Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 176 Factory Construction and Recruitment

"If we can bring skilled workers from Valois, we can open it ourselves." Pierre was amazed by the efficiency of the Masons Brotherhood. If they give you enough money for the project, they can use magic to move mountains and seas for you.

In less than ten days, the factory has begun to take shape, but the equipment is not in place. Mr. Hasay took over the subsequent negotiations, and Pierre used Rorschach's summons qualifications to use the magic guild's transmission system to summon engineers from the main factory to guide the construction.

"Didn't you say that the head office of the Holy Kingdom is also expanding? And if you don't deal with local groups, there are various ways to prevent you from starting."

"Yes, I'll tell you."

The main cities of the Kingdom of Byrne are "Munnik-Oxburg" and "Würzburg-Nuren" in the south and north respectively. After several inspections, the bottle making factory and the beverage factory responsible for blending and filling were selected to be located in Landstedt. , this is a small city between the north and the south.

The entire Bayern Kingdom has a well-developed water network, relying on the Duma River water system to connect all major cities. There is also the North-South Canal, a legacy of the old empire era, which is maintained by the Logistics Association and connects places that are out of reach of the water system.

It is adjacent to the Glass Town, but does not have any developed industries, so Rorschach is very satisfied. There is now a huge wedding celebration going on in the city, with parades throughout the town, traveling troupes performing and horse racing.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not the wedding of Bart and the little princess, but the wedding of a duke in the old empire five hundred years ago! I don’t know why at the time, but the man came to this town to hold a grand ceremony. The residents had never seen such fun, so they repeated it every four years, and now it has evolved into a carnival in late spring.

What makes these residents boring enough is that wealthy and leisurely people from Munik also came to watch the ceremony. Over time, the residents also received an income from surrounding tourists, and they became more energetic.

I heard that some people in the neighboring village insisted that they were from the Far East in order to resist taxes. Every year when it was time to collect taxes, they asked the mayor to dress up as the emperor of the Far East and close the city gates.

When Rorschach heard about these strange customs and customs, he decided on the spot - "This is it!"

"We're looking for workers! We're looking for workers!" Residents followed the parade from the south to the north of the city, and then saw a shed recruiting workers at the end. Of course, the beverage factory used money to smoothen the relationship with the parade organizers and ambush them at the scheduled end of the procession early in the process.

At the same time, there was a shed distributing free drinks - two barrels of puree transported by airship were opened on the spot and mixed with soda water for distribution. Rorschach is also in the shed, and his role is to make ice.

"Mr. Rorschach, boil another bucket." Rorschach insisted on using treated water to make ice. If everyone drank it and had diarrhea, it would be a negative advertisement.

[Freezing Ray] [Decomposition], and then a bucket of ice cubes is freshly baked.

Although it is still spring, the cold has dissipated now, the parade in the sun has become hot, and a glass of ice soda is still sweet! It was the most delicious thing any of the town’s residents had ever tasted!

"Get in line! Get in line! You can get another drink at the next shed!" Fortunately, there were strong men to maintain order, and many people were attracted to the recruitment office.

"I can't read, how much money can I get?" "How much?" The onlookers whispered to each other, it was very noisy, and they spoke more energetically with soda water to moisten their throats.

"What! Two silver coins a month?" Of course no one in a big city would want to do this, but for a small town lacking cash flow, this salary is simply unbelievable. The currency flow in rural areas is even more tense. Small farmers can only rely on eggs, milk and raised livestock in exchange for cash. After eating the food they grow, saving seeds and paying taxes, there is not much left.

At the same time, Glass Town is also recruiting workers.

The new company borrowed Jenny's store, and the proprietress also helped maintain order and introduce the company. Inside the store, a cobalt blue glass "widow-wielding magician" was "enshrined" like a holy statue. Those who didn't know it thought it was a business. The meeting's patron saint.

The apprentices are all somewhat literate, and they can understand the salary and recruitment requirements by listening and looking when they pass by. So the new factory became the subject of discussion among them.

"I say it again, whoever dares to go to that new factory, I will throw him into the furnace!" In a relatively large workshop, the bearded workshop owner put down his harsh words and kicked him hard to death. The apprentice who has done well is out. However, as he walked forward, the apprentices and craftsmen in the workshop started chatting.

The kicked apprentice rubbed his butt and complained to his close companions: "We have met the recruitment requirements, why do we still have to be angry with this madman?"

Someone next to me said: "They pay wages! Every three months."

"Do you think that's okay?"

"I asked Jennifer, the only things made in it are bottles and molds. What's so difficult about it?"

"It's a lie, right? It's simple and has a lot of money, how can such a good thing be possible?"

"Let's go take a look during lunch break." "Go with you."

Rorschach stayed in the small town of Landsht all morning, and moved back to the Glass Town before lunch.

"Aunt Jennifer, how was your morning?"

"Seven apprentices are willing to come, and there are many others who are interested."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Rorschach pulled Mr. Pierre to personally deliver warmth, oh no, "ice".

They went to every workshop, made ice cubes in front of apprentices and craftsmen, and poured out cups of soda to them.

In the blazing space of the furnace, a glass of ice soda made the glazier's apprentice suddenly startled: "God, I'm going to heaven! Is this what the new factory produces?"

"Yes, we need a lot of bottles."

"Fucked you!"

The craftsman felt incredible that the apprentice could easily decide his life: "You were bewitched by a cup of sugar water! Ezekiel, you can sell yourself at a low price even if you meet the devil!"

The apprentice turned around and spat at the master who usually beat and scolded him: "Fuck you, I'll give you money! Even if you are a devil, I will admit it."

The craftsman didn't want to get angry in front of the mage. He subconsciously took a sip of the drink to suppress his anger, and then drank the rest in the second sip. The ice cubes crunched loudly: "Mr. Mage, I will do it with you too. As long as Let me continue to discipline this kid!"

At the end of the circle, Rorschach handed out the drinks, and Mr. Pierre held a stack of contracts. Some apprentices could write, and some just stamped them with their fingerprints. Pierre was happy and worried at the same time: "Will this cause the dissatisfaction of the glass guild?"

"Glass guild? How can there be any guild starting tomorrow? Let the participating workshops and the dissatisfied die-hards quarrel."

The foundation of the guild is the "apprenticeship system". Now that the new factory has begun to recruit workers, it has given the apprentices new choices. Even if the recruitment effect today is not ideal, the door open to glazier apprentices will still be there, which will shake the apprentices' respect for the master. dependency relationship.

If there is a choice, no one will be beaten and scolded, and everyone wants to be paid for their work. As for technology, it is enough for the first wave of skilled workers to be in place to get the factory up and running. The dual system of "master and apprentice" between the old and the new will no longer be used, but will be replaced by the company's personnel structure.

In the future, these apprentices will lose the opportunity to become workshop owners, and instead become line leaders of the assembly line, workshop directors, etc.

Of course, Rorschach cannot rule out the possibility that "some of them will be fired and become talents transported by the beverage factory to society."

"Mr. Pierre, after the beverage factory makes a profit, please donate a batch of street lights to the two towns."

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