Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 132 The Bell of Order and the Test of the Alchemy Department

"The heartbeats have increased! There is a situation in the cellar!" There was no fighting at all on the second floor. The bartenders and the drug sellers with bad noses were all "packed" and sent away. The captain hurriedly led the others to the cellar.

Two of the extremely tall mages stepped directly through the wooden floor of the second floor and fell to the first floor. Their bodies collided with the ground on the first floor, making a metallic buzzing sound.

"You still have heavy armor?" The gray-robed knight was a little surprised. These two were already two heads taller than the others, and their bodies were very wide. They looked like two mobile wardrobes under their cloaks and robes.

"Isn't it possible?" The mages jumped down from the breach, and the two silent "giants" each took out their swords from their robes, and thrust them into the ground, blowing up the gap between the first floor and the cellar. , including the stone vaults of the cellar.

Boom! As long as a piece of the vault is missing, it will collapse in series. The masonry and earth will fall down, and the smashed wine will fill the air with a special aromatic smell.

"Do you want to crush us to death?" Before the team in the cellar could attack the target, they were almost crushed by the collapse caused by their own people. After everyone gathered together, the thing at the mouth of the well finally crawled out. It pushed away the dust on its body and let out an angry roar.

"Your wine cellar! My bar and house will die!"

"They all must die!"

If Rorschach could participate in this action, he would definitely feel that the boss's opening remarks and image are so classic. The arms that the team had seen before were those of men and women, children, young people and old people. All their torsos were now melted and kneaded together to form a monster named "Rat King".

This lump of flesh crawled out of the well wetly. The human body that could still be recognized was twisting and turning. It was not clearly supported and was half-prostrate in the rubble. The flesh beneath it groaned in pain and was soaked in the liquid for a long time. The parts of his body were pale and swollen, and there were also large areas of pink, hyperplastic granulation and rotten sores.

There is a hint of sourness in the aroma of the wine.

Old Red, who dominates the consciousness, is on top of the monster. After being redeemed by Mother Earth, he not only grew back the feet that fed fish in the sea, but now sat on a throne composed of "rats". He was a condescending king, and his angry and contemptuous eyes swept across the broken "palace" Rebellious ministers.

"What a blasphemous evil thing!" The people from the church took the lead. A gray-robed man brandished a sharp sword covered in oil and rushed towards the monster, causing his companions to frown.

"Brother Odysseus is still so reckless." Although the leader of the gray robe knights criticized, he still led the remaining two monks to "consecrate" the vanguard. Odysseus' gray robe shone in the sound of their chanting. Emitting a holy golden light, the blessed grease on his sword began to burn fiercely, slashing at the flesh of the "Rat King", resulting in scorching wounds and the monster's cry of pain.

The mages' attacks also followed one after another. This time the target could no longer dodge. Flames, freezing and invisible cuts were applied to the molten flesh arbitrarily.

"How dare you!" Reid, who was suffering from pain, began to fight back, and all the heads that had not completely melted into pieces of flesh spewed thick green mist around.

The first person to bear the brunt was Odysseus. The golden light protecting his body dimmed a bit, and his movements slowed down. In the dense fog, the rays and projectile magic seem to have lost their effect.

Thick, filthy ichor began to flow from the ground where the wine was flowing.

The mages retreated voluntarily. They began to cough in the thick green fog, and quickly activated their talismans or protective magic to try to dispel their abnormal state. The gray-robed knights began to chant again, and the golden light tried to dispel the thick fog, at least not letting it spread any further, making the temporary teammates feel a sense of warmth and peace of mind.

"Odysseus!" At some point, one of the Rat King's thick arms grabbed the harpoon and was stabbing him. At this time, the great sword in Odysseus' hand had burned out the holy oil, and his thoughts were rising. He saw many scenes, as if he was guided by God, and his consciousness was wandering.

"This dense fog has disease and hallucinogenic effects." The mage tried to purify it with flames. Two big guys who broke through the floor rushed in front of the monster. One of them waved his giant sword and raised it upward, directly knocking away the harpoon. The other grabbed the unconscious Odysseus by the collar and threw him back to his teammates.

Now in the thick fog, two tall warriors were confronting the monster. The edges of their big swords lit up with blue light, allowing others to see clearly the trajectory of their sword swings in the fog, cutting pieces of flesh wantonly.

"We need to prevent the spread of poisonous mist!" The green mist still spread after the flames burned, so a new spell was added, and a swirling wind rose around, carrying the flames and poisonous mist, confining the mist and battlefield to the eye of the wind. .

The monster is still regenerating rapidly, and its proliferating flesh is even more grotesque. The holy object was finally ready to join the battlefield. It turned out to be a broken gun head fixed on a tray. The monk took off the cloth and poured four cups of holy water from the four corners of the tray onto the head of the gun in a counterclockwise order. Each time a golden light was poured, it became stronger and stronger.

After the completion, the monk levitated the gun head in the air and locked the rat king. At this time, Old Red had been cut to one side. After regeneration, he lost the ability to make sounds and could only moan in pain. When he was hit by the sprinting golden light, he let out even more heartbreaking sounds. A lung-splitting wail.

It finally stopped spitting poisonous mist, and its golden wounds could not be healed. It fell backwards and lay on the wellhead, then slid limply to the bottom of the well.

"Your sacred object is gone."

"It's a one-time thing. There is still a lot of stock in the church." The monk was very calm.


Two tall star-robed warriors stepped forward to inspect the monsters that had retreated to the well entrance. Suddenly, huge flesh worms rushed up, and countless arms stretched out to drag them into their bodies. The cloth robes on the surface of the warrior were all corroded by the mucus, revealing the full plate armor, and the silver surface reflected the moonlight.

The two big guys, completely wrapped in plate armor, swung their swords again, but this time the blades were heavily wrapped in pieces of meat.

"Attack again!" The flesh worm kept coming out of the well mouth, and the dark green glow began to shine in the folds of its body, forming a blasphemous pattern. The golden wounds were shrinking, and the golden light was turning into a dull green little by little.

"It's tarnishing the glory of the Lord!" The monk was really anxious now. He opened the scriptures directly and spread out the runes composed of holy light. However, he was shattered by the roar of the meat worm, which was accompanied by the spirit. The impact penetrated everyone's brains and made them dizzy for a moment. Only the big guy who was on the front line resisting the insect's actions was still trying to swing his sword.

The onlookers of the security team were chatting while watching the soaring fire tornado. Suddenly the tornado dissipated and a strange roar came out.

"Oh God, there is such a big movement." The security team members lamented that the citizens slept so soundly, forgetting that the spell had isolated this place. But the roar seemed to penetrate the isolation and really wake people up.

"What the hell!" A skinny man threw the security team member down and tried to eat. Outside the encirclement, a large number of unconscious people appeared to attack the blockade and struggled with the security team. "Fire!" The musket's projectiles hit them without realizing it. They continued to crawl towards the original location of the bar dragging their remains, unless their heads were directly blown to pieces.

Others joined the street, and some simply jumped out of the window, falling to the ground and then getting up twisted. They have all taken "rat poison". The same was true for Old Red's men who were captured, with Rotten Nose struggling the most.

Dark green mist rose from the streets.

Suddenly, a distant bell rang, dong—dong—dong—.

At the majestic bell, everything was paused, and the newly rising fog was dispelled. The "rat" family members summoned by the monster returned to their sluggish normal state. The seriously injured fell down on the spot, and some were panicked. Some They were vomiting wildly, and some scratched their skin, which would not stop until it ulcerated and bled.

"The God of Light bless you!" The team members who survived the disaster breathed a sigh of relief.

The battle in the bar also made progress. The bell seemed to be a fatal poison to the monster. The divine patterns on his body were shattered, and the grip on the armored warrior was relaxed. The two swords swung at each other at the same time, cutting through most of the monster's body and colliding together.

They raised their swords high, and under the moonlight, white light, thicker than the mouth of a well, came through the air, penetrating the monster vertically, completely engulfing its body as it roared, without giving it a chance to regenerate.

"You are also very powerful." The monk who drove the holy object now looked at the light beam and commented playfully.

On the steeple, "Gray Bishop" Joseph stopped the sacred wood firing pin and held the bell of order that was blooming with golden light to stop its aftershocks. His eyes were also emitting holy and sublime light, which was dissipating and extinguishing little by little.

"It's over. There is no need to disturb Mr. Duplesi from his rest."

"Yes." The monk beside him helped the priest walk down the tower.

The base of the Starlight Torch Tower is a hall, and the metal rod in the center is erected to the top of the tower. It not only supports the entire tower, but also functions like an antenna.

In the hall, Snow drank bottle after bottle of concentrated energy potions. He saw a mage wearing a headband full of circuits waking up on a recliner, and quickly asked: "How is it?" Other brothers from the Alchemy Department present also looked at the waking mage nervously.

There is also a huge crystal ball in the lobby, and the scene inside is the burning old Red Bar.

The mage who was the focus of attention pulled off the metal headband, jumped up excitedly and made a sword swing-exactly the same action as the full-armored warrior participating in the action: "It's cool! There is almost no delay!"

Everyone cheered and said things like, "It's my turn next time."

"How about the No. 2 machine controlled by Ta Ling?"

"Perfect cooperation, best teammate!"

"Okay, okay," Snow said three words in a row, and announced to everyone: "Contact the Star Robe Troops to recover Unit 1 and Unit 2. Next time we will test the Magic Cavalry version of Unit 3!"

Even bigger cheers rang out, and there was a knight in plate armor holding a lance in the hall, and next to him was the alchemy horse that Rorschach had tried.

Thanks to book friend "Red Blood Cells 2002" for the tip!

Thank you to book friends "HNO3", "book friends 20190923215716709", "book friends 20230130081125787", "silent young master", "jiabai", "book friends 20210118233042510", "book friends 20171219183604992", "empty head" and "hongmu" for their monthly ticket support!

Thanks to book friends such as "Pattern Observer", "Red Blood Cell 2002", "0 Book Friend Mobile Number", "Cooking Man Yu Ye Lan", "Little Fat Bee", "Sound of Wind and Rain at Night - Listening to the Rain" and other book friends for their recommendation votes and encouragement!

In the last update, I still want to finish the small plot. I finally wrote 3k words. Does rounding count as an additional update? (/▽\)

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