Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 170 The progress bar is stuck

This time, the larger-scale dinner was held on the third floor of the trading company building named by Baldorom. It looked like a reception place. According to the receptionist, Munik's best chef was invited to cook delicious dishes for the distinguished guests.

"Let us welcome the respected mage and the guests from Valois! I believe Byrne, no, the whole empire is willing to taste the Valois-flavored brews besides beer!"

“As we all know, the word ‘Valuvana’ has a special magic among ladies, you are sure to be a hit!”

The fat guys toasted with compliments, the executive officer, the tax officer and the trade representative took turns attacking, Rorschach launched the "damage transfer", and then Mr. Pierre suffered a double blow.

At first, the hosts tried to maintain their own style in front of the Valois people, sipping dry fruit wine that tasted sour and a little astringent. As things got better, the executive officer proposed adding sugar and received unanimous support.

When Mr. Pierre was almost full after drinking a small amount of sweet water with a high degree of alcohol content, he opened his drunken eyes and was surprised to find that he had replaced his hand with a vat-like glass. The golden liquid rose and burst with the foam, releasing a burst of light. The fragrance of wheat.

Pierre Neusingen finished his portion and couldn't drink anymore. He looked pleadingly at Rorschach, who was as awake as the waiter.

This beer looks delicious. Rorschach picked up the wine glass for the first time at the dinner table, attracting everyone's attention:

"I am the son of a farmer. After having made a small fortune in Valois, I am extremely honored to have the opportunity to give back to my hometown and return to the south of the Empire. It is even more of an honor for you to honor me and join us for a banquet! Although I usually do not drink alcohol, But today I would like to join you all in praising the gift of Dionysus and praising Byrne!”

After saying that, the boy picked up the wine glass and showed the empty bottom to everyone.

"Praise Byrne!" Others raised their glasses together.

"Huh?" Mr. Pierre, who wanted to skip this round, found that his wine glass had been refilled by the waiter.

Pierre's face turned green after coming down from the "battlefield fighting". At this time, the carriage was running on the stone road, and the carriage was his new execution ground.

Fortunately, the moon was dark and the wind was high, so the uncivilized behavior of the Valouana people vomiting out of the car window did not cause any harm to pedestrians, and no patrol team discovered it.

Rorschach handed the general manager a small handkerchief, and he wiped his mouth and smiled miserably: "Thank you, Rorschach." At the last moment, Pierre stuck his head out of the window in time.

"Master, drive slowly, we are not in a hurry." After Rorschach ordered the coachman, blue light condensed in his right hand and shrouded Pierre in front of him. After being blessed by "Resurrection", he suddenly felt refreshed and refreshed.

"Much better, oh my magic is amazing."

Although Newsingen's miserable appearance is inseparable from Rorschach's use of him to stop drinking, Rorschach will not have much sympathy. The shopping mall is like a battlefield. Who is not a cirrhosis warrior who is tested by alcohol? If you don't practice drinking, you won't be there. Munik, known as the "Liquor City", is making money!

But where can I start to develop a spell to quickly relieve hangover? Accelerate alcohol metabolism or protect nerves. Drunkness is a manifestation of "poisoning". Is detoxification magic useful?

Pierre's words brought Rorschach back from his thoughts:

"To tell you the truth, I feel like I didn't make much progress tonight." Although the pain caused by drunkenness was relieved by Rorschach, Newsingen was not very happy. Although he drank a glass of wine, he was by no means unconscious. On the contrary, he was not unconscious at all. Observing the situation on the table.

Rorschach also agreed with the judgment: "At least the executive officer and tax officer recognized the preferential concession we got from the palace, but the rest of the time it was just rhetoric and socializing with representatives of the Baldorom Chamber of Commerce."

"The alliance's trade is interested in distribution, but they prefer to get goods from the original Valois factory and are not very interested in us building a factory here."

Rorschach let out a long breath: "Let's go on a field trip and see the scene with our own eyes." At this time, he felt that his thinking was still stuck in the past life, and he made an empiricist error, thinking that he would bring capital and technology to provide jobs and tax revenue. will be warmly welcomed.

But it seems that except for the prince himself who is willing to provide support, the executive and tax officials, local business representatives, and even more interested in the drinking capacity of the Valuana people have received a mediocre response. In short, after a round of communication, Rorschach and Pierre didn't even get a verbal promise.

The previous communication with the prince was too smooth, but finally hit a snag.

On the second day, Bart, Rorschach and Pierre walked under the blue sky and white clouds, on the green meadow. This is the time when all things grow and animals exchange genetic information frequently.

The newly shaved sheep gnawed on the grass, not missing the roots, while the cows chewed it slowly. The countryside of Bain was rich in water and grass, there were flocks of cattle and sheep, and there were large tracts of wheat fields. Otherwise, it would not be able to support the world-famous mainland. Beer brewing industry.

The three of them were walking on the edge of pastures and shrubs. The dirt road was built at the foot of the mountain. Two carriages followed them step by step.

Bart pointed to the wheat fields in his sight, most of which will be used as raw materials for brewing after harvesting: "It's a pity that it is too difficult to preserve the flavor of beer, otherwise our chamber of commerce would be very willing to let the residents of Valuauna taste the wonderful liquid bread."

"It tastes really good." Rorschach nodded, and Mr. Pierre, who had not yet healed from his wounds, retched reflexively.

"The Baldorom Chamber of Commerce plays an important role in the logistics industry. If Hasse can use this to communicate with Byrne and Valois, my father will definitely promote him to senior partner."

Bart frowned when he thought of something: "Guilds, guilds, all walks of life are controlled by these things. As comfortable as you are in the guild, it will be uncomfortable to deal with other guilds."

"And the Magic Guild."

"Yes, the relationship between the Imperial Council and the Magic Guild is not very good now. Now you have to try to deal with the annoying guild. And it's time for me to return to my post and see you in Würzburg!" Bart waved He waved his hand, got on the leading carriage and drove away.

Rorschach and Pierre boarded the second carriage. At the far end of the fork in the road that was different from the one heading to Würzburg, at the end of the fields, smoke gradually rose. That was their first stop on the trip, the Kingdom of Byrne. The glass manufacturing center has large and small workshops gathered on both sides of the river, and there are many chimneys.

Every workshop is filled with heat. In the circular furnace, silica and cosolvent are added in proportions and melted at high temperatures. Water-driven blowers whir. Mass-produced glass beer glasses rely on molds, while vessels such as goblets with more curves are blown out bit by bit by glaziers using metal tubes dipped in syrup-like molten glass.

With the permission of the workshop owner, Rorschach and Mr. Pierre visited one. Pierre was very interested in the bucket carried by the craftsman, which contained white ash: "What is that?"

Workshop owner: "Sir, this is a secret."

Rorschach: "Soda ash."

Then another bucket of black powder was added to the river sand, and Pierre asked again.

Workshop owner: "Secret."

Rorschach: "Lead powder."

"." Before the big beer-bellied workshop owner got mad, Rorschach opened his coat, revealing the mage badge pinned to his vest.

"It turns out to be Master Mage. You are really knowledgeable." In the concept of simple farmers and craftsmen, it is a matter of course that spell casters know everything.

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