Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 188 The wedding begins

"Amelia, this is not the time for you to be willful and wishful thinking!" The prince couldn't help but speak out.

"No, this is not willfulness. Just as I am willing to accept Master Bart's feelings and return my sincerity, this is not a moment of willfulness." She had the same sky-blue eyes as Elizabeth Eugenie, staring straight at the prince:

"At the beginning, you always said that even if Bart wanted to marry me, he should first become a fake son of other nobles. But how important are noble surnames and false titles now?

"After the Kingdom of Marin unified the entire empire, how many mages and people without inheritance rights obtained a palm-sized fiefdom through military merit, and how many people paid allegiance to His Majesty the Emperor.

“It is this kind of change that makes the Marin Kingdom unprecedentedly powerful.

"Since we, the Byrne Kingdom, already have a grudge against the north, and since neither my father nor my brother are willing to completely become vassals of the emperor, why do we still keep to the old rules and only see pitiful titles and empty names?

"Marrying with those outdated nobles is no longer beneficial to the kingdom. Can we unite and resist the pressure of the imperial capital just by getting closer to our cousins?

"Why do you look down on Bart, even though he is backed by an important chamber of commerce in the alliance, even though he is a mage himself, and has the ability and ambition to change the status quo?"

Otto was so surprised by his sister that he sat up straight: "Amelia, how do you know that?"

Amelia's firm voice was not interrupted: "We, Byrne, in this rich and beautiful land, the royal family is hesitating and wasting time, and has never integrated our power.

We always waver and let go of the guilds that are dissatisfied with our rule. I don't understand, do we have many choices? Either sincerely cooperate with them and share prosperity, or conquer them completely. Since you and your father attach so much importance to the glory of the Wittelsbach family, you should be as decisive as your ancestors.

And you have been so weak and hesitant now that you want to cancel the long-prepared wedding because of a failed assassination, destroying everyone's investment and destroying the relationship between Mr. Bart and me? Ruin the chance of uniting Byrne's forces?

As a royal family, shouldn’t we always be aware of danger? We should only be prepared with all we can, instead of trembling for the enemy behind closed doors! "

Amelia did not let go of her fiancé: "I also want to ask you, Mr. Bart, is your life just to join the Wittelsbach family? If that is the case, then we will cancel the engagement immediately."

Bart choked up a little: "No, of course not, Milly."

Otto also murmured: "What we are considering now is your future safety."

This little lady has such a strong side! Rorschach, who had been silent all this time, was stunned in his heart. It seemed that Bart's direction of choosing a mate had not changed, but it had just shifted from the outside to the inside. Amelia, who has chestnut-reddish hair, is like a fit little red dragon, confidently and proudly taking control of the audience.

Elizabeth Eugenie, who was wearing a veil, couldn't help but chuckle: "Your Royal Highness, your father, brother and fiancé are really thinking about you. The situation inside and outside the kingdom and empire is not as simple as you think. . But your speech really moved me."

Amelia lost some of her arrogance and said with some uncertainty: "Aunt Elizabeth?"

The representative of the Tower of Mysteries finally lifted his veil and took off his wide-brimmed hat to reveal his true appearance. Her eyebrows and hair were very similar to Amelia's, but her temperament was different and similar. Bart was stunned for a moment: Will Milly grow up to be as beautiful as her in the future?

"Your Highness, please help me tell the King that if my brother is willing, I will be hired to be Byrne's court mage and give priority to protecting His Highness Princess Amelia."

Just Mage Elizabeth's request for support from the Tower of Secrets was not enough to make the entire tower come out, but the chief of the tower, Master Feuerbach, received a letter, signed by the current King of Byrne.

"I'm still sending a letter just a few steps away." He muttered, opened the letter, hurriedly scanned the full text and asked his assistant: "Are falling 'accidents' more frequent recently?"

"Eight cases have occurred this month to today."

The master looked down at the corridors from the top of the tower: "Teaching activities should still be based on our apprentices, and alienation of the learning process should be avoided." He made a decision: "Notify the entire tower that teachers and students are on vacation and go to Würzburg to attend Have a carnival!”

"Aren't you against the royal family? Why do you want to attend the royal wedding?"

Feuerbach shook his head: "Now the empire and the emperor are our top priority to oppose, so uniting with the Byrne royal family, which is an enemy of the center of the empire, is our strategy at this stage of history. At the same time, the nature of this wedding is also quite special. "

He briefly organized the ideas in his mind and passed them on to his student and secretary: "It is not a peace between close relatives among nobles. If everything goes well, it will be a marriage of old and new forces in the Byrne Kingdom."

The joyful atmosphere in Würzburg was not interrupted by the collapse of the resident mage tower. The ruins were still blocked, and the magic guild claimed that the collapse was caused by an accidental alchemy accident.

Then the citizens who had a little knowledge immediately accepted it. They all said that it was magic, and nothing that happened was surprising.

What moved Bart and Rorschach was that after the popularization of Bordeaux liquid (now called Wirtz liquid), the brewing guild, led by Grandma Abigail, initiated a donation to help Master Bart rebuild the Master Tower, but Bart declined.

To be honest, the order in the city has been improved. Identification is now required to enter and exit the city, and checkpoints have been set up at the intersections around the Wirtz Palace.

Participating in maintaining order are not only the security forces and the King's Guards, but also mages uniformly dressed in black robes who patrol in teams of three or three. If there are elements with evil intentions, a lottery will be opened. See the prize pool of the three-man patrol team from apprentices to sixth-level mages. All.

Gorgeous carriages with various badges continued to come to the city. The road where the princess was scheduled to parade was closed to traffic, and both sides were crowded with citizens and tourists looking forward to it.

They are always ready to tip their hats, often holding a purple soda in the other hand, the glass bottle just enough to hold it.

At the same time, a huge piece of patchwork white cloth was propped up in the factory warehouse in the town of Lanshit. The last batch of products were all shipped to Wirz and Munik, while Mr. Pierre was sweating profusely debugging a crystal-based machine.

Pierre carefully turned the knob, making the picture go from blurry to clear.

"The reflection crystal ball of the Tower of Secrets! Master Rorschach said." Hasai unfolded the letter sent from him: "There are ten magic circles in the city that can be switched. We have to replenish blue crystals every hour."

Everyone in the factory had been spinning for more than ten days, and now they finally got a break. They sat on the floor in the warehouse, drinking the drinks they produced, and were surprised to see the scene of Wirtz reflected on the curtain.

"Oh my God, I can blow those drunkards in the tavern for the rest of my life!" The voices of everyone talking masked the roar of the steam engine, and the transmutation dust collector in the basement continuously produced the energy supply raw materials for the projection crystal.

"Rorschach, do every link as we agreed! We have too few rehearsals and I still feel uneasy."

"Believe me, it's the same as every exam!" Luo Xia arranged her dress and patted the groom on the shoulder.

"Your Highness, your waist is not like that of a lady. You should not ride horses so often." The maid was tightening Amelia's waist.

"No, I'm in pain and I can't breathe! Just relax, that's it."

"It's far worse, Your Highness! Men all like thin waists." Mammy wanted to tie it up, but Amelia dodged it. She asked other maids to tie it up, then put on the wedding scarf and carried it herself. Lift up skirt.

"I'm sure Bart likes me, not my belly and back that were strangled with marks." She made a face and got into the carriage, holding her father's hand with a complicated expression.

Ritual music was playing, the carriages were moving, and the wedding ceremony of Her Royal Highness Princess Bain "Red Dragon" began.

Thanks to book friend "patre" "book friend 20200526155524921" "Uncle Fuyou 12" "Sharp Dagenjun" "Saka Saka Banban Turtle" "jzllp" "book friend 20220319143520203" "book friend 20221222050836441" "book friend 20200822154452384" Monthly votes support "Book Friends 20220916234039363", "Book Friends 20220222233134167", "Shen Bing" and "Book Friends 20220901120800461"!

Thanks to "SEERS", "Xianfeng Daogu who eats smoke and dust", "There is a bear in the world", "Pipillo Whale Pot", "Not enough sleep, the liver is not bad", "rcliu", "Sun and Moon Source Che", "Clearly", "Old Friend Stepping on the Moon" "Come here" and "lack of quality" and other book friends' recommendation votes are encouraged!

Sorry, I forgot to post the author's words after I posted them. I'll add them now.

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