Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 184 Wedding celebration warm-up

"Are you awake? We're almost there." The clear female voice made Luo Xia wake up completely. Strictly speaking, his sleep was interrupted by the noise outside the car.

According to Byrne's tradition, the first day of May is a festival. In order to celebrate and bless the newlyweds, the royal family chartered the entire Würzburg city gates to open wide, and a carnival was about to begin.

Therefore, in the last three days before the wedding, villagers in the city and nearby areas have spontaneously formed a market. Colorful tents are lined up along the streets, extending from the square in the center of the city to outside the city gate. Under the tent, there were both traders and performers singing and playing loudly. Rorschach even saw someone bringing a small group of cattle for trading.

Passing by a troubadour playing the violin, a song drifted into their carriage:

“The sun fills the earth, and the vines grow;

"The fragrance of flowers fills the sky, and the princess is getting married.

“I don’t know who the groom will be;

“The prince in the east is mighty and majestic, the knight in the south is handsome,

"But let me tell you, the Grand Duke is old and the knights don't know how to care for delicate flowers.

"Beautiful princess, marry a poet and sing every day, you will be happy and happy forever!"

The audience burst into laughter and laughed at the singer's tune: "If I marry you, I will sing on an empty stomach every day!"

"Since you all know that my stomach is growling, I'll treat you to a treat!"

Rorschach really wanted to reward them. At this time, their car stopped, and the driver's voice came: "Two adults, wait a moment." Rorschach poked his head out, and it was a group of passing cattle blocking the way into the city.

"Redhead, do you really think this is a big gathering? Get all the animals away quickly!" The Sheriff was choked by the cows eating grass and farting at the same time.

The cattle dealer indeed had messy red hair: "Sir, it's not easy for me to drive here from the other side of the mountain."

"Well, if you don't leave, I won't leave either. I'll just keep an eye on you. If you sell a big one, you'll be taxed 20% and the calf 10%. And this open space is public land in the city, so you have to pay taxes every day. Pay three silver coins to the town hall.”

"Sir, I'm leaving right away. I won't sell it any more!"


At this point, the traffic jam was lifted, and the carriage started to move forward slowly again. A comical scene appeared on the city gate, with purple flags hanging on both sides of the red velvet flag representing the royal family.

Purple is the representative color of the royal family in the old empire. In the current empire, both the royal family and the Byrne royal family use red. The darker the color, the more noble the status. Purple is now mostly seen on the robes of intermediate mages. The old empire has been dead for who knows how many years, and no one cares about it anymore.

The purple flag reappeared at the city gate today. It was neither the restoration of the old empire nor the two mid-level mages being sacrificed to heaven and hanging at the city gate, but an advertisement for the wedding sponsor and designated beverage supplier "Fangda".

On the left is the slogan "Enjoy the vitality of Fonda", and on the right is a simple drawing of the bottle "designed" by Rorschach. The color here is of course not the mule purple like Rorschach's ceremonial robe, but the artificial purple obtained by the alchemists of Istani by oxidizing coal tar.

In Rorschach's expertise, it's called aniline violet.

After entering the city, there is a tent distributing soda for free, but you must drink it on the spot and leave the glass bottle behind.

"It's so lively." Ms. Elizabeth was not used to the atmosphere that was completely opposite to the Tower of Secrets. She looked at it for a while out of curiosity, and then closed the car window.

"Thank you for giving me a ride." When they arrived at the square, Rorschach could walk to the Master's Tower, and Rorschach got out of the car and said goodbye to Eugenie.

Elizabeth nodded: "You're welcome. Without your words, I probably wouldn't have come back here."

Rorschach walked towards Bart's office with a cane, but now the doors and windows of the tower were closed. He pulled the bell and waited for a long time, but there was no response.

"Bart isn't here?" Just as he was thinking this, a figure fell from a high altitude, and the path to the ground was outlined by blood.

A quarter of an hour ago.

"Sorry, Lord Bart is not here. If you have something important to see him, you can go upstairs." Bart's assistant opened the door for the visitor. First he was startled by his ferocious appearance, and then saw the mage badge on his chest, and hurriedly greeted him. Come in.

"Okay, excuse me." Mariano took off his bonnet and handed it to his assistant. He was a typical person from the southern tip of the continent, with black hair and blue eyes, and a neatly combed beard. He was originally just a handsome old man, but the scars on his face and his tense face frightened his assistant.

"Follow me, please wait in the reception room." The two of them spiraled up the tower. The leader was just a young man who went to grammar school. He himself did not know magic. He first worked in the Chamber of Commerce, and then followed the young master to the resident mage's assistant. On the post.

"How long will it take for Master Bart to come back?" Mariano was a little hesitant. Originally, as a patrol inspector, he was not supposed to have contact with the resident mage who was being assessed, but now he had to do so.

"It may be right away, or it may not be until night. You should know that my young master's wedding day is coming soon."

He discovered an astonishing secret, which was originally just the tip of the iceberg, but the clues found in various places during the inspection were connected together, making him tremble all over.

Unfortunately, he found the other party, and the other party found him, and Mariano was not sure who the "other party" was. Now that the guild is not trustworthy, perhaps finding the Tower of Secrets is a better choice, but the distance is too far, and the opponent is approaching.

As for why Bart is reliable, the reason is simple, the young resident mage is on the same list as him. This unexpected list was stored in Mariano's storage bag along with other information.

If he is not here, should he go or stay? Mariano couldn't make up his mind for a moment, and while he was hesitating, he had already walked up to the mage tower unknowingly.

"Please have some tea." The assistant brought a porcelain cup with tea and well-marked sugar cubes. Mariano cautiously did not drink, licked his chapped lips and asked again: "How long will it take for Master Bart to come back?"

"I don't know. What do you want from him? You can also let me tell him."

"No, I have something important that I have to tell Bart in person. So, where might he be? I'll go find him myself."

"No need, sir. How much do you know? You might as well tell me first."

"I know"

Bart's assistant's eyes were already blurry, and Mariano also fell into a brief daze, but he soon realized that the voice was not made by the assistant.

A woman's voice, but it was deep and almost male.

"Escaped from control?" The owner of the voice was a little surprised, and footsteps sounded.

Behind him, there was no stepping on the carpet, but the sound of wooden steps, so it was at least two meters away from him. Mariano listened to the footsteps and voices to identify his location. I don’t know why the enemy didn’t take action.

The woman was still chattering: "This mage tower has nothing to eat except beans, and you still want me to provide tea and sugar cubes. However, you neither want to drink tea and forget all this, nor do you want to answer me obediently, which makes it very difficult for me." .”

Mariano stood up and threw the tea cup behind him, causing tea to splash everywhere. The moment the man turned around, ice rose everywhere, and the tea turned into ice mist.

The amount of ice mist was far greater than a normal cup of tea, and the ice crystals were still growing and spreading, reflecting the crystal cold light in the sunlight and blocking Mariano's movements.

The woman took a step back. The moment before countless small ice crystals fell to the ground, a thin sword exploded into pieces and pierced the teacup. The fragments of the teacup were also charged with kinetic energy, and shot towards Mariano where Mariano expected the enemy to be. Azimuth eruption.

"Is it difficult to do it? Then don't do it!" Mariano shouted angrily.

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