Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 156 The humble watch shop

Rorschach came out of the theater and found several gentlemen with canes.

cane? He suddenly thought of something and realized that he still lacked an item to assist in casting spells.

Regardless of the principles, the empire's academies only teach how to use basic spell-casting props such as staffs and crystal balls. It is rumored that the mages in the empire also plan to develop a "standard spell-casting accessory package" to equip the army and garrison mages, but they have not developed one. The low-cost magic storage unit was finally abandoned.

It seems that this thing is not fashionable in the Tower of Stars. Kano seems to be the ultimate rich man. Rorschach noticed that when he wants to cast spells quickly, he often relies on gems or crystals-it is still a one-time use! I can't learn such a waste, but the wizards and apprentices of the Forest Tower each have an oak or birch staff.

"Is that a staff or a trekking pole?" Recalling their performance during the trip to the Black Forest, it seemed that only the Archmage Alexander Humboldt really thrust his staff into the ground and transformed into a guardian tree.

Rorschach's current search for spellcasting assistance wasn't entirely a whim. I just debuted from the academy. Oh, not when I graduated. I was so poor that I couldn't even afford to learn scrolls, let alone a magic staff. I got rich some time ago, but I still feel relatively good about myself and don’t think about this.

The origin of this idea was a battle with his apprentice Paul. During the battle, Rorschach discovered that using [Forbidden Scream] by himself alone without the oscillating quartz required special concentration, and it was inconvenient to prepare the next spell while releasing it.

If Rorschach hadn't seen through Paul's "hidden" charged magic in advance and interrupted it, catching the opponent off guard, then Rorschach's time to prepare the second spell would have been a bit fatal, at least for a veteran who has been in battle for a long time. This will be the opening and opening for a counterattack.

Facing a spellcaster enemy, if you can use [Forbidden Scream] first to create a "Silence", and at the same time supplement it with a quick attack, it will definitely have an excellent effect. Even enemies who are not the caster can save their own life if they have instant spells ready when the mage is unexpectedly approached.

Always have a hand in reserve. Rorschach recalled the knight Leopold of the Order of Mary whom he met when he was a fledgling, and now he knows how to be afraid.

The scroll cannot be cast instantly, and because it is written with alchemical ink on a flexible sheet material, even if it has an energy storage unit, it will gradually lose its effectiveness, so the staff is Rorschach's best choice.

As for the crystal ball, forget it since I hold it every day. That thing is more suitable for setting up a stall to make extra money when you don’t have money. Customers who want fortune telling will definitely feel that the stall owner is professional when they see the ball.

Luo Xia met his senior brother in the Tower of Stars. This boy seemed to be in a good mood recently. Even on the way to the library, the slightly upturned corners of his mouth could not be suppressed.

"Master Pascal?"

"Huh?" Senior brother turned around and saw Luo Xia: "Junior brother, you are calling me like this. You are obviously saying hello, but you seem to be alienating me."

"Brother, do you know where I can buy magic props?" Luo Xia really asked to buy a magic wand and found out that there seemed to be no public sales channels for such materials in Valuana. It was strange.

"Well, if you ask others, the answer will definitely be the Alchemy Department, but since I am my dear junior brother, I will recommend you the watchmaker Julius Violle, but in our world, you will call him Mr. Fulcanelli . But it’s not open on holidays.”

What Pascal means is that if you are looking for "Julius Violle", you can only repair pocket watches or something in the store, but if you are looking for "Fulcanelli", you can buy some good products.

How did he get to know these people from various religions? Rorschach responded with a smile: "If I am looking for my senior brother, I would call him Master Pascal. If I am looking for a social activist, should I call him Thor?"

"Shh! Don't make such a joke. If you really want to find Thor, please go to the 'Friends of Fraternity and Equality' club." The senior brother has not given up his efforts to drag Rorschach into the group.

Rorschach took the business card from "Mr. Fulcanelli", which had the name and address of his watch shop written on it. As a thank you, Rorschach gave Pascal two tickets for tomorrow's performance.

"How do you have tickets! Since I cut off contact with Cuarón, it's hard to get tickets for his plays." These days, opera is as useful to couples as dating as movies, and Pascal's demand for opera tickets is very urgent.

As long as you are willing to spend money, senior brother, there is no ticket you cannot get. Anyway, the money has been reimbursed by Mr. Falcon. Rorschach suddenly thought, does this count as the imperial forces funding the small anti-thief group in the Holy Kingdom?

No, no, no, it's just a club, one of the most dynamic social organizations in Valuauna.

Luo Xia simply did not compile where the ticket came from, but continued to put forward a request that the senior brother could not refuse: "To express my gratitude to you, it is worth one ticket, but I will give you the other one, so you need to help me with another one." A little favor."

On the first day of the tenth month, which was also March 1st, Luo Xia's original plan was to go to the Normal University to invigilate the exam. If he was proctoring his own class, he would be very interested in observing his students' sad faces when facing the papers, but unfortunately it disrupted the teacher-subject-class arrangement. Losing interest, Rorschach found Pascal to take over the class.

And he came to the "Violle Watch Shop" based on the business card. The small door was crowded in the alley. This is a middle-class residential area. Most of the residents will buy themselves a watch, whether for comparison or actual work needs. , in theory, business should be good.

But when Rorschach arrived on the scene, he found that the store was very small and no one came in or out. Nowadays, some big watch dealers have opened large glass window stores in wealthy areas with good security to display their proud works. This store didn't even have an ordinary window, but there was a chiming bell on the signboard and a wooden owl with its eyes closed.

The owl was obviously very crudely carved, but it was so lifelike that it made Rorschach inexplicably feel like he would open his eyes at night.

Rorschach had already stood at the door and took out his business card for final confirmation. Unexpectedly, the business card in his hand suddenly broke free. The light yellow cardboard became spiritual and fluttered into a butterfly.

Illusion? Transfiguration?

Everything happened so suddenly, and the business card has not shown any abnormality since then. Rorschach quickly turned on [Arcane Vision] to find out, and saw small yellow butterflies fluttering, their wings drawing beautiful trajectories - the trajectories were real, and in Rorschach's eyes they were just traces of magical aura.

The door opened by itself, and as the doorbell jingled, butterflies flew into the door, circling as if urging Rorschach to enter. The young man was convinced that the alchemist introduced by Pascal was capable.

As soon as he entered the door, there was a young man holding a small tweezers in one hand and a paper butterfly on the index finger of the other hand. He was originally wearing a single-eyed magnifying glass used by jewelers and watchmakers, but now he took it off to say hello to the customer:

"Welcome young guest, you came with the butterfly, you must be looking for Mr. Fulcanelli? Hello, I am his apprentice Cancelit."

"Good morning, I'm Rorschach. A friend recommended me to come here to buy magic items."

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