Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 186 The secret is

Bearing the weight of the man, Rorschach took a difficult step and immediately remembered that he was still a mage and had just destroyed a tower and a living intelligent creature. [Featherfall Technique] was quickly attached to the opponent's body, making Rorschach physically much more relaxed.

But his mood did not relax for a moment.

Moments before the entire tower collapsed, covering everything with falling rocks and bricks, Rorschach clearly saw the results of his spell. The cut surfaces of the half-elf's hands and body were completely cooked by the high temperature at first. Soon the pressure of the blood and the pressure of the abdominal cavity caused body fluids and tissues to surge out of the incisions.

Even when dealing with the three gangsters with anger before, Rorschach tried his best to use the most commonly used "landfill method" to deal with garbage. Out of sight, out of mind, now he was forced to witness his "results", and it was in his mind for a moment. Play it back repeatedly.

Fortunately, it was only a moment of confusion, and Mariano's last words made Rorschach realize the urgency.

He complained that he was so unlucky and bad things always happened to him; he was also glad that he met the attacker and not Bart. Two emotions dominated Rorschach's mind at the same time.

They found Bartroscha and used [Mage's Hand] to catch a young boy who fell from the top floor. After checking, he passed out but was not injured.

"Hey, wake up!" Bart's assistant was woken up by the slap. He was still dazed, but after looking around, he immediately climbed up from the ruins in shock: "Where's the tower? What happened to such a big mage tower?"

"I am Bart's friend Rorschach. The Mage Tower has been attacked. Take me to Bart quickly!"

The little assistant was still immersed in shock. He was shaken hard twice by Rorschach, and when he saw the injured Mariano, he finally understood the seriousness of the situation and finally began to lead the way.

"Wirtz Palace?" Although he guessed it, it still put Rorschach in a difficult position. This meant crossing half of the city, and it was difficult to carry a wounded person now.

"Don't you know how to use [teleportation]?" The assistant asked hesitantly when he saw Luo Xia was still on the ruins. However, the other party had experienced battle and his evil spirit had not receded. He was glared at and said quickly: "Don't you think I didn't say that?" "

Which pot should not be opened? Rorschach was annoyed and preparing to go to the nearest guild first. As for the hospital, Mariano's level of injury has already exceeded the current medical level. Obviously, the hope that magic can give him will survive. Bigger.

Just when I made up my mind to leave. Two pure white horses arrived in a carriage, and the window was opened a crack. The lady inside saw the ruins and asked, "Am I late?"

"No, you came just in time!"

Mage Elizabeth Eugenie knew that Rorschach got out of the car to go to the resident mage tower. The collapse of the building on the commanding heights of the city had attracted her attention, so she hurriedly drove back to check the situation.

Rorschach himself was not injured, but there was a seriously injured mage and a little boy who was a little confused (by her standards). The residents around the mage tower were also frightened by the movement. However, Elizabeth cast a spell and a barrier enveloped the ruins, and ordinary people were spiritually driven away from the area.

Eugenie carefully examined Mariano's wound, and the blue light attached to the wound rose and fell with the weak contraction of the chest. "Even healing scrolls and potions can't do any better."

After making this judgment, she asked Mariano to lean on the seat on the entire side. When Rorschach got in the car, she thought of something and hurried back to the ruins.

The bricks and stones were pulled apart by him. The strong smell of rust hit his nostrils. After confirming that the rotten flesh between the stones had lost its vitality, he endured nausea and found the attacker's weapon.

The scimitar was still intact, and he was still holding it in his right hand. It would strike Rorschach later, giving him the same fate as Mariano. Fortunately, the time was short and there was no rigor mortis, so he easily used [Mage's Hand] to obtain the enchanted scimitar.

"Let's go to Wirtz Palace."

"Master Bart, you need this, please follow my footsteps." Bart is very annoyed now. His etiquette teacher is an old man. Because the wedding requires an opening dance, he is giving emergency teaching-when he steps wrongly, the old man's pointed toe The leather shoes would step on Bart's feet without mercy.

It would be great if Amelia could be the teacher, but unfortunately she has other commitments.

"Master Bart! Something happened! Master Bart! Your tower is gone!" The assistant ran all the way from the castle corridor to the ballroom. The servants of the Wirtz Palace all recognized this little kid. They saw him running while shouting, and when people passed by Don’t forget to add “Sorry!”

"Ah?" Bart looked shocked, and then burst into ecstasy: Something happened and he didn't have to practice dancing because the old man stepped on his feet! Then reacted: "What did you say?"

"Master Rorschach and the wizards from the Tower of Secrets have arrived at the side hall, please go quickly!"

Mariano was wiped by a servant and is now lying on the bed in the guest room of the palace. Rorschach and Master Elizabeth have also been moved here, because now the unconscious man is the master of all clues.

"Rorschach, are you okay?" Bart opened the door and broke in, and then saw a black female mage in exquisite clothes and a veil. She must be a representative from the Tower of Secrets. Why are you with Rorschach?

The veil was worn by Elizabeth before entering the palace.

Rorschach recounted what he encountered, while the assistant's description was much vaguer. "He was under the spell of charm." Master Elizabeth judged the assistant like this.

But before Rorschach could explain why the mage tower collapsed, Bart immediately said angrily: "It seems that the half-elf assassin failed to achieve his goal and actually destroyed my tower to bury everything! Was she tied to a bomb? I'm afraid Only the explosives made by dwarves have this power, maybe it’s a clue.”

Your ideas are very advanced! But after all, he could not hide the truth or mislead his friends at the critical moment. Rorschach surrendered anyway: "I brought down the tower. When I fought with the enemy for the last time, the power and range affected the building."


"There's nothing I can do! You, you, you, the tower doesn't have a qualified protective array!"

“What else can we do if we only have such a small budget!”

Seeing that the two people's focus had shifted, Elizabeth quickly pointed out the key now: "Rorschach said that this man said you were in danger before he fell into coma, so we need to get more information as soon as possible."

Mariano's personal materials and storage bag were all cleaned up while wiping her body. With a wave of her hand, the mark on the storage bag shattered, and it was opened without any hindrance.

"Mariano Gonzalez, a third-level spellcaster who was naturalized in the empire twelve years ago, is actually the resident mage's roving assessor?" Bart was surprised when he saw this while holding the identity document. The assessor almost died on his own The resident is sweating just thinking about it.

There are also documents locked by magic in the storage bag. Mage Elizabeth Eugenie holds these documents with distorted text and constantly flowing aura, and they can be read again by raising her finger a little.

Is this encryption papery? Seeing how relaxed Ouyeni was, Rorschach also picked up a piece of paper. There were obvious magic nodes on the [Arcane Vision] paper.

"If you destroy the node, this page of file will self-destruct." Elizabeth stopped Rorschach's imminent move and cracked the last one by herself.

The key point is a handwritten list. Rorschach saw "Mariano Gonzalez" at a glance. Rorschach did not recognize the names above him, and they were all crossed out.

The last line is written with the name of my friend. If you look closely, the ink is newly added.

"This is my predecessor stationed in Würzburg. I know he died accidentally after drinking and falling into the water!" Bart pointed out "Fern Miller" who was crossed out in the middle of the list.

The other documents seemed to have been compiled by Mariano himself, as well as the identity information retrieved with authority, recording the birth dates and places of birth, ring levels, spell mastery and residence of these mages.

Regardless of whether the mage is dead or not, their birthplaces have been circled by Mariano in their files, and they are all from the southern states or states of the empire!

Oh Mariano himself was even from south of the Holy Kingdom.

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