Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 164 Everything is done!

In the dim reference room, under a lone lamp, a young man was copying something at his desk. The administrator can see him every time a new journal is delivered, and the materials that have been copied and are to be copied are piled high on the table, seemingly endless.

With a creak, the door opened, and the person who came in was neither the administrator nor the borrower. He walked straight towards the copyist wearing a scarlet robe.

"Recognize your mistake?"

"I was wrong, I shouldn't have eaten alone," Pascal cried, tears streaming down his face.


"Ah, no, no, it's my fault that I broke the rules."

Kano sighed: "The rules are set for the teacher. If you want to do something and make some money, why can't you tell the teacher? Don't think that I don't know about the little activities you do. You avoid me every day and you want to make money." What kind of cheating? Every gold coin your junior brother earns is clean."

Finally, Cano picked up Pascal and said, "Go away, go away. From the day after tomorrow, you will take over Rorschach's class at the Normal University, and you will be able to earn more every month."

"Every gold coin comes from a clean source" Rorschach is on his way to the Higher Normal School of Valuana. However, he did not take the shortest path, but deliberately took a detour. The young man was sitting on the outdoor seat of a teahouse again, wearing a floppy soft hat and reading a newspaper. The two things covered his face well.

"Is this seat occupied?" A gentleman sat down opposite.

"Sit wherever you like."

The gentleman seemed to have come from afar, holding a package in one hand and a suitcase in the other.

"Looking at the accent, you are not from Valluana?" Rorschach put down the newspaper and started chatting with the "destined person". After staying in the royal capital for a long time, he discovered that the so-called Valuana accent is the habit of abbreviating or connecting vowels, specific consonants, and stressing the roots of words. Rorschach was able to imitate it after hearing it many times. At this time, what he said was so authentic.

"Yes, I'm from the north, the Kingdom of Byrne, although people here will say that I'm from the empire. I'm really tired and thirsty. Let's get off the carriage and have a cup of tea first."

"What a coincidence. I plan to go to Würzburg recently."

"What a great place! It's also famous for its fine wines in the Kingdom of Byrne." The guest thought of something and added: "Of course there are too many wineries in the Holy Kingdom, and I'm afraid they can't compare with the wines in the north. When do you plan to set off?"

"We will leave early tomorrow morning. After telling you this, I remember that there are still many things to be dealt with before departure, so I will say goodbye."

Rorschach put down the newspaper, grabbed the package on the table and left.

Why do all the people in the agency like to drink tea? Except for the last meeting with Mr. Falcon, every time they receive gold coins, they have to meet at the teahouse. Rorschach looked back at "Bern's Visitor", who was frantically putting sugar into his cup.

Is this how the money for tea can be reimbursed in the name of the joint?

When he arrived at Valuana Normal University, Rorschach first took out the papers from the teaching and research office. The midterm exam had long passed. Although Rorschach hired Pascal to teach for a fee, he still corrected the papers himself. Since he had produced the papers, he kept waiting for Rorschach to come. Comment.

The scores had been tallied up and announced a long time ago. It was quite brutal. This trial, which was prolonged due to the teacher's trouble, was "beheaded" first and then waited for Rorschach to pronounce the verdict.

Luo Xia came in with papers in her arms, and the classroom, which was originally full of laughter, fell silent for an instant. In the moment before the freeze-frame, Rorschach saw the students gathering in groups of twos and threes to joke. During this time, the people in the class had become familiar with each other. Compared with Rorschach's honest nature in the first class, he finally showed his true nature.

Since the bell hadn't rung yet, the students were quiet purely because Rorschach came in. Then Rorschach heard someone whisper: "Where's Mr. Pascal? Why are you here?"

These white-eyed wolves, I shouldn’t have come, right? Rorschach coughed: "I was very busy some time ago, and I will be very busy next time, so after this class, Mr. Pascal will be my substitute. Today I am here to review the midterm papers."

"Okay!" After hearing this, a big fool decided to take Pascal's place as the teacher. He directly expressed his joy, and was then tightly covered by his deskmate.

How did senior brother take classes? Rorschach really wanted to sit in on a session at this moment. "The average score is fifty-four, haha, you can still laugh. You are the worst class I have ever taught." In this situation, this sentence is so appropriate and so true.

The students lowered their heads in shame, and then someone in the lowered head made a small voice: "Aren't we the first class?"

Snapped! The chalk head was accelerated by the "projectile" and accurately hit the source of the voice: "Teacher, I also have students in the magic tower!" Although the students in the history of magic class have a bad attitude towards the water class and do not listen in class, it does not mean that they will not know how to do it before the exam. After the surprise review, you can accurately cross the passing line in the end.

But it’s not to blame the students of the Normal University. They didn’t have this course in their previous education. Rorschach’s choice judgment and fill-in-the-blank approach from his previous life made the students confused. The grammar school exams on rhetoric and so on were all short answer and Essay question, where have I seen so many tricks to make things difficult?

The highest scorer was Andre, who scored 83 points on the 100-point scale. Is this the boy who discovered magic on his own? "You did well in the exam, and your hands-on experiment skills don't fall behind either."

Sure enough, the core bonus point of a mage is intelligence. Rorschach is wondering whether he should recommend Andre to the Tower of Stars after he comes back. Being a normal apprentice might be a hindrance, but the brothers in the Alchemy Department are all eclectic, so maybe he can accept this. talents.

The bell rang, and the tinkling mechanical sound sounded. Rorschach waited quietly until the last note ended before speaking. He was gentle and serious:

"As expected, this is the last lesson I teach in this class, even though it is about evaluating the mid-term exam paper." Bart's wedding will only end in May. If things continue to happen in the Byrne Kingdom, the semester will be over when Rorschach comes back.

Only then did the students realize something, and the students who had cheered when they heard Pascal taking over the class also fell silent.

"So I ask you to listen carefully. The first question is a specially designed score question. You should be able to recall it by looking through your notes.

"The second question is still a score question... The third question can be understood if you remember the conservation of total material mass. In essence, it is a score question..." Rorschach began to write on the blackboard.

"Oh, in order to ensure that everyone passes, I really set a lot of points that should be obtained. How come it is just a gift in your hands?"

Rorschach thought of a student: "Batis, you still got the second biggest question wrong, it's about combustion...

"I can't reprimand you any more, Battis. You've been punished enough. That's the way it is. Every day we say to ourselves, 'Forget it! We have plenty of time. Let's learn tomorrow.'

"Now, the bloody scores are in front of me. I hope you can do well in the exam next time." Rorschach has made up his mind to take out the final exam paper even in Byrne, and send the guild's teleportation array system to Pascal's hand. superior.

"get out of class is over, I hope we have a chance to meet again." Will teachers have feelings for students? At least the first session was very touching. Rorschach took a good look at each face, then turned and left.

"goodbye teacher!"

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