Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 166 It’s not easy to meet you

Is there any way? Luo Xia thought of collective spellcasting: "If we approach the city, can we summon the town's assistant mages to collectively cast spells? Use large [Featherfall Technique] and [Levitation Technique] to stabilize the crash."

"This is how the ground plans it, but it's very difficult. Each mage may not be able to succeed without receiving training in collective spell casting, and once it fails." The accompanying mage turned pale when he thought of the emergency regulations - if the airship loses control, it will threaten the city or other important areas. , countries have the right to shoot it down in advance!

It is difficult to save, but easy to destroy.

Even if he could escape with his own magic, he would probably be blacklisted by the guild and airship association, and he would never be able to get ahead in the future.

Now we are in a dilemma. If the airship is allowed to fall, it will not be able to fly to the city, but the accelerated fall from high altitude will inevitably make other passengers have no hope of survival.

If you choose to delay the descent, you still have room to apply the [Feather Drop Technique] on the passengers when they are close to the ground, so that they can return to the ground safely, but this way the airship will crash into the city, and there is a risk of being destroyed when it is close to the city.

It's a train problem in another world, and I'm on the train as well as on the tracks. Fortunately, Rorschach has the ability to protect himself and does not have the burden of responsibility of the accompanying mage, so he can calmly think about countermeasures.

"There is still a window period." Just land slowly before flying to the city. The inner wall of the empty air bag that Rorschach was in was now covered with blue circuits, and their brilliance seemed to be able to sense Rorschach's reaction.

Waiting for the induction, Rorschach tried his best to let go of the scope of "magic control". It seemed that the blue-light potion was naturally close to him, similar to the activated earth element in [Soil Shaping].

So "mapping"! Rorschach rearranged the circuits and runes of the entire air bag according to his own ideas. The accompanying mage stared up at the changes taking place in the entire huge space with his mouth open. The young man in purple robe in front of him had already demonstrated abilities beyond his understanding. Controlling the ether and circuits of the entire space is a power that only the Archmage has, right?

Rorschach modified both the inner and outer walls at the same time. Since the volume of the airship, especially the airbag, cannot be underestimated, the weight and height of [Levitation Technique] itself are limited, and the output of [Feather Fall Technique] is too weak to offset it. Gravitational potential energy now contributes to the acceleration of the airship.

Then Rorschach twisted the runes on the outer wall into [Rorschach's Hysteresis] array. If he had not followed Professor Poincaré for classes and research for a period of time, it would have been impossible to complete the on-site calculation of the topological array.

While twisting the entire circuit, he relied on the panel's magic circle transformation function to continuously adjust, which was equivalent to using the panel to force himself to do two things. The energy consumed and the magic power in the body were all stimulated and replenished by pumping ether into his body.

The advantage of [Hysteresis] compared to the other two spells is that its effect, the ability to change momentum, is positively related to the amount of ether it consumes, and can directly curb the momentum of falling.

The construction of the outer magic circle was completed, and the acceleration was close to the critical value, but it was not enough. It seemed that it was just the last point, but Rorschach knew that his state would only go downhill. A little bit meant that he would still accelerate downwards. He gritted his teeth and saw the last hydrogen balloon.

A bold idea took shape in his mind. He originally wanted to reconstruct the [Feather Fall Technique] on the inner wall, but the consumption was too great, so the blue light barrier lit up on the inner wall.

"Mr. Wizard, do you know the principles of hot air balloons?"

Bart originally came to the airport of the capital to prepare to pick him up, but he received an urgent task. The guild was summoning all mages near the capital.

At the same time, the management agency of the resident mage was also recruiting, so he had to go.

"Unlucky" Bart accepted the mission together with other mages, but his eyes widened as he looked at the writing board, and the words of the guild members echoed in his ears:

"An airship from Valuauna to Munik lost control and is expected to crash in the city half an hour later. We need to try to rescue it, if it fails."

He gave the order seriously: "For the safety of the entire city's residents, if it fails, shoot it down immediately!"

Bart numbly followed the entire team to the outskirts of the city and onto the expected route. They are now on the top of the small mound, and their mission is to cast spells collectively at the moment they are closest to the airship, and use a large [levitation spell] to prevent the airship from crashing.

This is an impossible mission, they planned to destroy the airship from the beginning!

And Bart painfully thought that his friend Rorschach was on the airship! Did he learn the magic to fly? This guy has strong theoretical knowledge, but once he starts practicing, he is not as good as himself. Bart doesn't dare to think about the worst possibility.

If you want to witness your friend crashing with the airship, or even personally participate in the shooting down, then the God of Destiny's joke would be too cruel!

The transceiver used for communication in the interdiction team suddenly received a signal, and the crystal in its core trembled as it received a message from the airship:

"Decelerating and making an emergency landing, unable to turn, making an emergency landing!"

Then they quickly saw a scene they would never forget—a rare and shocking scene for mages:

The burning airship passed through the woods at low altitude, and the mournful cry of the deformed steel structure scared the birds into flight, while the giant beast slowly descended. Its body also contained flames, and there was blue fluorescence between the alternating firelights to maintain the entire body. body shape.

From the end of its abdomen, passengers were thrown out one by one, but these people were obviously blessed by magic. They waved their limbs but slowly fell, and landed smoothly after a while.

Just like the giant beast is there.

After clearing out most of the passengers, the bone-burning beast finally crashed into the middle of the hill where the mages were standing, resting there forever.

"Water! Put out the flames quickly!"

Fortunately, there were enough mages standing on the top of the mountain, and countless water bombs hit the wreckage. Some people summoned a rain cloud, and a heavy downpour fell, extinguishing all the fires. At the same time, the blue light barrier that supported the entire airbag structure dispersed.

Rorschach crawled out from the center of the air bag and saw Bart sprinting towards him with all his strength. At this time, Rorschach's whole body was covered in ashes, and his purple robe was unrecognizable under the cover of high temperature and dust, but the cane he was holding was as bright as new.

"I knew you hadn't learned the flying spell!"

The two hugged each other tightly, and Rorschach never expected that his friend who had reunited would say these words.

"I know [Levitation Technique] and [Feather Falling Technique], can you trust me?"

In the investigation room, the accompanying mage slumped on the cold bench tiredly, and the two investigators asked him:

"According to your recollection, the air bag was vandalized."

"Yes, I have told you twice: a masked man was discovered by me on duty when he was setting up the last destructive device, and then he escaped without completing the entire arrangement.

"Four of the five airbags were detonated, and one of the protective circles only operated for one level. I had to cast a spell to restrain the explosion and let him escape successfully. Then the dwarf master closest to the airbag came to help. The power system at the back was locked. .”

"What do you mean, the saboteurs moved from the airbag to lock the rudder while there was no one in the power room? In other words, his original plan was just to cause an explosion to crash the airship. Was the attack on Munik City a temporary move after the failed operation? "

"I only state the facts I have seen. I cannot deny or confirm your reasoning, sir. Oh no, what you and I saw may not be true."

"Such an uncooperative attitude will only be detrimental to you."

"I will resign as soon as I get out of this hellish place. Thanks to another intermediate mage, there were no casualties in this incident. That's all I want to say."

Thanks to "Book Friends 20220409231314031" "Monotony has its limit" "Blue Shirt and Purple Robe" "Howling Sirius King ~ chic and fragrant" (the ID of the book friend is very distinctive) "Jade Sword Immortal Question" "Ten Years of Bookworms and Hundred Years of Dragons" Monthly ticket support for "Ice Traveler", "Humble Fool" and "Sharp Dagenjun"!

Thanks to books such as "There is a Bear", "Nervous Bing", "Confused Man", "Yeda Nuan", "Bi Tiffany No. 3", "ACEx6", "Howling Sirius King ~ Chic and Fragrant", "Red Blood Cells 2002" and "SEERS" Supported by friends’ recommendation votes!

Sorry for the late update, but it’s the third update! The protagonist who avoids traveling finally comes to the Byrne Kingdom that does not belong to him at the moment! It’s not interesting to stay in Valuauna for too long, but it’s still exciting to hit the road.

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