Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 187 Amelia’s Determination

"What does this mean?" Bart was shaking as he held a stack of identity information.

"Master, you are being targeted," the assistant concluded.

Rorschach pushed the young assistant out of the guest room and told the servant at the door: "He is Mr. Bart's assistant. He suffered some mental injuries before. Take this young gentleman to rest first."

When he closed the door and returned to Mariano's bedside, he felt that he had passed through a barrier. Elizabeth must have cast a barrier in the room again.

Bart wanted to pick up a machete and pierce the list and all documents: "Is it the Imperial Council or His Majesty the Emperor? Who?"

"I don't think it comes from above, at least not from these two parties." Rorschach analyzed: "If it is the emperor or the Imperial Council, if you want to exclude mages from the south, you can transfer your positions through formal procedures, and such an assassination list for mages will also Too amateurish.”

Rorschach is more inclined to do something secret society or underground organization. The radical and childish behavior of rudely excluding the southern mages is very ridiculous. Just like Bart took over the dead Finn, as long as the parliament does not change the appointment and dismissal system of the resident mages, then this kind of behavior Assassination is useless to the entire empire, except to increase the consumption rate of the caster.

Of course, it is impossible to blame all the blame on the "Order of the Holy Mother". Rorschach recalled the half-elf fighting style like a gypsy girl, more like an assassin who specializes in targeting mages, and likes to take lives at close quarters.

Rorschach took the scimitar and examined it carefully. Its shape seemed to come from the Kingdom of Sand, and the enchantment rarely used a process similar to gold and silver. The perfectly inlaid mithril threads formed an exquisite magic circuit, and the blade was inlaid with specifications. Extremely high energy storage crystal.

"Mr. Mariano hasn't woken up yet, and we have no more clues." Eugenie concluded after looking at it.

Rorschach had a headache: "The question now is, will the wedding still go ahead?"

Bart was silent for a long time and sighed: "It's not up to you or me to decide whether to proceed or cancel."

Rorschach put the back of his hand against Mariano's forehead and noticed a slight fever. Sure enough, while the [Resuscitation Technique] brought him back, it also allowed bacteria to invade his body, and he is now in a low-grade fever state.

Elisabeth promised: "I will inform the Tower of Arcana about what happened in Würzburg."

Rorschach thought that in order to pull up the key witness, he needed to summon the milk, and also said: "The situation of Master Mariano is not optimistic. I wrote to the Master of the Tower of Forest." I believe Master Humboldt has a way, can he? I don’t know if I’m asking for help or giving guidance.

Of course, it is impossible for the three mages to guard Mariano all the time. Elizabeth seems to be particularly good at domain and enchantment magic. She used a staff dipped in citrine powder to draw a ward and let everyone leave the room.

The lights in the room flickered off, and the feeling inside changed. Although nothing happened to the naked eye, Rorschach's intuition told him that if he stepped through the door, he would be stagnant inside.

Mariano's wound was very close to healing, but the blue light was still there, turning into thin "light strips". After Eugenie finished casting the spell, the rise and fall of the blue light and her breathing stopped.

"Time spell?"

"No, I didn't change the speed of time, but everything in the barrier was slowed down to the extreme. It can last for more than a day from now on. Anyway, I have been here recently, so I can continue."

There are less than three days until the wedding.

In the palace conference room, Bart crossed his arms and rested his elbows on the table without saying a word.

Rorschach sat here as a witness to the incident and a friend of the groom, and reported to the arriving prince Otto.

"There are only three days left, and something like this happens!" Otto slammed the table. He glared angrily: "The wedding must be suspended!"

Bart shook his head: "Impossible, Your Highness, there is no such thing as a pause. When everything stops, everything stops. Just say cancel the wedding!"

"Let me ask you, do you, you bastard, have a crush on Amelia or her identity? If you love her, how dare you put her in danger!"

Bart wanted to say that he could protect Milly, but in the end he didn't say it. He was indeed not a qualified spell caster this year. Without Rorschach's special training, it could even be said that he had been stuck on the road to magic.

I always used the excuse that I had so many things to do and no time to study and practice, but today I suddenly felt powerless.

There is also a "representative of the Tower of Secrets" at the round table, Elizabeth, who is dressed in black gauze and especially a veil: "The Tower of Secrets is willing to provide the highest level of protection for the wedding of Mr. Bart and Her Royal Highness the Princess."

The assassination of the southern mages by unknown attackers caused great indignation among the people in the Tower of Secrets. They were mainly from Bain and surrounding areas, and many intermediate and archmages threatened to take the initiative to counterattack.

"Archmage Humboldt von Alexander of the Forest Tower will also arrive in Würzburg today. After treating the witness Mariano, he can also guard the wedding scene."

Rorschach has contacted Master Copper and Master Humboldt. The Forest Tower near the southern Black Forest is also interested in information. Humboldt will arrive today through teleportation.

The prince was surprised by Bart's connections, and his face softened slightly: "What about the future? Isn't there a death threat after the wedding, and won't it affect my sister?"

Bart, who had been silent until now, finally spoke: "Since the list targets the resident mage, I am willing to resign as the resident mage after marriage."

In this way, the selection of the trade representative should not be affected, but the originally planned hope of obtaining a seat in the Imperial Parliament will be slim. If he dares to resign from the parliamentary appointment, the review of the candidate's qualifications will inevitably be retaliated.

Otto sneered: "Is it that easy to solve? Others want to kill you, and now your friend kills one of them, and then you give up?"

"I'm afraid the list is still there, and there will be other assassins." Rorschach also admitted this situation.

Bart clenched his hands into fists, and the magic power in his body boiled slightly. Regret and anger were mixed together, and the magic power rushed straight into his brain.

However, he did not explode, but said seriously and gritted his teeth: "After resigning, I will separate from Milly first, and then apply to go to the Magic Tower to practice until I am able to protect her and then come back."

This almost gave up his future, and it was unknown whether he could be promoted and how long it would take.

Rorschach really wanted to slip away. He just wanted to escape the suffocating atmosphere. It wasn't that he refused to save Bart, but that he couldn't make a decision on this kind of thing. If you ask him if he has any opinions, Rorschach will only say that you have forgotten a very important person involved.

With this thought in mind, the client pushed open the door and walked in. Amelia was wearing an equestrian uniform, and the servant barged in without stopping her.

"Amelia? When did you come?"

"I've been here since the beginning. But I wanted to hear your thoughts first, so I stood outside the door for a while." At this time, Her Royal Highness the Princess' temperament was completely different from what Rorschach had seen before. She should have just finished riding a horse. There was a slight sweat all over his body, and his damp temple hair stuck to his face, while the other hair strands were all tied up, making him look very heroic.

She puffed up her chest and stood in front of the table, like a monarch announcing an irresistible order to his courtiers: "Nothing can stop Bart and my wedding!"

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