Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 133 Preliminary test of the collector

"A peaceful day has begun again!" Luo Xia stretched himself. Today is the day to assemble and test the prototype of the transmutation dust collector. According to the agreement, the Alchemy Department should deliver the things and install them in the morning.

"Master Rorschach, Master Snow asked me to tell you that since the Alchemy Department is on holiday this morning, the agreement with you needs to be postponed to the afternoon."

? This was something Rorschach didn't expect. While the Alchemy Department still had a holiday, he could only accept it.

Since the instrument was designed as a straight cylinder, Rorschach's experimental site required a relatively high floor height, so Carnot assigned him an unused area on the second floor of the research building for construction.

The top of the device is an inverted teleportation circle. According to Kano's results, transmutation dust will be ejected once activated by the ether flow. The expected time is about three seconds.

The ejected transmutation dust will fall vertically in the straight cylindrical inner space, and will be rendered harmless through the action of multiple magic circles. In order to test different arrays, the prototype device designed by Rorschach is not one-piece, but double-layered:

The outer layer is a relatively solid brass protective shell. In order to protect it, it has a series of magic circles engraved with the previous Kano crystal protective cover. When activated, it will have an impact on the ability released by the transmutation dust;

The inner layer is a segmented liner, and each segment is equipped with a spell selected by Rorschach, which makes it easier for him to replace and change the order. When installing, they were built up from bottom to top, and the material Rorschach chose was pottery.

Originally, the mainland used pottery to make pipes. Now Rorschach's tower sections are similar in shape to the pipes. It is easy to find a processing business. In addition, his [Stone Shaping Technique] can be fine-tuned. In order to improve the carrying affinity with the ether, the Alchemy Ministry provides a plan to mix spiritual minerals into the raw soil.

There is a relatively large gap between the diameters of the shell and the inner tank, so there is a gap between the two layers. In the jacket space, Rorschach will use the alchemical ink that circulates to supply energy to the magic circle on the inner tank. This inspiration reference Airbag protection system on airships.

In the afternoon, all the things he ordered were delivered, and the old guys from the alchemy department came to install them. The main task is to install and fix the brass shell and pipelines. The rough blanks of the ceramic tower sections are placed aside for processing by Rorschach himself.

Snow also came. He looked at the device designed by Rorschach and reminded: "Should stronger protection be installed in the laboratory? It should be difficult to deal with the transmutation dust leaking to other places."

Rorschach shook his head and smiled: "Master Kano will be heartbroken." The nominal "proposition defense" of the project has not yet been completed, and all the funds have gone out of the Kano team's account books, which means that currently all funds are funded by Kano. financial support provided by Novo.

However, another factor is that due to the characteristics of transmutation dust, the protection in the laboratory is one-time in the final analysis. If there is an unexpected eruption, Rorschach himself can use the [Forest of Dryats] protection, and the effect should be better than A general protective circle is better.

"Brother, the money belongs to Professor Kano, and your life is yours." However, Snow simply reminded him without going into details. Anyway, Rorschach was already an intermediate mage whose level was higher than his own, so he should be responsible for all the consequences.

A large glass jar of alchemy ink has also been filled. The lead jar is connected to a quartz tube liquid level gauge and an ether concentration indicator. Similar to Rorschach's "hot fast" mithril metal fork that boiled water in his previous life, it penetrates deep into the liquid. After the ether of alchemical ink is consumed, it can be charged by ether.

"When filling the jacket with fluid, you press this manual pump." Snow introduced.

There was no hydraulic power, and there was no "magic pump". The experimental operator relied on the hand crank to fill the alchemical ink into the jacket. The inlet of the pipeline was a one-way valve, and the outlet could be adjusted by Rorschach himself.

"My suggestion is that the alchemy ink goes in and out of the circulation at the same time during startup. If the operation is done well, the energy supply of the magic circle will be stable."

"I know." As a designer, Rorschach certainly understood the operation of his equipment, but the pump was a bit primitive. At first, he only indicated that it needed a cycle of power, but he didn't expect that it would be a manual pump in the end.

"Master Rorschach, we have installed it, please take a look."

After the equipment was assembled, Rorschach used his mage's hand to drive the ceramic tower sections in order from bottom to top. The bottom layer was a metal bracket, allowing a space at the bottom of the tower to be opened to clear away the remnants of the decay of transmutation dust. After confirming that the installation was complete, Snow personally helped him pump the alchemical ink into the jacket.

In fact, I can use [Mage's Hand]. But seeing Snow doing it happily, Rorschach couldn't say much.

"Okay, the liquid level is established." Rorschach asked Snow to slow down the amount of alchemical ink pumped in.

He was about to open the unloading valve and start circulation, but Snow stopped him: "Wait a little longer, you need to wait for the ink to soak into the pottery pieces for the first time." All the clay pots were unglazed, and the alchemical ink seeped into the small gaps in the pottery walls. Coupled with the spiritual minerals doped in the clay, the ether on the outer wall can be transmitted to the inner wall to power the array.

Everything was ready. With the straight tube without a cap and the transmutation dust eruption device activated, Rorschach stood on the temporary platform and looked inside the tower from top to bottom. A blue light gradually lit up, covering the tube wall.

This is the protective light based on the power of Dryats, and it is currently the strongest guarantee for restraining transmutation dust, a dangerous and unstable substance.

The magic circle set up in the next tower section needs to slow down the transformation dust and try to stabilize it. Rorschach had previously found Kano to test and verify [Levitation Technique] and [Feather Fall Technique], but both of them had no effect on transmutation dust.

In fact, Rorschach didn't have much hope after learning these two spells and mastering the principles. Without them, the two spells are attached to the transmutation dust, which means they are "addition" to the cast object. However, it It already contains high-density and mixed divine power. Applying these spells to it will only destroy the stability and accelerate its explosion.

If "addition" doesn't work, just "subtract". Following this idea, Rorschach remembered the spells he commonly used when drinking: [Ice Touch] and [Freeze Ray]. Their core entries are "energy deprivation". .

"Energy deprivation" is currently similar to the "dissociation" entry of [Primary Decomposition]. It can only be effective for non-magic and energy involving the concept of "vitality". In "freezing" spells, the main form is to deprive molecules of thermal motion. The kinetic energy achieves the cooling effect.

In the process of reviewing the information, Rorschach noticed that [Freeze Ray] can have a stagnant effect on wet objects. In his opinion, in addition to simply freezing to restrict the target's movement, "energy deprivation" should also be included in the process. It has the effect of reducing the kinetic energy of macroscopic objects.

After debugging and discussion and design with Kano, the [Hysteresis Technique] array that can only deprive the transformed dust of physical kinetic energy was developed. What is displayed on the panel is [Rorschach's Hysteresis Technique], because the existing hysteresis technique is The idea of ​​the spell is similar to [Featherfall], which is "addition" to enhance the viscosity between the target and the environment, unlike Rorschach's idea of ​​directly reducing the target's kinetic energy.

After confirming that the magic circle was operating well, Rorschach closed the upper cover engraved with the teleportation magic circle and tightened the flange screws to secure it.

"Start." Luo Xia closed the switch. Under the strong onlookers of the alchemy department brother, the magic circle was fully activated. After a slight shaking, everyone stared at the window of the tower cauldron.

The tower cauldron is a space for receiving the debris after the transmutation dust decays. Looking through the quartz crystal window, a spring scale is placed at the bottom of the cauldron. If the debris falls, it will fall onto the spring scale's tray, and there will naturally be a weighing indication.

Five seconds, ten seconds, fifteen seconds.

Rorschach stared at the pointer. Seventeen seconds after the switch was closed to input the ether flow, the spring scale showed a reading, and stabilized after a moment. "Successful. Within a height of 1.5 meters, it took 17 seconds for the transmutation dust to fall and decay, and the duration was three seconds."

The device is now intact, with no explosions or mutations, and the hysteresis has taken effect on it.

"Congratulations!" Snow asked Rorschach to sign for it and then led the old buddies out of the laboratory.

Rorschach opened the discharge port of the tower kettle, and he found a little bit of blue crystal in the dust after decay.

Blue crystal? He pulled it out with tweezers and looked at it carefully. The familiar crystal color flowed in the tiny crystal grains. Applying a slightly greater force to the tweezers, the crystal grains were crushed into pieces, and Rorschach felt a wave of ether wave coming from inside.

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