Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 151 I'm sorry

Ray or projectile?

The opponent's finger made apprentice Paul's hair stand on end. The young man from Garsiccone had really good fighting qualities. He tried his best to adjust his condition, holding his breath and mobilizing every muscle to twist his body.

Paul determines that Rorschach's next attack will be a projectile/ray, dodging the imaginary trajectory.

It's a pity that he guessed wrong. Rorschach was also a little surprised by Paul's dodge. His body was very low, but the momentum of thrusting towards Rorschach was not reduced. However, this did not affect the effect of Rorschach's spell, because he did not intend to use any molten ray to inflict it on him. The good guy went toe-to-toe, and instead used his long-lost "Kilin Arm".

When he was still in Andorilla, he could pull down the "Trapeze". With Rorschach's current spell-casting level, the "Qilin Arm" and "Grasping Palm" didn't need to use all his strength. They could slap Paul on the ground like a mosquito. on the ground.

Obviously the misjudgment was fatal. In order to maintain the attacking posture, Paul lowered his body and then leaned forward sharply, and successfully threw himself into the dog's mud.

Even though he was slapped to the ground hard, the apprentice challenger did not let go of his evil-breaking blade. He held it tightly and pointed the sword at Rorschach. This persistence was really touching, and both the challenger and Philip beside him nodded secretly.

However, the outcome was decided in this breath. Luo Xia maintained the strength of the "Mage's Qilin Arm" to control the opponent, and approached the knife-wielding boy step by step.

Paul used all his strength to hold up his head through gritted teeth, but in despair he could only see the visitor strolling around and squatting in front of him.

Luo Xia looked at the Evil-Breaking Blade. Now there was only a dark golden light. He stretched out his right hand and flicked the blade with a flick of his finger.

The golden light shattered together with the blade.

Is there a lot of stress in the Evil-Breaking Blade? Rorschach was sure that his "brain jump" would not be able to directly shatter the blade. Maybe it was the damage caused by just chopping the target? No, it's more like intentional. Could it be that this design can still obtain the fragmentation effect after the enchantment is consumed...

It seems that the church's weapon designers also have talents who can handle both magic damage and physical damage.

"Rorschach wins."

Rorschach successfully defeated the challenger without any injuries on either side. He released his hold on Paul, but the boy seemed to have no intention of getting up.

"Senior Brother Luo Xia, I'm really sorry for not letting you use your full strength."

What are you thinking? I don’t blame you. I don’t know who I am hitting with all my strength! Rorschach wanted to show off, but it didn’t feel good to show his face under the gaze of the entire research team, so he just smiled and stretched out his hand to pull Paul up:

"If you want to go further on the road of fighting, learn [Light Technique] well!" This way you will not be fighting alone!

? Paul was confused at first, but then (thought he) understood the other party’s good intentions:

Is Master Rorschach telling me to master the spell, even the [Light Spell] which has no attack power? Then Paul felt a little ashamed. Even though he had arrived at the Tower of Stars, he should study magic harder to improve his fighting ability.

He often relied on his combat skills from a place rich in martial arts, and had a sense of superiority over other apprentices who could only cast spells and were weak. Now, both physically and mentally, he was completely rubbed by a real mage.

Paul was determined to correct his attitude towards learning magic: "I will remember your teachings!"

ah? I'm just talking nonsense, don't name any weird professions. Rorschach noticed the sparkle in Paul's innocent eyes, which almost made him feel ashamed.

"The spell test is over! For the magic circle test, just submit the scroll to the guild for direct verification. Rorschach, you can write a mid-term report as a phased result during this period."

Kano was a little disappointed. The battle was too short and one-sided. The quickly aging and expired recovery scrolls were not cleared out.

While there was a "friendly discussion" in the Tower of Stars, a "super unfriendly discussion" was about to break out in the catacombs of the Sacred Heart Cathedral.

The power of the order that finally became an institution in Valuauna was now concentrated in the depths of the tomb passage. The "elders" held oil lamps and groped their way among the dead bones, murals and stone coffins.

He was a little irritable now. After waiting all night, the key figure "Salamanda" who had received the revelation from the Great Mother and whom he had invested so much effort in taking care of did not appear.

After learning from Mother Earth's revelation that this person was related to the kingdom's largest company and the secondary plane, he sent a trusted backbone to contact him, but now both of them are missing.

"We can't wait any longer. Now that the attention of the Church and the Paladins are focused on the untouchables in the eastern suburbs, it's a good time for us to escape." So the elder adopted the suggestions of other members and led this true underground team to start transfer.

He could hear prayers behind him, believers praying to the sublime "Mother."

What a show of cowardice! On weekdays, you should do your best in rituals, instead of disturbing the great being and showing your incompetence at this time.

The elder was very dissatisfied with the people behind him in his heart, but everyone's nerves were a little tense at this time, and it was hard for him to have an attack.

But the prayers became louder and louder. One person took the lead and gradually others joined in. Some even secretly began to inhale the powder while walking.

Even if one person's voice is very low, it will turn into a "buzzing" noise when gathered together, which is especially noisy in the silent tomb passage.

"Stop, you idiots!" The elder collapsed a little, and his team seemed to have forgotten that they were absconding, even though they were separated from the church's henchmen by several layers of tombs.

These fools couldn't tell whether the elders were telling them to stop praying or to stop. Most of them stopped altogether, but the lunatic who had just gained strength from the medicine simply stopped and not only prayed, but also knelt on the ground to salute the gods.

Just when the team reached a fork in the road, he gestured to the people behind him to keep quiet, and took out the map from his dirty robe to check it. This picture is very simple. It is a path explored by a few backbones in advance. The target is the sewer outlet in the suburbs on the other side.

The sound of prayer finally disappeared, but the stopped team heard the sound of subtle footsteps - the contact and grinding of soil and shoe uppers, and the sound of friction between fine sand was amplified in the tomb passage.

The elder's portable lamp reflected the figure he least expected to see at the fork in the road, and there were tomb passages on both sides. The backbone of the team at the end was also holding a lantern, and under the light, a team of soldiers continued to approach.

When did the Paladin and the Gray Robe appear? This is a question that no one can figure out.

Puff puff.

Starting from the last person at the end of the linear team, the Arrow of Judgment shattered the heads of the cultists one by one, and the light of judgment erupted in six directions to shatter the corpses of these people.

The leader of the elders didn't say a word, and broke the lantern as quickly as possible. His body was immediately shattered, but this was not an attack from the paladin, but an attack on his own initiative.

"Go to hell! Those who believe in Mother die on the earth, and those who believe in false gods die under the church. They all died in a worthy place!" Every part of Elder Mingming's head, body and limbs did not explode, but his last His last words echoed completely in the tomb passage.

The thick green mist puffed up his robe, then spurted out, instantly filling the entire tomb passage. The thick mist was not only toxic, but also acted like pheromones, catalyzing the "seeds" in the believers' bodies.

Whether they were living or recently dead members of the cult, vines burst out, and they were so thick that they seemed to collapse the tomb, and any bones that came into contact with the green mist were turned into rotten living corpses.

Just like the process of germination, vines and green mist continue to grow outward and spread upward, "breaking out of the tomb", and the corpses that were originally resting in the tombs have become more and more living corpses.

The Sacré-Coeur trembled and swayed, and the bell collided with the battering ram, emitting an ominous buzz.

The bottom line of the second update is maintained! Today's acknowledgments are postponed to tomorrow's first update of "Author's Notes". Thank you all for following up!

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