Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 175 Glass Town Talker

Rorschach is a person with a spirit of sharing. He worked hard for a long time to make stained glass. He didn't want to monopolize it, but just wanted to make it public to everyone as soon as possible. Even if it is paid, others will say: Master Rorschach, you are quite a nice person.

In this era, especially in Byrne, where the guild is still powerful, the true meaning of "knowledge is priceless" is that you can't even buy it if you have money.

It's just that Rorschach's spirit of sharing frightened the guild president. The three largest workshops in the guild relied on their monopoly on the production of forest glass and cobalt blue glass and sold flat glass to churches in the south at high prices. can take turns to be the banker in the election.

And these three companies can be traced back to the three apprentices of the same master who became monks. After apprenticeship in the empire, they will become guild-certified craftsmen, and then leave here to travel and work in other workshops. After further improving their skills, they will return to the guild or go to the guild. Set up shop elsewhere.

This "mobile apprenticeship" fosters technical exchange and advancement, but for Rorschach it's a familiar recipe! Sure enough, in the final analysis, the magic guild is also a guild. But Byrne is aloof from elsewhere, so here he is particularly stubborn.

At Rorschach's request, the Byrne Glass Guild held a temporary meeting. Some glass workshops were not concentrated in the town, so at the guild president's request, Rorschach and Pierre waited for two days. Mr. Hasse and Barr Representatives of Dorom also arrived.

Maybe the president of the Time Guild would be making small moves behind his back at this time, but Rorschach didn't care.

Mr. Pierre: "Master Rorschach, the guild leader has summoned all the workshop owners."

"Okay, let them wait for a while. I'll come as soon as I finish what I'm doing." In two days, Rorschach made another trip to the Tower of Secrets to make more stained glass materials and summoned a few pairs of An apprentice with a slight interest in alchemy tests and records the process of refining associated minerals.

Now Rorschach is a little obsessed with making small glass crafts. With the [Mage's Hand] and [Stone Shaping] with tactile feedback, making small models is easier than kneading clay. After mastering the "mapping" method of glass, you can do what you want. That’s what you get.

"What is this? A magic warrior?" Mr. Pierre carefully picked up a glass humanoid. He could see the head, body and limbs, but he had never seen such armor and what he held in both hands. Guns? Magic weapon?

"Ah yes, yes." In fact, Zaku Luosha forgot to put this away. At this moment, facing the other world, the businessman uncle had an inexplicable feeling of shame of being ganked by a visiting relative.

"Okay. Let's go and meet these industry experts."

Rorschach has been staying in the tower of the resident mage these days. He is Eugenie's student and is happy to host him. The temporary meeting place of the guild was chosen at the town hall, and the two buildings were not far apart. As soon as the mage entered the conference room, the guild president, the mayor and Mr. Hasse all stood up. Now the others could not sit still and all stood up to greet him.

Am I the talker? Luo Xia didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He walked to the main seat and sat down. He pressed his hands to indicate that everyone did not have to stand. "Sorry I'm late."

"It's not too late, it's because we came early." You are very aware of being a loser. Guild leader, you are optimistic about you.

The other workshop owners suppressed their surprise. This is a small town supported by the glass industry. It can have no town office and cannot have a guild. Therefore, even the mayor will not receive such respect from the guild president.

Rorschach first presented each person with a small glass handicraft that he made by himself. Although it was a "skilled ax", Rorschach was playing with a magic ax, and those who got it could only be amazed - many details were made by blowing, pressing, and lifting. , the traditional craftsmanship of pulling cannot be done.

Under his control, more than twenty gadgets slowly floated in front of everyone. The workshop owners observed them carefully after receiving them.

The proprietress who sold Rorschach's little white horse, now he knew her name was Jane Fanny. Although she sat at the bottom of the round table, she got the "Wand-wielding Magician" and was noticed by the guild leader.

"I'm sorry, Master Mage, we can't make something like this." A workshop owner thought that what he was holding was a sample. He was holding an amber-orange glass dragon. He couldn't imagine a palm-sized dragon with scales. How to make the details and the fangs in the mouth.

There was a buzz in the conference room.

Rorschach raised his hand again, and the noise immediately disappeared. It would be great if the students could be so obedient. "You have misunderstood. I said I would give you gifts, but this is just a gift. What we really need you to do is this."

Rorschach took out the bottle he "designed". Its waist was tightened and its beautiful, just-right curves made it easy to hold. At that time, Mr. Pierre's eyes lit up just when he picked it up. Anyway, the Coke Company’s intellectual property rights can’t hit the other world. Of course, Rorschach is reproducing the classic design.

"Of course we can do such an order, but why do we need to gather everyone together?" A bearded workshop owner said bluntly.

"First, we ask guild members not to provide glass bottles of this shape to other wine merchants; second, our first phase production is 15,000 bottles per month."

The sample was circulated among the workshop owners, and the guy holding it almost dropped it after hearing the number.

This figure is the result of two businessmen, Pierre and Mr. Hasse. Taking advantage of the boom in Valois, sales of Hercules soda were at 25,000 bottles per month, and these were large bottles rather than the small bottles "designed" by Rorschach.

Bain's tourism and commerce are both developed. Although it does not have the purchasing power of the Valuvana people, Hasai conservatively estimates that the entire Duma Alliance can consume that much, even as much as the Holy Kingdom. With Bart's influence, if "energetic potions" were used as military supplies and distributed to the Empire's Southern Front.

In short, the market is huge. Now Rorschach has only given a conservative figure. However, for these craftsmen, it is an astronomical figure: "Mr. Impossible! Even if we reject other orders, we can't complete it!"

"I know you can't finish it. Leave the rest of the time to Mr. Pierre."

In fact, both the bottle making factory and the canning factory have ready-made Valuana experience. As a board member, Rorschach also proposed the concept of the assembly line, but the core plant raw material extraction production line is not in a hurry. According to the advancement of the soft drink big brother in the previous life Based on experience, the concentrated puree is shipped from the Valois General Factory, and is blended locally and then bottled, aerated, and capped. The sales network is handed over to the Bardorom Chamber of Commerce, which coordinates with the logistics conference.

But there are always obstacles in the implementation of experience. Rorschach has cleared the first stumbling block. Now it is Mr. Pierre's time to show off.

Mr. Pierre announced the idea of ​​establishing a company. The initial investment funds were provided by "Heracles" and "Bardorom". The two companies accounted for 51% of the company's shares, and 29% of the shares were owned by the guild. For workshop subscription, 20% of the shares belong to the employee stock ownership committee, which is awarded to employees or open to employees for subscription. The stock ownership committee repurchases the shares of those who leave.

"So what we're going to do is."

The guild president coughed: "Guild members can subscribe for shares themselves, and you can participate or not. Even if you don't want 29% of the shares, I will buy the rest!"

When the guild president said this, people's hearts began to rise.

"For new companies, if you provide technology and people, you can also get shares. We don't need a master with a good craftsmanship, an apprentice is enough!" All processes follow the Valois model, and bottle production is theoretically useful. The mold-blowing method is standardized and only requires skilled workers. Recruiting new workers can quickly increase production.

"Everyone has heard what Mr. Pierre said. Who is in favor and who is against?"

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