Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 171 Overdeveloped Industry

When Monsieur Pierre offered to trade, the workshop owner was happy to accept the order. "We can make any cup, whether it's yellow or red!" The strong man from the Southern Empire patted his big belly and assured the two customers.

However, when they proposed that they need to customize large quantities of glass bottles according to their own standards, the workshop owner hesitated. When he heard that Pierre said "this will be a long-term order," he directly refused.

"Sorry, you two, our workshop can't do it!" The door slammed shut, and Rorschach and Pierre were kicked out.

Pierre thought he had said something wrong: "What's going on?"

Rorschach pulled him and continued walking along the river: "Ask the next house."

However, the answers from all the workshops were the same, whether they were workshops that made wine bottles and glasses or those that made flat glass, they were all rejected without exception.

"Why is this like this!" Pierre kicked away the glass shards at the door, and a parabola fell into the lake. The slag is green and is a specialty of this place. It is named "forest glass" because of its color.

It would be great to use it to make beer bottles. Big Green Stick Little BBQ. But Rorschach, who has repeatedly hit the wall, now only has regrets.

"Let's go directly to the largest workshop and try to meet with the guild leader of the glass guild." Rorschach reflected that he had made a mistake in the order. When doing business in Bain, he should first talk to the guild leader, and then talk to a specific merchant. Talk, obviously Bart reminded you to deal with the guild yourself.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, I don't see your sincerity. I haven't even seen the wine sample you mentioned. If it's just an energy potion, I can believe it with the guarantee of this mage, but soda? That He... what kind of wine, I He's from the countryside, I don't understand." The president was also a strong man drunk with beer, but his voice was as vague as a bellows.

The guild president's rosy nose trembled. He rejected Pierre's invitation and hinted tactfully that Rorschach's order seemed to be a lot, but he (theoretically) had to consider it for the whole guild and distribute it to various places. There are not many workshops.

"Unfortunately, the airship I was traveling on had an accident and some of my luggage including samples were lost, but I promise."

Rorschach stopped Pierre from continuing, and he leaned forward slightly: "Today's visit was caused by our abruptness. The original plan was just to visit your place. The exquisite glass craftsmanship here left a deep impression on us. We will bring it out next time." You are deeply impressed by our products.”

The guild leader took Rorschach's hand with calluses and burn scars, and the two said goodbye.

"What's wrong with him is that he won't do any business!" Accustomed to the vibrant business atmosphere of Valoisana, Pierre has developed a sense of cowardice in this town.

Rorschach was blowing the wind by the river and analyzed: "The glass manufacturing industry here is too self-consistent. It all revolves around Munik and the surrounding brewing industry. When we put forward long-term orders, no one dares to bypass the industry association and go it alone to undertake it independently.

"As for the guild president, in order to gain credibility, he needs to reasonably allocate our orders to all guild members. After the orders are dispersed, they will not be very attractive to him. It is better to do less than to do more."

"We might as well build a supporting factory ourselves! Isn't it just bottles? At worst, we can bring the glassmakers from Valois here!"

"What about the raw materials? We can't transport everything from the Holy Kingdom, right? Then why should we bother to build a factory?" Byrne's handicraft clusters are scattered in various cities and small towns. Not only do the various guilds advance and retreat in the industry, but the industry The guilds in each link are also related to each other to protect each other.

"If we offend the glass guild, our self-built glass bottle factory will have to deal with the Mining and Metallurgical Association to purchase river sand and metal powder. There is no guarantee that the glass guild will not interfere with it. In other aspects, we will also have to deal with countless large and small guilds. I’m afraid today’s situation will happen again.”

When introducing beverages, if you don't deal well with the brewing guild, you may be targeted as an opponent. They are from Valois, and their own people can only be counted in the logistics guild where Baldorome is entrenched.

Rorschach continued to analyze, and the more he talked about it, the more frustrated Pierre became.

These handicraft cartels have a vague tendency to unite around the pillar industries of the Byrne Kingdom. Among them, the brewing guild, wool guild, and dyeing and spinning guilds are subordinate and vassal.

It seems that the Glass Guild is a vassal of the Brewing Guild. The "Hercules" Beverage Factory is a wine merchant from the Holy Kingdom, so it will naturally be rejected by local snakes. The Glass Guild will also be cautious about transactions with Pierre.

The handicraft industry in Byrne is indeed developed. It is too developed and has become an obstacle to the development of industry and commerce.

Obviously, this kind of mutual protection industry association disgusted the lords here. No wonder Prince Otto supported him so eagerly. It is very likely that he wanted to introduce a "catfish" to disturb the business structure of the Byrne Kingdom. After personal inspection, Rorschach said: There is a new understanding of the attitude of the "adults" in Munik City.

The attitude of the guests at last night's banquet was that the executive officer and others didn't think we could succeed, or were they originally on the side of the guild?

There are also his friends. Bart allowed himself to suffer first, perhaps to emphasize the importance of the Baldorom Chamber of Commerce. The Logistics Association dominates the circulation of goods, and the three pillars do not dare to offend them.

"Can we only rely on the Baldorom Chamber of Commerce? Then why should I let them control me? I can just sell the formula and technology!"

"No, guilds are inherently loose and backward organizations. We can always find a breakthrough." Rorschach found another fragment of "forest glass". He picked it up and looked at the sun.

There is also a guild. The organization that is supposed to be above these bullshit things has never had a sense of existence - the Magic Guild!

A paradoxical fact is that the magic guilds in the religious country of Valois have a very strong presence, while in Byrne, a country with loose beliefs, they are almost invisible in business activities.

Perhaps it has something to do with the style of operation of the great magic tower in the area. The Tower of Stars itself only opens a portal in Stella Garden, but the alchemy department, research building and enterprises under the magic guild are very closely integrated.

Valois's own business is also more active. Except for a few industrial sectors such as the watch industry, other handicraft clusters have been severely crushed by trading companies affiliated with the Magic Guild, which have the triple buff of tax reduction, accelerated research, and high employee education.

The power of industry, academia and research swept across small workshops, and even trading companies that had not joined the magic guild were forced to roll up their organizational form and introduce new technologies.

The Istani Kingdom is even more advanced than the Holy Kingdom in terms of commercial and technological applications.

As for the Kingdom of Byrne, as far as Rorschach knows, it should be the location of the Tower of Secrets. It is really mysterious! It's so mysterious that Rorschach doesn't know how he can't see traces in Byrne's industry.

"Next, let's split up. Mr. Pierre, you can continue to inspect other related industries. It's just an inspection, and we won't start negotiations until Mr. Hasay arrives." Hasay came in a carriage, and also transported a carriage of soda juice and a carriage. Hercules lilac brandy.

"and you?"

"I want to go to the Magic Guild, no, the Tower of Secrets." Rorschach found blue and green glass shards on the ground, and then walked to the retail store. There are also many workshops in the small town with a front store and a factory model.

"Only cups? Are there any handicrafts and 'forest glass' or 'blue glass'?" The glasses are all light yellow, and some are more crystal clear, so the price has doubled.

The proprietress took down a crystal-like glass pony from the shelf: "We have beautiful gadgets here. Only three large workshops can make forest glass and cobalt blue glass. They all make flat glass and sell it to churches. Others But you can’t get this business.”

"I bought that pony. It's so lifelike." Rorschach paid four imperial silver coins, and the landlady took out a small wooden box and put the glass pony away. Inside, there was a layer of hay, a layer of cashmere and a layer of muslin, and she packed it very carefully.

"Thank you."

Thanks to book friend "Weisard" for the tip!

Thank you to book friends "Ye Da Nuan", "Ying Feng Liu Nei", "Book Friends 20180710103449462", "Fengchen 4869", "Class and Class" and "Monotonous Limits" for their monthly ticket support!

Thanks to book friends such as "Silver Sea Level", "Southern Mountains and Northern Hunting", "Pipi Whale Plunder Pot", "Blowing Clouds", "The Fleet Departs", "Old Friend Comes on the Moon", "Sun and Moon Source Che" and other books for their encouragement!

I returned home from school today and spent a lot of time packing, cleaning the dormitory and traveling, so there are only two updates, and I will continue with three updates tomorrow!

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