Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 168: Stab in the Sausage Nest

"Rorschach and Mr. Pierre, please check into our hotel first. We have arranged the best private room for you."

"The Baldorom Chamber of Commerce is really powerful. It actually has such a big industry in the city center." Pierre came to the empire from the most prosperous and corrupt city in the mainland, but he acted like Grandma Liu entering the village. Rorschach felt that it was a show. The ingredients are a Neusingen-esque compliment.

Bart waved his hand: "It's no big deal. As a partner, your trading company is the largest liquor merchant in the Holy Kingdom!" Then he pointed to the building not far from the hotel and introduced: "This is the new city hall." Inadvertently emphasizing the location The sharpness.

The main body of the new city hall is a magnificent and solemn stone building. The reliefs are more complex than those in the Holy Kingdom, and the roofs are sharper than those in the Holy Kingdom. Statues of His Majesty the Kings of the past generations stand on the stone pillars of the facade, with a single-headed eagle clutching the coat of arms with a blue and white diamond pattern.

It happened to be the hour, and the half-open bronze window sill under the spire not only had a bell, but also small puppets riding horses, holding swords, holding flags and blowing horns took turns to appear. Pedestrians stopped in front of the square to watch.

There are also people sketching postcards, buildings and people in the square. The business is very good. It is inferred that many people in the square are tourists. There are small stalls on the edge of the square, and the passenger flow is not small. Rorschach discovered that Munik was still a tourist city.

"Are there many tourists here?"

"Yes, the whole Byrne Kingdom is interesting. I can show you around tomorrow." Bart scratched his head: "Mr. Pierre, Hasay is traveling in a carriage and is still on his way back home. Tomorrow is for Rorschach and I. Private arrangements for you.”

"Don't worry about me. The two mages are free. I can wait for Mr. Hasai and inspect the capital of the kingdom."

"Thank you for your consideration." Bart informed Rorschach that he would take Rorschach around tomorrow afternoon, and then there would be a small banquet in the evening.

Rorschach actually spent a lot of time on the airship. He couldn't keep the airship flying for so long with only the passivated transmutation dust, leaving only its skeleton. In the end, it was all up to him to mobilize the environmental ether.

According to Rorschach's idea, the accompanying mage used the last hydrogen to ignite it, continuously heating the air in the air bag to reduce its density and provide buoyancy, but in the end the fire that Bart and the others saw actually started from the power room.

"Finally we're here." After washing up, Luo Xia fell down on the big bed and fell asleep.

"Rorschach? Did you just wake up?" In the afternoon, Bart rang the doorbell for a long time. If Rorschach hadn't opened the door in time, he would have broken in.

"Sleep until now. Wait for me to tidy up, and then take me to have something to eat." Rorschach slept peacefully and successfully missed breakfast, brunch and lunch.

"You've got a good time. It happens to be market day. There will be delicious food in the Town Hall Square, and you can also go to the pub."

Of course the serious restaurants are closed now, but all kinds of stalls are set up. According to Bart's introduction, there are specialized market merchants in the entire Bain Kingdom, who travel to the kingdom and even the entire Duma River Alliance area to go to market.

It's market month in the capital city of Munik, and local vendors are licensed to operate in the Town Hall Square.

No wonder it was very lively yesterday. But when he arrived at the square, Rorschach was still surprised: now the entire square was occupied by stalls, and there was endless shouting.

The men here wear waist-length suspenders, black woolen vests, small round hats, and uniform white shirts underneath. Older people all have big beards and big bellies.

Women mostly wear floral and plaid skirts, but they are not very delicate and a bib is a must. The above are all clothes for working people.

Rorschach could guess what Bart said was delicious without looking at it. Various sausages were paired with beer/hard bread/plant tubers, fried and boiled in various combinations.

In short, when it comes to eating, they are digging into the sausage nest.

In fact, most of the impressions of the empire's humanistic customs in the Holy Kingdom and even other parts of the mainland come from the Kingdom of Bain, which has frequent trade and large flows of people. In fact, this is not the case in northern regions such as the Kingdom of Marin. In terms of autonomy, Byrne is a small empire among empires; in terms of cultural export, the empire should be called Little Byrne.

Rorschach chewed alkaline bread and walked with Bart in the city, listening to the resident mage introducing him to various scenic spots.

Albert was actually a very forward-thinking king, supporting various public performing arts activities, building many buildings, and supporting festivals held in various places in Byrne. Like other nobles, he not only enjoyed and decorated the facade with art, but also had consciousness to develop tourism.

In addition to Byrne's own finances and taxes, the money for tourism also comes from the imperial prime minister. Yes, in order to appease the dishonest kingdom in the south, the empire actually gave money.

"Isn't your residence in Würzburg? How come you know so much about this place of food, drink and fun?" Rorschach realized that someone might have neglected their duties seriously. In less than a year, he actually asked where the theater in Munich had the most new plays, Where the beer hall has the best wine and where the crispy elbow is the best, there are countless treasures.

"Because Milly likes it here. And the focus of the family's business is here, so it's normal for me to be familiar with it." Someone said righteously.

When Rorschach was walking on the street, he was not only concerned about his appetite. He noticed that the beer hall provided many glass cups in addition to ceramic cups and tin cups, which proved that this place had the ability to produce glass and could provide glass bottles for beverage factories. Residents have a strong willingness to consume, but they are accustomed to drinking beer. Soda needs to emphasize the sandy texture and has higher requirements for sealing.

No, I have a more important purpose.

Rorschach asked casually: "Bart, how many magic towers does Byrne have?"

"Not many. Except for the deep mountains and old forests, most respectable mages will choose to join guilds and secret magic towers, as well as our resident mages.

"Even though my office is built very high, it's really just a tower. The empire doesn't have that many resources to equip us with a real magic tower."

Rorschach tested it: "You don't plan to use the resources of the Chamber of Commerce to build a real magic tower?"

"My goal is Parliament, Parliament, Parliament! But Milly seems to want to live in a real magic tower. She has read too many stories." Bart reacted and stopped: "You are not planning to build a mage in Byrne. Tower?"

"Yes and no." Rorschach said with a smile: "My first step is to build a beverage factory."

Bart didn't understand the connection between building a beverage factory and the Magic Tower for the time being. Their walking journey reached the end and stopped in front of a mansion that was also in the city center.

Bart knocked on the doorbell, and the door opened first a crack and then fully. A housekeeper with a very stern face opened the door for them and reported to the back room: "Miss Amalia, Master Bart and his Friends are here!"

Dong-dong-dong, the wooden floor was squeaked by rapid footsteps, and the housekeeper called out "Miss Amalia" to tell her to slow down. A smiling girl appeared in the corridor holding up her skirt. The skirt was the same as the women in the square.

"I asked Sadofi to help me buy it. Does it look good?"

"Now I see the elf of spring." The straight man with a greasy look in Rorschach's eyes replied, but the dignified little princess couldn't stop laughing.

ah? Did you use [Charm Humans]? Rorschach frowned, but felt no trace of ether fluctuations.

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