Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 128 Rat King Dregs and Powder

There was no one else left. Rorschach used [Dark Vision] to observe carefully, and he had full control over the space cut and isolated by [Stone Shaping Technique].

The mage ignored the still grumbling partner for the time being, and instead used the [Mage's Hand] to carefully search the four gangsters' bodies. He had turned over the car once before in Leopold's hands, and now he was searching even more carefully.

Rorschach was very careful and restrained in his approach and attacks. He did not activate any sound, light or flashy special effects, and subdued the four people as quietly as possible.

At first, Mr. Hasay thought that the passing mage came to the rescue on a whim, but now he saw him casting spells under the cover of the mist, and rummaged through the gangster's clothes, inner pockets and even there.

Black and white? Or a pervert?

Hasay, the imperial guy who has a stereotype about the Holy Kingdom, especially Valuvana, managed to scare himself.

Rorschach found a turban that was said to contain anesthetics and a bag of unknown powder for each person. Among them, the gangster who beat the businessman had the most. Everyone has one or two crude weapons, and some even have a "tetanus" effect.

At the same time, he also had several wallets and a handful of coins on him. I don't know if they were stolen or snatched like this. Apparently he was the leader of a small group of four.

There was also a bloody soda bottle in the corner of the alley.

He looked at Mr. Partner again, and he noticed his eyes and trembled obviously. Since you are still so active, it should be nothing serious.

Luo Xia raised his hand and took a picture of the leading gangster: "What are these two? Where did they come from?"

"One is to soak the anesthesia hood in medicine when not in use. When it is time to use it, take it out and cover the nose and mouth of the pig's head, which will definitely cause it to faint.

Second. Brother, no, Grandpa, please give me some first, and the rest is yours. I can’t stand it anymore.”

Big beads of sweat gathered on his skin, and he kept trembling and rolling down. The only hope of relief was to take a sip of the powder in front of the mysterious man.

"You only answered one question." Do you understand that the first question of each big question has the lowest score?

In fact, Rorschach could roughly guess what both items were. The turban proved its effect on the two big men lying in a hectic position, while the medicine powder Rorschach observed the four gangsters' thinness, their eyes that could not focus, and their extraordinary tolerance for pain.

They themselves may not know that compared to normal people, their performance after having their hands and feet removed is still too "bland". Obviously these people are not trained and full of willpower, so it is likely that the pain nerves have been dulled for some reason.

The [Qilin Arm] was so tight that the dislocated bones and flesh were fighting, and the leader was really speechless.

"It's Old Red! Rat King Red! I bought everything in his bar." The last unlucky guy who wanted to escape was in a better condition. He was the first to escape and could answer questions. His head was still half buried in the ground, and he was chewing a mouthful of dirt when he spoke. Even so, he still said it as clearly as possible.

Rorschach decided to have an effective conversation with someone with a stronger will to live: "How to buy it?"

"Just tell me." The gangster leader stopped talking before he finished speaking. In the darkness, others couldn't see the details clearly. They only knew that his outline shortened for an instant, and then he became silent.

The gangster who actively cooperated was still embedded in the ground. He turned his back to the former boss and didn't know what was going on. Still ignoring the warning, he continued:

"There is a die-hard friend of his in the corner of the bar with a bad nose. Buy a drink and sit across from him and ask if he sells rat poison."

The "Rat King" sells "rat poison", and this dealer is also quite humorous. In folklore across the continent, the "Rat King" is not the strongest individual among rats, but a monster made up of dozens of rats with their tails tangled together.

The escaping master turned his brain to its maximum power at the most critical moment: "Even if you know the code word, Old Red will not show up easily! Only a familiar face can buy the real thing, otherwise it will be real 'rat poison'!" "

He twisted around and found that the restrictions were loosened, allowing him to lift his head higher and expose his good mouth completely to the ground. This is to encourage yourself to keep talking! The quick answerer was overjoyed:

"I often follow the boss to purchase goods. I understand the process! If you let me go, uncle, if the younger ones cooperate, Old Red will definitely sell you genuine goods!"

His boss could no longer express his opinion. There was only one reply among the groans of his accomplices: "Okay."

After asking questions, Rorschach took time to heal Mr. Partner's injuries. In fact, he shouldn't be seriously injured, just multiple contusions and no critical injuries. At most, he will have bruises to accompany him for a period of time. Remember one lesson: you can't just break into alleys and take shortcuts without a bodyguard.

"Sir, thank you for your help. I. I am willing to give all my money to express my gratitude."

Rorschach dispersed the fog, and a ball of light lit up, illuminating his face clearly. The young man put on a hearty smile as much as possible: "Mr. Partner, we have just met, how could you mistakenly think that I am also a robber?"

"You! You are a mage!"

"Still a classmate of the eldest son of the Baldorom family. My name is Rorschach. I wanted to ask about my friend's current situation in the tavern, but unfortunately there was a chatty stock manager at the same table."

He stretched out his hand: "With all due respect, since you are a mid-level partner, you must also be from the Empire, right? It is really unwise to dare to go into alleys in Valuauna."

The partner endured the pain and insisted on shaking the extended friendly hand. He did not dare to be negligent now: "Hassan, I am a business representative coming to the Holy Kingdom. Alas, it's all my fault that I couldn't help but drink. , and brought two more idiots with him."

well? Blue fluorescence spurted out from between his hands and poured into Hassan's body, making him feel relaxed and no pain at all. As a result, his crouched body naturally straightened up.

Under the white light, a businessman with sparse and messy hair was revealed. Even according to the imperial fashion, he was a boring middle-aged man wearing a woolen sweater. He immediately patted the windbreaker in distress and tugged at the hem, hoping to flatten it. wrinkles, yet the dirt stains had long outlined them.

"What to do with these gangsters?"

"You have the final say, you have the final say."

"Okay." Rorschach picked up the blood-stained soda bottle and walked up to the still conscious escaper.

The opponent can now see a pair of leather boots, and then a bottle is placed in the center of the field of vision. The white light of [Illumination] is refracted inside and outside the glass bottle, and the blood stains are particularly obvious.

He could raise his head, but he didn't dare. However, the smart mice in the small group already know that they are in danger - the other party has no scruples about themselves, revealing their identity and talking about their friends.

Damn it, I want to pee, but there are pebbles in the hardened ground that are blocking the exit.

Here comes the mage's second big question: "Do you know this bottle? Where did it come from?"

This question is destined to have no points, because the person who answered the question is destined to fail, and now he simply gives up the exam in silence. Taking the beggar's money tonight was just a temporary idea of ​​the boss, and he himself took the bottle and knocked it on the old man's head. Because soda has pressure, its bottle is much thicker and smaller in diameter than a wine bottle. It feels heavy and feels good when you swing it.

The man is old and his head is not as hard as a drink bottle. This is a new discovery made by those who attempted to escape today.

The street was not far from the river bank. A group of people picked up the beggar in a sack thrown by the kitchen and walked struttingly down the street. They strolled back from feeding the fish in the Seine River and immediately ran into a big fish in their own territory.

What a lucky night! It’s worth celebrating with a couple extra pinches of “rat poison”. This was his original plan.

The soil is soft again. As for the "Rat King", Rorschach is not a mouse, and does not need any "guide" or "seeking for an audience". He watched Gangster No. 4 slowly sink into hell, his bloodshot eyes staring blankly ahead, that is, looking at himself.

There are four more small dirt bags in the alley. Luo Xia told the businessman to be calm: "Mr. Hasay, wait a moment, the road needs to be smoothed again." [Stone Shaping Technique] continued to exert force, the gaps were squeezed and compacted, and the last traces disappeared completely. In order not to easily scare passers-by, he buried it deep enough and tamped it flat enough.

Buried in peace, it means that after the four scum were buried, the security of Valuvana became a little better.

Rorschach put away the collected medicinal powder, "charming headscarf" and small medicine bottles for soaking towels: "Mr. Hasay, you can wake up your bodyguard."

"Okay, okay." Hasay slapped the drooling strong man on the face, and then slapped him again before he woke up. The scene with a touch of personal grudge reminded Rorschach of an old friend who was also a partner.

"Sir?" When the man woke up and saw his employer, he immediately jumped up and warily assumed a fighting stance towards Rorschach.

"The young master of your chamber of commerce and I are classmates. I happened to find that you were being robbed, so I came to help you a little."

"I'll come, let me speak!" Hasai quickly explained to the two of them, becoming more and more excited as he spoke, and finally turned into a lecture.

Finally, Hasay rubbed his hands and asked Rorschach for his opinion: "They have realized their mistake. Are you satisfied?"


I'm not your perverted leader. Why are you scolding me and asking for a satisfaction survey?

Thanks to book friends "I'm not targeting you", "Fantasy Beautiful NEET", "Book Friends 20220822174910394", "Nan Ni" and "Book Friends 20210425191137751" for their monthly ticket support!

Thanks to book friends such as "Goldenlang", "There is a Bear in the World", "Wu Hao 666", "Still Sleeping on Nanke." and other book friends for their recommendation votes and encouragement!

This chapter has been deleted, deleted, and revised many times and the normal update schedule will resume tomorrow!

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