Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 129 Crispy Elbow Alliance

The next day, Rorschach took out the medicinal powder and "enchanting headscarf", handed them to the Alchemy Department and informed Kano of last night's situation.

In fact, things similar to "rat poison" are also circulated in the southern part of the mainland and on the other side of the continent, as well as in the territory of the Semitic people. For example, the "grass of life and death" has been circulated in various epics and legends. For example, Hypnos, the god of sleep, can use it to give humans and other gods irresistible sleep and dreams.

The Semitic princes and nobles would extract the paste from spices and the latex that flowed out after cutting the grass of life and death, and then burn it for enjoyment and control of their blood shadow assassins.

However, Rorschach felt a familiar scent from the dry and fine powder and the powerful anesthetic liquid.

"Is the 'Rat King' a lot of rats with their tails stuck together?" Rorschach began to seriously guess whether this name had a special meaning for the gang in the bar.

"That's a legend." Kano was not interested in this at first. In his opinion, "rat poison" was nothing unusual. People who have a little knowledge of classical alchemy will know that the nobles of the old empire hired alchemists. How many wonderful potions have been concocted to numb the mind and stimulate pleasure.

Rorschach wants Kano to pay attention: "Any clues about the attempted attack in the theater?"

"Not yet. The efficiency of the security team is just like this. Are you saying that this 'Rat King' is also related to the cult that worships Mother Earth?" Kano understood what Rorschach meant.

"I just have suspicions. These two things give me a familiar feeling. After all, this is not the first time I have dealt with that underground organization." Luo Xia did not touch the "rat poison" directly. He carefully twisted it with [Mage's Hand]. The pinch is not a crystal that is common in alchemical products, but a brown-green powder.

"The Alchemy Department will analyze it, and I will report it to the Magic Guild as soon as the results come out." Kano rubbed his chin: "If necessary, I will share the information with the Tower of Stars and the Church of Order on behalf of the Tower of Stars."

"If it is really related to the belief in the Mother of the Earth, the 'Rat King' is likely to symbolize a certain situation, so it must be taken into consideration." When supernatural factors are involved, especially if it is related to a mysterious but real person "Gods", any symbolic things should be taken very seriously.

"I will consider it. By the way, your thesis defense is scheduled for nine o'clock in the morning on the first day of the second half of the year." Kano personally coordinated and arranged this. Whether it can pass is not his consideration. The focus in the eyes of the Archmage is Rorschach. Can this project attract enough attention from the guild and get as much resource support as possible?

Based on Kano's intuition, he expected that his student's project would be extremely expensive.

"I will prepare well." Rorschach stood up and left the office. He still had to go to a hotel, and he had to catch the taxi to go back to his respective residences before closing last night. Rorschach and Hassey separated without saying a few words, so they made an appointment to meet near the partner's residence today. See you again at the teahouse.

Although the teahouse is expensive, you definitely don’t have to pay for it this time.

"I don't know how to thank you enough for what happened last night! I came to Valuana for inspection. If you hadn't come to my rescue, I would have almost lost my life here!" Hasai was still frightened.

He took out an exquisite wooden box from the package: "I just brought a specialty of my hometown, tableware from Byrne. Please accept it."

Rorschach opened it and scanned it, and saw a set of pottery plates, teacups and bowls. The glaze on the surface was much finer than other pottery products on the market, almost like porcelain. The sides of the bowls and cups were painted with pastoral and floral paintings. Classic themes other than religion and epics.

"Then I will accept it, thank you Mr. Hasay. But now I want to trouble you in turn. Please tell me about Bart's situation, especially how to contact him. I am his friend, and this ring is still the same as before. Bart It was given to me." Rorschach showed the ring to Hasay, and Mr. Partner recalled that the young master did have a similar one.

He has made up his mind to tell everything. Firstly, Rorschach is his savior. Secondly, he is probably a good friend with Master Bart. Thirdly, and most importantly, the businessman's sense of smell tells him that he must find a big harvest in this trip. A key figure, in the Holy Kingdom where many trading companies and magic guilds collude, Master Rorschach is Hasai's noble person at this time.

"Master Bart has become the resident mage in the Byrne Kingdom since he graduated. He is based in Würzburg."

"That is, in Mr. Hasay's hometown?" The "gift from hometown" that Hasay just sent was Byrne painted pottery.

If the Kingdom of Marin is the core of the empire in the north, then the Kingdom of Byrne is the southern pole of the empire. It connects the northern part of the empire, the Black Forest, the Magyar Plateau and the Holy Kingdom on all four sides, and has a developed water system. The geographical conditions determine that this kingdom is a battleground for military strategists in times of chaos and a hub of commerce and trade in times of peace.

What made the emperor gnashed his teeth was that the kingdom had stood firm in the face of various enemies in history and had developed a physique with fists and money. The emperor could only hold his nose and give it greater autonomy than other states. . After Bain's Kingdom Guard was merged into the Imperial Army, it became the backbone of the Southern Front Army. Its representatives entering and leaving the Imperial Parliament were the weather vane of the southern states.

"Yes. Although the boss's family comes from Würgenberg, the Chamber of Commerce's most transactions are now concentrated in the Kingdom of Byrne. Master Bart's latest goal is to prepare to run for the Würzburg representative of the Doma League. The latest election will be in three years' time. ." Bart has always been honest with the partners of the Chamber of Commerce. His request is to fully cooperate with him to achieve his goals, and to vacate his seat immediately if he is in the way.

The Imperial Parliament is held every five years. Even if Bart is a mage and the son of a large chamber of commerce, it is simply unreasonable to want to step into the parliament building before his hair is fully grown, so he chose a suitable springboard to show his prominence. Being a representative of the Trade Alliance is also very much in the family's interest.

Although Rorschach was also born in the southern part of the empire, how had any rural child heard of this thing: "Duma Alliance?"

Mr. Intermediate Partner explained: "The full name is the Duma River Trade Alliance. Within the alliance, there are unified business regulations and commodity standards, trade treaties for bulk commodities, lower taxes and even tax exemptions for each other. The southwestern states and states of the empire are member."

Since most pork knuckles in the northern part of the empire are heavily salted and then stewed slowly over low heat, while in the south the region led by Byrne likes to grill their pork knuckles into a crispy shell. This organization is also nicknamed the "Crispy Elbow Alliance".

Student Bart is so eager to pursue progress. Rorschach guessed from Hasay's information that it had been arranged since Bart's residence was designated as Byrne, and money might have been used to clear the way. The investment is staggering, and the returns will surely be staggering.

"If you want to contact him." If Hasay can send Rorschach a letter to the young master or something, it will definitely leave an impression on the young master.

"Is there a magic guild in Würzburg?"


"As long as you know the location, I will contact you through the channels of the Magic Guild." Rorschach waved his hand. All he needed was to know the general location. As for Richard, it was only known that he was supposed to be in the army now, and it was much more difficult to get in touch.

The partner secretly thought it was a pity and was about to turn to the topic of the chamber of commerce under the guild when he heard Master Rorschach casually ask: "Since Mr. Hasay is here for inspection, what have you gained recently?"

Master Rorschach actually brought it up! Hasay immediately became energetic: "I think Purple Soda is a very good product. If it is introduced to Empire, it will definitely sell well. The products of 'Hercules' and 'Heracles' companies are both worthy of introduction.

Currently their exports are mainly towards the south and Istani, and cannot be found at all in the Empire.

According to my investigation, the products of both companies are involved in the Alchemy Department of the Magic Tower of Valuana. Since you are in Valuana, do you know the mage from the Alchemy Department? If you can be a matchmaker for me, I will be very grateful! "

Hasai's plan is that if the Alchemy Ministry has mature technology, he will negotiate cooperation with the developers on behalf of the Baldorom Chamber of Commerce, bypassing the companies in the Holy Kingdom, and produce and sell it within the empire.

"Mr. Hasay, just leave it to me!" Luo Xia felt that for the sake of his old classmate, he could dispense with the "Thank you very much". No matter how heavy it was, how heavy could it be? It’s nothing compared to dividends and stock participation.

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