Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 152 Holy Light, this evil is worth fighting

"Brothers Odysseus! Concentrate on us!" Someone among the gray knights shouted, and the members who wanted to leave the team gathered together. Now the underground of the Sacred Heart Cathedral is full of landslides and living corpses, and all the enemies of the Paladin have died and been transformed into sacrifices to the evil gods they worship.

Due to thick fog, earthwork, and vines squeezing the original tomb passage, it was difficult for the team members to move forward. The golden sacred light could not penetrate these stones, and the living corpses could only temporarily avoid them like wild beasts exposed to fire.

Fortunately, the Church of Order was not unprepared. Combining the attempted attack on the Grand Theater and the intelligence accumulated from subsequent contacts with the Holy Mother Order, they were specifically prepared for the poisonous mist. The helmet is also filled with cotton and charcoal pellets.

"Damn, how do we get back to the ground?"

In the shocking collapse, residents on the edge of the eastern suburbs and passers-by on the streets saw the erupting vines break through the ground. In the shocking violent shaking, the entire church, a large stone building that originally stood majestic, collapsed little by little. If it were to Rorschach used the analogy that the stacked tombs beneath the church were collapsing like wafers under pressure.

In the eyes of onlookers, dark green thick branches cling to exquisite statues and white stone walls, and penetrate into the long-shattered stained glass collage windows. The building was sinking, and the evil vines were dragging the entire church into the abyss.

"Be careful of the poisonous mist!" The Paladin responsible for the blockade gave up their originally planned duties. After training, they all understood the enemy's blasphemous methods. Although there is no green mist spewing out from the ground yet, there are already living corpses coming from the ground. Climbing out of the cracks in the ground.

They, oh no, they don't seem to be regenerating flesh and blood, but the rotten masses have plant-like epidermis and flesh-colored blooming flowers, as well as sporangia-like structures attached to the body surface. After exploding, mucus spurts out, touching fresh The air turned brown instantly, and these disgusting things sensed the breath of the living and began to roar and speed up.

"Devil!" "Evil spirit!" Onlookers discovered that the legends promoted by the church turned out to be true! But doesn’t this mean that there is hell underneath the famous Sacred Heart Cathedral? Then is it still useful to donate to the Church of Order?

Different from what ordinary people think, the power of the church is strictly preventing the spread of these evil things. Attacks with holy light are poured on the living corpses. Their painful roars mean that they have been fatally injured and will die again as soon as they are resurrected.

However, the tombs that have been continuously expanded since the birth of the old empire show its profound "inheritance". Humanoid monsters that are half plants, half fungi, and half corpses are constantly climbing up. If the underground structure is not destroyed, I am afraid that they can return to the world. There will be more.

"Team 1 and 2 attack with all their strength, and team 3 organizes to evacuate the crowd!" The consecration oil has been applied. After speaking, the commander shouted his sword and rushed into the group of living corpses to slash wildly, rushing towards the golden color of monsters and vines. The arrows and sharp edges illuminated his majestic body, leaving the people with a solid and reliable figure.

Not only him, but also the Paladins who joined the battle attracted the attention of the onlookers, which calmed the panicked people. Although the smart and timid people had already run away, the crowds who still had their lives to eat melons "feasted their eyes" on them, and then were The three teams drove away as far away as possible.

On the first floor of the catacombs, "Gray Bishop" Joseph Priest's face was gloomy. He was filled with anger, not only at the Paladins and Gray Knights who were responsible for patrolling the catacombs but messed up everything, but also at the blasphemy of the cultists - —Those who can be buried in the catacombs are devout (and willing to donate) believers. Now not only are their rest disturbed, but they are also transformed into evil things, and the entire church will be destroyed!

Joseph opened his hands, and the scriptures in his arms floated to his chest, without any wind.

"The Lord says: I have come into the world as light. Whoever believes in me sincerely will never be in darkness." The hoarse voice was not loud, but it was heard by all the holy knights. As soon as he said this, Joseph's whole body shone brightly, causing all the vines that rushed up to avoid him in fear. Both the Paladins fighting on the ground and the patrols trapped underground were all refreshed, and the light from the Lord of Order became even stronger.

"The grass will wither, the flowers will wither, but the Lord's way will last forever, and the Lord's covenant will stand forever." This chanting seems to be turned into a command, causing the vines to wither, the flesh flowers on the living corpses to wither, and evil things to grow. The trend has been curbed, and the church seems to be looking back, especially the brick walls engraved with divine words and the paintings of the great epics are regaining their luster.

What Joseph recited were all sentences from the scriptures. Every time he said a sentence, the parchment flew to the corresponding chapter and paragraph.

The collapse of the church was stabilized, and the chaotic bells were stabilized and transformed into regular alarm bells.

St. Miller's Cathedral, the main hall of the Cathedral of Valoisana. The thick stone pillars and side walls support the majestic and tall vaults. The stained glass collage shows the images of saints. Most of them have lowered eyebrows and sit in the sky. Looking down at all living beings inside and outside the church with great compassion.

At this time, Duplesi, who sensed the change, let out a long sigh and slapped his staff on the ground. The other servants of God who received the signal started a grand ceremony.

A long and distant sound came down from the sky, like a holy voice descending from the highest heaven to the earth. The pipe organ was played, and every time a pipe column was activated, the brilliance lit up with the trembling, rising to the infinite sky.

The pipe column not only occupies the front wall of the main hall, but also the side windows. The entire dome and the entire church are its resonance chamber. Accompanied by such a magnificent instrument, the choir began to chant, Servant of God He started shouting, and the music was sometimes high-pitched and passionate, and sometimes deep and turned into a gentle murmur.

Under the playing of such instruments and the singing of such singers, everyone could not control themselves and wanted to worship. The passers-by outside the church slowed down, and the true devout people couldn't help but start praying.

The bell towers of other monasteries also began to ring rhythmically. Although it was not on the hour, the harmonious tone penetrated every corner of Valuauna.

Joseph, who was far away on the other side of the city, was struggling to maintain himself after the large-scale magic was launched, and his priest's robes were soaked with sweat. However, as the hymns rang in the distance and the bells rang, the gods seemed to send a response, and the power passed through the gray robes. The old man's intermediary gushes out continuously, accelerating the withering of the vines.

Underground, a group of knights were slashing evil objects and using their swords to open a path upwards. It was no longer the time to worry about the wear and tear of their weapons. They didn't know what oxygen was, but they knew very well that they couldn't stay here any longer.

But Odysseus left the team again. The captain often said that he was not suitable to join the usually hidden gray robes, but was more suitable to be an ordinary paladin. The leader roared at Odysseus to stay in formation, but he turned and plunged into the thick mist and earth.

"I feel the power of the Lord coming! Someone must become the hand of the Supreme Lord and judge the source of evil!"

Joseph, who was between the catacombs and the church, felt the power from the highest heaven flowing away. No, it did not leave, but was inspired and pulled deeper into the underground.

Joseph frowned slightly at first, but soon followed the will of the divine power and let go of the focus of the descending power. The light in the space where he was located faded away, leaving only an ordinary and skinny old man. He grabbed a thick scripture and the spine turned into a horn. Hit the zombie's head hard.

The inspired person, the instant hand of God, Odysseus, the embodied divine power spurted out from his eyes and mouth. He was not as sophisticated as Joseph, and he carried this great power with dedication:

"Use my body to do the will of my Lord and accept the judgment!"

The source of vines and dense fog, the gap torn apart by the cultists' sacrifices in Mother Earth, was violently impacted by the Supreme God.

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