. He took out two more livres: "You don't have to look for them this time, right?" He said and chased towards the alley.

"I suggest you tip 20% here." The waiter was still chattering, but the boy had climbed over the fence and disappeared. The uninformed onlookers thought he was a deserter.

Fortunately, I thought it was good to read the newspaper for free, so I wouldn't regret it if you gave me this stack of paper. Luo Xia hurriedly crossed the road and ran towards the alley.

The person had disappeared, but Rorschach heard the conversation.

"Hey, hand it over! Damn it, go through your pockets and give it to me!"

"It's all in the bag. After you took the money, could you give it back to me?"

"Have you made an agreement with me, uncle?" Bang bang, ah~ the sounds of fists and kicks and screams alternated.

I was so stupid, really, that I deserved to be a mid-level partner for more than 20 years. At this moment, Hasai, a businessman from the Baldorom Chamber of Commerce, was wrapped in regret and pain.

One punch.

The person who threw the punch wasn't actually very strong, but the joints were protruding, and the punch hit his face and hit his cheekbones and gums. The facial muscles were squeezed and dull pain dominated.

Why should I take the alley? Yes, with the help of bodyguards, I took a shortcut according to the damn map. They are the experts of the Chamber of Commerce at sea, ruthless characters who can fight pirates.

Then why was he put down? These two guys must have been too drunk, and they couldn't even hear the footsteps... When the two fools landed on the beach, they were like fish out of water, capsizing on the dry road... These gangsters covered their heads with a piece of cloth and fainted.

The cloth must have been impregnated with anesthetic.

Another kick hit his partner's calf bone. The opponent probably has never learned fighting, at least now he is just throwing punches and kicks as he pleases without any specificity.

But it was still painful, and Hasai almost lost his balance. He was now hunched over and holding his head in his hands.

Why did I come to this damn place? Yes, the Holy Kingdom is so prosperous now. The Baldorom Chamber of Commerce wants to expand its trade with it and needs capable and qualified partners to inspect and negotiate business.

But they are all fake. Now the old foxes of the Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce are busy around Master Bart's station, vying to show their faces and leave a good impression on the next generation of bosses...

They bullied me for being an honest person and pushed old Hasai here who had no achievements. They also said they would give me a rare opportunity...

Okay, I'll show you what I've done!

The third blow was considered to be an effective one. An uppercut hit him in the chest, knocking his breath away.

The empire does not have so many street kids. Young people who have nothing to do will be sent to the imperial army to learn loyalty and obey orders...or commit crimes, and are immediately sent to the manors in the northeast. The gentlemen there have always used such people as livestock. …

When he was being beaten, Hasai's thoughts turned over and over again. He thought he was very familiar with this kind of boring young man. The moans should not be absent or too loud. Both reactions would arouse the other person's cruelty. They didn't dare kill anyone when they were still rational. After venting their useless energy, they finally took the money and left.

Sure enough, the beating stopped, but to Hasai's surprise, he moved his arms holding his head and saw that the face of the gangster in front of him was all twisted together, as if all the facial features were folds of the skin.

It was an expression of extreme pain, but he couldn't open his mouth and couldn't even cry out, only tears and weak moans were revealed.

As for the arm, Hasay noticed that the entire arm that the opponent hit him was twisted into an incredible state. Two parts of the joint appeared under the skin of the wrist and elbow, giving the limb full freedom to swing.

Then he knelt down to Mr. Hasse with a pop. It turned out that his ankle was also dislocated. If the ligaments could not be restored, he would have to walk with a limp in the future.

There were four scoundrels in total in this winding alley. Seeing the boss's limbs broken out of thin air, the remaining three did not understand the situation for a moment.

Is that man a wizard? Then why get a beating first?

If these people have played video games, they may also wonder whether Mr. Hasay has a "reverse damage" buff.

Click, click, and the sound of joint dislocation was heard again. In a moment of confusion among the five of them, the second gangster lost the ability to move.

There are others! The remaining two idiots finally understood. At dusk, the silhouette of a young man appeared in the darkness, but they couldn't see the person clearly. They could only see that he was surrounded by a strange mist.

The two took completely opposite actions. One once again unfolded the anesthetic-laced turban. Hasay's bodyguard was fascinated by this thing; the other abandoned his companion and ran away.

"Be careful, there is anesthetic on the cloth!" Hasai felt the need to remind the enthusiastic mage who rescued him. Obviously the person who came was a mage.

However, his reminder was unnecessary. Before the gangster could get close to the mist, the joints of his limbs were also removed. His whole body was grasped by invisible giant hands and squeezed into one, and then pressed to the ground.

The gangster who was trying to escape suddenly tripped over something and fell to the ground. The ground is soft, so the fall doesn't hurt at all! Before he could rejoice, he suddenly found that the surrounding land seemed to have turned into a swamp, and he could not get up.

So soft, so soft! You need to quickly find some solid support to get up. As if he could hear his voice, the ground began to harden again, but the escaper had not climbed out yet and was half buried in the road unable to move.

Fortunately, he finally raised his head in time, smelling the smell of dirt and excrement on the ground was better than suffocating.

The earth and rocks at both ends of the alley slowly rise, and brick-like patterns appear. Pedestrians passing by in the dark will only find that they have reached a dead end.

The rising wall covered the painful and desperate tearful eyes of the four gangsters.

The cold is getting better, but there are experiments today, so the update in the evening will still be late, sorry (_)

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