Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 165 Everything is over?

Completing the last class at the Higher Normal School in Valouana meant that all of Rorschach's current affairs in the Holy Kingdom were over, and he and Mr. Pierre left for the Byrne Kingdom in a relaxed state.

The airship ticket ordered by Mr. Pierre was at ten o'clock in the morning, and it was not immediately available across most of the capital. Fortunately, Kano lent the carriage from the Tower of Stars (it was a real driver, not an old driver of the Alchemy Doll). See you The other carriages all took the initiative to give way when they reached the sign on the carriage, making Rorschach's way out of the city unimpeded.

"Mr. Rorshafa, here!" Mr. Pierre waved, and they met under the "Sky Tree".

At this time, Rorschach was wearing a windbreaker, holding a "civilization stick" in one hand and pulling a suitcase in the other, attracting the attention of many tourists.

"A suitcase with wheels and trolleys?" Mr. Pierre was greatly surprised: "Wonderful, this saves a lot of effort!" Then he looked at other passengers in the hall: "We can apply for a patent. This kind of suitcase will definitely make a lot of money. One stroke."

In Rorschach's previous life, the trolley suitcase was only invented after humans had gone into space. Maybe everyone was used to carrying bags and suitcases, but they didn't think of putting wheels on it to drag it around.

"Unfortunately, it is produced by the Alchemy Department." Rorschach only remembered that he needed new storage space before setting off. However, solidifying the array in the storage bag is a very laborious task. Ordering it from the Alchemy Department or Master Fulcanelli is That's too late. But hauling the suitcase was easy to handle. Rorschach drew a schematic diagram and the guy from the alchemy department figured it out in one night.

The old brothers didn't take any money, but they proposed to authorize production to their affiliated trading companies, so of course they would give Rorschach a slap in the face. So Mr. Pierre took a step slowly, but anyone who has experienced long-distance commuting will know at first sight that a tow box is a good thing, and it is normal that it is not Newsingen's turn.

And all the space in the storage ring on Rorschach's hand is used to store the most important thing - all the blueprints for the Transmutation Dust Collector!

"Let's go." Rorschach walked towards the small passenger elevator, but was pulled back: "I'm sorry, Mr. Rorschach, I bought a ticket for the ordinary cabin, and I have to go up the big elevator."

Mr. Pierre seems to never be able to make people feel like they are in the spring breeze. For example, as the largest wine merchant in Valois, he is unwilling to buy a high-class seat. For example, in the winter, he can hold the visitor's hand and blow the cold breeze outside. But his marketing skills are still strong, and now people can be seen drinking purple drinks everywhere in Valuauna.

There was no other way, so Rorschach showed his identity as a mage at the front desk. As soon as the purple badge came out, the lady at the reception gave him a free upgrade with a business smile, and then Rorschach also paid for an upgrade for Mr. Pierre.

"It's costing you money! Oh, oh, the scenery here is so beautiful!" Neusingen followed the habit of being a small businessman and saved as much as he could. This was the first time he sat in the high-end cabin of an airship: "It's like a restaurant in the sky. !”

"It's more private here. We can talk about the itinerary and plans to Byrne. I'm sorry that I was too busy and didn't understand the details of your negotiation with Mr. Hasay."

"It makes sense." Pierre quickly took out the documents in his wallet and introduced them to Rorschach. Now they were sitting opposite each other on both sides of the table covered with white cloth, and the waiter served them sparkling water in goblets-it seemed that they were very confident in the stability of the airship.

The airship flew among the clouds. It seemed that Bayne was bordering the Holy Kingdom to the south, but the span from east to west was no shorter than the distance from the royal capital to the imperial capital.

"This is the situation." The general manager reported to the major shareholders and important partners. His mouth was dry and he quickly picked up the water glass and drank.

Suddenly the airship shook violently. Rorschach's eyes were quick and a burst of cold air broke out. The overturned goblet rolled off the table along with the frozen soda. The ice crystals and glass were mixed and shattered on the floor. He shook the documents on the The ice shards were returned to Pierre, and he felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

Suddenly there was a feeling of weightlessness, and the entire vehicle was falling rapidly!

The drink in Pierre's hand was successfully spread all over his pants. This was good, and he couldn't tell because he was so scared that he couldn't tell: "Is this about to crash? It's over, it's over, it's not right, Master Rorschach, your magic! Can magic save me?" Save us!"

Screams came one after another, and there was the sound of glassware breaking. The entire airship was shaking violently. The clouds outside the window kept passing by, and the mountains and woods on the earth could even be seen. A distorted voice came from the brass tube speaker on the top: "Your Excellency, the mage and priest among the passengers, please come to the captain's cabin quickly!" The call was repeated continuously.

Rorschach told Pierre not to panic and to protect the documents and luggage. He put on his purple robe and walked out of the box.

There was also a plainly dressed priest and the flight attendant in the corridor. The flight attendant's eyes lit up when he saw Rorschach: "Are you an intermediate mage? Come with me!"

"Just get on the airbag, there must be something wrong there." The flight attendant asked the priest to calm the passengers, and then led Rorschach to climb into the airbag cabin of the airship.

As soon as Rorschach entered, he saw an incredible sight. The accompanying mage was spreading his arms, as if he was hugging a huge fireball in the air. Of course, he was not using the [Fireball Technique], but the No. 3 hydrogen gas bag in the center exploded, and he was barely restraining the exploding fireball. At the same time, the dwarves were also using water pumps to replenish water, but in front of the huge fireball, it was as futile as a child shooting a water gun at the sun.

Rorschach quickly used [Freeze Ray] to continuously deprive the energy of the explosion. The fireball finally gradually decreased and dimmed until it extinguished, leaving behind the dark air bag fragments and skeleton, and the alchemical potion leaked from the broken pipe.

However, neither the mage nor the dwarf could breathe for a moment, because just stopping an explosion did not mean that the downward momentum had stopped. Rorschach noticed that only one of the airbags was intact, and all the other airbags had triggered protective circles, leaving only wreckage.

The inner and outer walls of the air bag flashed with light, and the runes lit up. The accompanying mage saw Rorschach wearing a purple robe and shouted: "Sir, four of our airbags are damaged. Now the airship's [levitation] is delaying the fall, but there is not much ether in the alchemy potion!"

Of the five light phlogiston storage bags, four exploded for unknown reasons. Three of the protective arrays worked, and one failed. The mage himself restrained the power of the explosion, but it was also consumed too much and could not be used by the emergency system. Alchemical potions replenish aether.

Rorschach put his hand on the potion jar, injected new ether, and the runes and magic circuits all over the air bag lit up a little more, but there was still no twist and the acceleration of the fall was negative.

"Go get my luggage!"

The flight attendant got Rorschach's suitcase, and he opened it and took out a jar of glowing blue crystals. "It was originally used as a sample, forget it." He poured out all the crystals, and they all dissolved as soon as they came into contact with the alchemy potion. The light of the circuit lights up again, this time with the storage tank as the center, and all the places where the liquid is newly circulated turn into blue fluorescence.

With the change completed, the airship's falling acceleration became a little smaller. Rorschach is not a human computer, but the reduction in weightlessness is a real experience.

However, new bad news came. The flight attendant conveyed the captain's words: "The rudder is locked. We have contacted the tower of Bain Munik. If we do not change our course, we will crash in the capital of the Kingdom!" It seems to be a man-made accident. , and the purpose is obvious.

"I'll find a way to stop the power furnace!" Seeing that the air bag's condition had stabilized, the dwarf hurried to the power room.

Come on, today is not September 11th, right? Rorschach found that every time he went out, something would happen, and big trouble would happen when he traveled far away. If fortune tellers in this world also publish something similar to an almanac, then every page for Rorschach should be "avoid traveling."

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