Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 192 Becoming the mage’s gravedigger?

It wasn't until the three of them walked out of the research room and were isolated from the apprentices that Mr. Hassey confirmed: "Master Rorschach, do you think such a product has good prospects?"

Pierre was already in the shape of Rorschach: "Please do not question the judgment of Consultant Rorschach!"

"Yes, I think we won't worry about sales after the launch." Rorschach observed Hasay's nervous round face and understood what the businessman was asking.

"So when do you think it should be mass produced?"

"The sooner the better, at the latest. Before this winter." After Rorschach said it, he felt that winter was also a bit slow: "Whether I am still there or not, Byrne will pay attention to the progress of the implementation. If it cannot catch up, I will participate in the research and development design."

Pierre finally came to his senses: "Is there going to be a war?" Although the surname Neusingen has been popular in Valois Vanity Fair in the past six months, he is only an upstart and is not sensitive to trends.

Apart from people like bishops, powerful nobles and archmages, those who are most sensitive to the smell of war are steel, grain and cotton merchants. However, if they hold such priceless information, they will always occupy a position to make money before revealing it. Detected by other related people or actions, such as logistics merchants.

By the time ordinary people reacted, it was already time for the conscription order and the news of tax increases to arrive together.

Rorschach made a silence gesture and said as he walked: "I didn't tell such nonsense, and I can't be sure. You don't have to panic, and you must not spread panic. No matter whether there is a war or not, we have made sensible decisions. Scholars will surely realize its value.

"Currently, the headquarters of the Holy Kingdom is providing blood transfusion here. After Byrne's factory makes cans, they will summarize the process technology and share it with the Holy Kingdom."

The technical threshold for this thing is not high. Once the window paper is broken, there may be imitators. Luo Xia reminded the two of them that they should follow the guild and formulate technical standards, and proactively propose and specify the shelf life, loss rate, solid content and other indicators to the purchaser. , and do the best you can.

"Whether there is a large demand for the army or not, as the navigation industry is so developed now, there will also be a demand for ocean-going ships. If an unfortunate day comes." Luo Xia took the hands of the businessmen from the two countries and showed a warm smile: "We should also let the battle The soldiers on both sides will eat better, and by the way we can make more money."

After bidding farewell to his two bosses, Luo Xia had time to fulfill his true purpose of entering the factory, to turn the accumulated degradation from production into dust.

There are two masters on duty in the basement. They are not apprentices in operation and maintenance, but two smarter ones from the factory on the ground. They are asked to remember the specifications for starting and parking equipment, how to weigh and record output, and how to check whether the operation is successful. unusual.

The final safety training is to leave everything aside except the tie rods and tower cauldrons. If there is an abnormality in the equipment (the simplest understanding is - the pointer points to where it shouldn't point), run away immediately. If the basement doesn't explode, then invite an apprentice to come over and see what happens. thing.

"Master Mage." The master on duty stood up when he saw Luo Xia entering the basement.

"It's okay to play cards." Rorschach told them to be calm: "Keep going, just remember to take samples on time and look at the pointer." He took out his record book, recorded that he had taken all the output, and then got More than a pound of blue crystals.

"It's not safe to stack like this, and if you take out too much at one time, it will look like a loss of value." Rorschach changed his mind, put it into glass bottles, and kept the rest for himself. Before leaving, he added a rule: Each batch of products must be boxed separately and cannot be piled together.

"If mixed with oscillating crystal powder, can it be made into a magic interference bomb?" Rorschach suddenly had an idea while packing these crystals.

In an instant, he thought of two structures, took out his notebook and started sketching.

The first "bomb version" can be a three-layer charge, filled with gunpowder, transmutation dust and crystal powder from the inside to the outside. The gunpowder explosion breaks the stability of the passivated transmutation dust, and the released ether is absorbed by the oscillating crystal, erupting into ether interference waves.

There is another idea, considering that only a certain impact can destroy the passivated transmutation dust, then the cannonball has a firing pin in front, and after hitting, the firing pin destroys the transmutation dust and releases the ether. If it is a cannonball, the charge of the oscillating crystal powder can be very large, and the effect should be amazing.

However, Rorschach quickly put it away after finishing the painting. In the final analysis, these are ways to "allow ordinary people to counteract spellcasters and divine benefactors." Should it be made public? This is not a discussion of "I really have a cow" and whether I should donate it, but "I have a cow and I should give it to others."

"I hope it won't be useful one day."

However, Rorschach was not the only one to see the mysterious earl's research on oscillating crystals and spell interference. If passivated transmutation dust, a high-performance one-time energy storage material, is popularized, similar designs may appear sooner or later. Of course, the theories and materials are currently in the hands of the mages themselves.

It is very likely that what Rorschach will consider in the future is whether to be his own gravedigger and earn the title of "Luoyang Shovel Inventor".

"Oh, don't think so much now, just pay three visits to the Tower of Secrets as planned!" Luo Xia could only put aside his random thoughts and head towards the forbidden book library. This time he was determined to win.

The Tower of Secrets still stands tall, but the mental outlook of the apprentices and mages who have just participated in the celebration seems to have changed greatly.

As soon as Rorschach came in, he heard the tower beast, the red dragon on the golden throne, complaining about not participating in such a fun thing: "Princess! Rorschach, you and the other bastards in the tower never mentioned it before they set off, and they made a big deal about it when they came back. You also abducted Master Elizabeth!"

"That was her own choice, and she only served as the court mage temporarily." Judging from the age of Mr. Colbert and the aging rate of Eugenie, the life span of the Archmage is significantly longer than that of ordinary people. According to her own opinion, becoming a court mage was just to temporarily protect her niece from unknown threats.

Saying goodbye to the chattering little red dragon, Rorschach was shocked after entering: the atmosphere in the entire tower had changed. It seemed that many rooms in the dormitory area had "May trees" inserted at the door. The material was not limited to birch branches, but also had magical properties. Style elderberry, holly they are tied with silk scarves, windless automatic.

Even the gargoyles that constantly shuttle between floors are painted and put on hats, seemingly evolving into elves.

"Rorschach?" Someone greeted him. Since the previous two visits and the wedding performance, many mages and the boy had become familiar with each other.

"these are"

"The May tree." The mage thought that Luo Xia was an outsider who didn't understand it, so he briefly introduced the customs, and then added important information:

"Although we don't have that many single ladies here, most of the silk scarves you see are tied by male apprentices. If anyone can't think of taking them off, the little magic on them will give a 'surprise'."

"Okay, thank you for reminding me." Rorschach explained the purpose of his visit: "I still hope to visit Guita's library. Look at what I brought."

"No." The mage smiled and refused again.

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