Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 157 I want a gentleman’s staff

"What kind of props? You can tell me first. If there are any in stock, I can sell them to you on behalf of the teacher. It will be faster."

You don't have any other business here. Are you talking about efficiency just to make it easier for you to fish? Rorschach refined his requirements: "I need a staff that can store and instantaneous magic, preferably custom-made."

Canserit scratched his head. His hair was naturally curly black, and he must have descended from the southern part of the kingdom. In the old empire, this was a race that was born with full citizenship. "Okay, this really depends on the teacher. Please come with me."

The butterfly on the apprentice's hand flew away, spiraling upwards and about to hit the ceiling. At this time, the wooden secret door on the top opened, and the ladder was lowered at the same time.

"Come on, it's best not to use magic to fly. An impatient guest bumped into the roof of the attic before." So Rorschach followed the apprentice and climbed up the ladder.

The attic was well lit and smelled of turpentine. This space does not look like a qualified alchemy workshop. There are finished or half-painted works everywhere, most of which are abstract.

Is this a postmodern artist who has traveled through time? Rorschach was surprised. The painting in front of him was at least several centuries ahead of other art in the world.

However, the technique of the work currently being painted by the owner of the shop, master alchemist Master Fulcanelli, is much more normal. He is adding brushstrokes to the canvas one by one.

The picture is very realistic. There are tables with human skulls and glass instruments. The main subject is a crow perched on the skull. This bird seems to be looking at Rorschach. In the distance is an empty blue desert and a monster statue looking at the stars.

Strange combination.

"Welcome the guest, just a moment." Fulcanelli turned his back to Rorschach and did not stop writing because of the visitor. He made a final stroke of the crow's back, more like smoothing its feathers.

There is another line in the picture written in Arabic. After Fulcanelli finished the work at hand and gave up his seat, Rorschach read the whole sentence and read it unconsciously:

"All things originate from one,"

"Existing in one," Fulcanelli did not let Rorschach finish reading, but took over the words himself: "If there is another sentence, what do you think it should be?"

Sub-question: "Finally one."

"Not bad, not bad. Sorry, I don't have enough space in my alchemy workshop, so I have to open another one. Okay, what do the customers need to purchase?"

Rorschach stated the requirements again, and the alchemist muttered "Staff, customized" and walked to a painting covered with linen.

He lifted the cover, revealing the same exquisite and lifelike painting as before. This time the picture shows a compact machine with exposed gears. Fulcanelli held the lever. Yes, he held the object in the painting. Rorschach stood directly behind the alchemist, regretting that he should have stood to his side to see if the lever had extended out of the painting.

Fulcanelli is a sturdy middle-aged man with a beard that makes him look older. Pulling down the brass rod seems to have taken a while, using both hands and the weight of his body.

As the joystick is pressed down, driving force is injected into the machine in the painting to start running. A faint sound comes from the canvas. All the unidentified gears, reeds and other mechanical structures begin to move, making way for a door.

"We shouldn't have drawn all the parts in the first place, but it was necessary for protection." As Rorschach expected, the boss asked him to get into the painting.

"Don't hesitate, guest, if you are just here to buy or repair a clock, just go downstairs with Cancelit!"

Rorschach also got in. The object in front of him was large enough for a painting, but a bit narrow as a door. He bowed and stepped into the real "Fulcanelli Alchemy Workshop".

Looking around, there are all pots and pans and machines that are running and spraying steam. All the equipment is not standard enough by the standards of the Alchemy Department of Tower of Stars. If Snow were here, he would definitely comment with disdain: "Private small workshop."

"I'm sorry, guest. I was busy and I suddenly realized that I haven't asked for your surname yet."

Rorschach had never heard such exaggerated words from other Valuanas, just like the arias used by the nobles of the old empire. He looked around the workshop and introduced himself to the master: "Rorschach, researcher of the Tower of Stars."

"Rorschach? The author of "Examination of Thermodynamic Conversion and the Efficiency Limits of Heat Engines"?" Unexpectedly, this alchemist could read the title of his article word for word, which moved the young man's heart.

However, the boss's nagging later was not so pleasant: "But why don't you continue to study that wonderful paper later? The blue light barrier is great, but it is still a little less interesting compared to the grand and wonderful truth."

Why, science majors look down on engineering, right? Aren’t you an alchemist yourself? Rorschach wanted to know what the other party's expression would be like after he published his "Disappearance of Divine Power". However, according to what Kano revealed a few days ago, the guild may not make the paper and the spell public, and will only archive it in the Senate.

"After reading your first masterpiece, I got some inspiration." Fulcanelli took out a piece of parchment from his workbench, cleared his throat and began to read in a measured tone:

"The universe! The true nature of our world is a thermodynamic machine, with the gap from order to disorder - free energy driving everything.

The structure of the universe arises from it in a linear fashion. Ah, the original unity is a crazy dream like a perpetual motion machine, it only consumes itself endlessly, like a planet burning in a vacuum, burning!

Eternity, beginning and end, has been given many names since time immemorial. She is both the rolling waves on the chaotic sea and the immortal snake.

How silent time is, causing it to glide aimlessly, both creating and devouring the universe, giving and taking away everything from us.”

Is this a poetry recitation? Rorschach found that many of the concepts he proposed in his paper had been misinterpreted by him, or borrowed into his own worldview. Rorschach was eager to start trading, so he clapped in unison.

Wait a minute, there is a blind spot: "The last big snake, you use 'her' to refer to it?"

"My child, the whole world has both masculine and feminine elements. The last thing I described is the power of the feminine, the existence obscured by the bright sun. Well, thank you for listening to my humble work. When I write, I must not Rorschach who would think of Tower of Stars would applaud it.”

It seemed that Rorschach made the boss very excited. He finally came back to the business: "Let's start talking about the magic staff. Our basic model is 620 francs, and customized modifications start at 700 francs. We can give you a discount."

"I hope to make it look like an everyday cane. It shouldn't be too long, and the head of the cane shouldn't be too exaggerated." Rorschach gestured: "It's best to be able to cast sixth-level spells instantly." In this way, even if you carry it while shopping, others will One would just think that Rorschach is a young gentleman holding an ordinary cane.

As for the spells that can be stored and cast instantly, he is referring to [Melting Ray]. If Rorschach displays its full form, the power of the heat ray and the amount of ether required should be enough to reach the sixth ring.

As for the strange spells he mastered later, perhaps the general level cannot be evaluated.

Master Alchemist Fulcanelli finally frowned: "Dear guest, you don't want an exaggerated head. The entire staff is limited to the length of the cane, which means that all internal structures must be very compact. And you must be able to instantly To cast a sixth-level spell, the two requirements are contradictory."

Rorschach often heard this when he was doing engineering design in his previous life: the two performance indicators of a piece of equipment often conflict with each other, and you cannot have both. Rorschach was about to say that he could find a balance point and relax the conditions appropriately, but he heard his boss say seriously:

"It's impossible to specify it in other places, but it's possible here, but you have to pay extra."

There is no time code for acknowledgment, so I will push it to tomorrow after the first chapter and the author’s words.

Almost timed out, oh my god

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