Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 153 The reporter still can’t run fast enough

The powerful force penetrated the core of the vines and severely damaged the cracks in the mother earth's penetration into the real material world. The loopholes in the order between heaven and earth were repaired.

The growth, spread and transformation into living corpses all stopped.

On the ground, construction teams are trying to widen the crack in the road next to the church, and search and rescue operations must be carried out before repairs can be made. "There must be survivors in the underground patrol." Joseph was very convinced, because he knew that the final power of God's descent was guided by others, which meant that there was a tough and powerful paladin in the underground battlefield who could summon divine power.

The gray robes and other holy knights buried in the tomb climbed up with difficulty. Fortunately, the layers of tomb passages did not completely collapse. From time to time, they could pass through the gravel and soil to reach the first layer of hollows, where the living corpses were still lingering. Sometimes it hinders their movements. However, as the evil power recedes, these monsters move slower and slower, seeming to return to the form of mud and bones.

There was a gray-robed knight in the team who did not participate in the fighting and excavation because he had a more noble mission. He held a broken body in his arms sadly and solemnly - Odysseus's arms had collapsed, and the cross section was filled with golden light. Terrifying crystals, these are the result of overloading divine power, and his lower body was entangled and shattered by the struggling vines, and was nowhere to be found.

The most intact things were his resolute and serene face and his sword. When the sword was found, there were still golden crystals on the hilt, which were the hands that once held it, and the sword body and blade were also filled with holy brilliance.

The teams digging downwards and upwards finally merged, and the faces of those who returned to the ground were filled with dirt and sadness.

After this battle, the restored Sacred Heart Basilica will house the remains of a new saint, belonging to the Judgmental Hand of the Lord, the martyr and the brave Odysseus.

Thanks to the blessing of supernatural power, church bell towers throughout the city "broadcasted" and were heard in every corner. For example, Rorschach was having dinner, and his mind was buzzing with noise.

If you want to find a quiet place at this moment, you may want to enter the Tower of Stars. It is probably the only area in Valuana City that will not be penetrated by the sound of bells (although whether the original body is in the capital has yet to be verified). Unfortunately, because all the members of the research team are here, everyone is having dinner at a restaurant in the city.

Is this what the church is doing? After completing the "Divine Power Dissipation Technique" test, Rorschach already has some understanding of the Lord of Light and Order, and can sense the special "symbolism" and "orderliness" contained in the sound waves, which are magnificent, irreversible, and... Sublime, but the sound of the bell is still too "thin", and Rorschach can only analyze the hazy sensory elements when he concentrates.

Even ordinary people, other diners and waiters could sense the sudden ringing of the bell and stopped eating and serving. Some even began to pray and praise the God of Light and the Lord of Order.

This sound also disturbed Kano's mood, and he put down his wine glass: "If any of you have tinnitus, tell me, I can claim compensation from those magicians on behalf of everyone."

The location for the dinner was chosen based on the "Gold Sales Guide·Issue 2". The semi-enclosed compartment contained the entire group, which was also the prototype of a private room. Before the meal, Pascal tried his best to explain to Paulina that he was only responsible for compiling intelligence, and that the "Butterfly" shop visit above had nothing to do with him.

Rorschach got up early the next day. He still had to turn the results into convincing written explanations. As for the empirical reproduction, there should be no problem if Kano brought the scroll to show it to those people.

"Ah, it's such a sunny day!" Now the "sunlight" is streaming in from the window of the dormitory, but all the windows of the Tower of Stars are illusions. Whether the quiet lakeside forest or the snow-capped mountains and meadows are displayed today is entirely decided by the tower spirit - sometimes Rorschach thought it was silly and sometimes too human and anthropomorphic.

However, while reading the newspaper during breakfast, the news on the page choked Luo Xia half to death.

The headlines were the exposure of an underground cult cultivating cults of evil spirits in Valluana and their attack on the Sacré-Coeur Cathedral, followed by fierce battles with the church in the eastern suburbs.

Rorschach glanced over, but the source of the Holy Mother Order's initial intelligence, that is, himself, did not appear.

This evil group is a little crazy, daring to confront the church power of the Holy King King's City. Now that the report has been published, Rorschach knows who the bells tolled for yesterday.

The second article is even more explosive, with the title "Exposing the biggest scam since the founding of the Kingdom" and the subtitle "Does Shariana have a gold mine?"

The sales volume of the Morning News has always been far ahead in Valois, so it was naturally invited to visit the "mining site" in the secondary plane. The person who represented the Morning Post in the media group was Mr. Mike, who had previously interviewed the former miner.

He first released a detailed interview with the miners, sorting out and summarizing how the mining company faked the mining site, followed by a travel diary of his visit with the group. The details were corroborated with what the miners said, which greatly increased the credibility. .

Finally, there was fatal evidence. He discovered that the smelting workshop of the mining company had been receiving recycled gold and ore from elsewhere, not from the secondary plane at all!

"Fortunately, I got out of the car safely." Rorschach accepted Duke Merrowngar's deal that night, and used the Duke's white gloves to cash out all the stocks at a high price in the past few days - at 90% of the high price at that time. , paid half in banknotes and half in gold coins. Alas, Mr. Duke must be trapped now. He should have a better attitude towards apprentice Philip in the future.

Rorschach secretly made up his mind.

Meanwhile, the exchange and the company building next door have become a mess.

"Sell! Sell!" The listing price has been decreasing. Everyone who came wanted to sell but could not find a buyer. The shouts in the exchange could be heard in Valan's office, while shareholder representatives and reporters at the company door They were banging on the door.

Cough cough cough. Valen seemed to be coughing out his lungs. He took the handkerchief away and saw a puddle of blood. He quickly threw it away as if he had seen the god of plague. The doctor who provided him with antitussives some time ago suddenly disappeared, and his lung disease became out of control.

It's over, it's over. He took out the donkey skin from his underwear. Now it was only the size of a palm, and the edges were curled and seemed to be shrinking all the time.

What else can be done? Valan holds the donkey skin in his hands. Where is his only hope now? Palace? Necker? Or a deadly donkey-skin evil thing?

The door of the office opened, and the secretary hurried in. This time he no longer reported the falling stock price, but seriously made a suggestion: "Sir Valan, we should suspend trading!"

"But what happens next? Arrest them and ask the palace to arrest all the reporters!" Roaring and coughing broke out.

"Yes, but please take a look at this first, Lord Necker's private message."

Upon hearing the name of the Minister of Finance, Valan quickly grabbed the letter and stared at it word by word as if he wanted to eat the paper alive. "Okay, okay, okay." After saying "ok" three times in a row, he ran out of the office like a gust of wind and went straight to the door downstairs.

"Press conference, hold a press conference immediately! We want to reveal the truth to everyone!"

Shareholders and reporters were invited to the exchange's lobby, all trading was suspended, and traders and others were asked to stay. After other shareholder representatives and journalists who came after hearing the news arrived, two carriages stopped at the entrance of the securities exchange:

The first one was a luxurious carriage from the palace, and coming down were the Minister of Finance and his assistants and bodyguards;

The second car was an unexpected church car. Tall armored warriors escorted two dead dogs with their heads covered, and the priest walked behind.

The headscarf was lifted, and the former miner and cultist "Salamanda" who escaped from the secondary plane and the key members of the Holy Mother Order in Valuauna were brought to the stage under the watchful eyes. Due to the lack of powder, the two The man was in a state of lethargy and drooling.

Necker also came to the stage. For the third time, the sound of rapid horse hooves sounded outside the door. The captain of the security team trotted in and reported to the minister and everyone present in a sonorous and powerful voice:

"Reporting to the Minister: Mike, the cultist and former Morning News reporter, has been successfully arrested by our team while absconding!"

Thanks to book friends "July 9 Noon" and "Shen Bing" for their monthly support!

Thank you to book friends "Attack of Hehe", "Riyue Yuanche" and "SEERS" for their recommendation votes and encouragement!

Some book friends in the previous chapter reported that it was too "watery". Indeed, the description may be too much and the rhythm was not grasped well.

The plot itself is a small ending to the story line of the underground cult in the capital, and is related to the plot of this chapter. The focus is to show the way in which the supernatural power of the church is exerted. For example, Joseph, as a relatively strong benefactor, uses scriptures as "words". "Spirit" and "law", the choir and the performance of consecration songs, large-scale blessings and divine power to the Paladins, etc. The Holy Kingdom as a religious country shows the existence of the church is necessary for the plot.

But looking back, the description is indeed lengthy. I was too focused on highlighting the "atmosphere" of the church. The author also made a similar mistake during the decisive battle in the Black Forest. I will pay attention to it in the future. I am deeply sorry and regretful for bringing a bad experience to my book friends.

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