Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 193 Feuerbach

Wait a minute, I was rejected before I even mentioned the conditions!

Rorschach was about to open his mouth to fight again, but fortunately he heard the other party continue: "For mages who are not from this tower, we need the chief's consent. You can visit Master Feuerbach. I can help you apply for a visit."

"Thank you." After Rorschach finished speaking, the mage took out a small bell and shook it, and a gargoyle from the top circled and flew down. Compared to the others painted with oil, this one seemed to be stronger and more majestic. The stone on the surface is denser and darker.

"Please tell Master Feuerbach that Rorschach from the Tower of Stars is asking for an audience. If Master has time, please let me know when it is convenient to visit."

The gargoyle nodded and rushed to the top at an extremely fast speed, disappearing from Rorschach's gaze.

Such a summons is very characteristic of the Tower of Secrets. The Tower Spirit of the Tower of Stars seems to be everywhere. You can directly ask the Tower Spirit to contact other mages, or you can use the enchanted business card given by Kano to contact this guy who is no longer in the tower every day. And this place is filled with gargoyles.

"You can visit now." The gargoyle spoke in a rich male voice instead of a drake voice. After saying the last word, its thick arms firmly grasped Rorschach's shoulders.

"Master Rorschach, please relax. You can also apply [Featherfall Technique] on yourself and wait for us to arrive quickly." The mage gave the final advice and watched Rorschach being caught by the gargoyle and ascending to heaven.

The mage's advice was very necessary. Rorschach's shoulders were stretched sorely when he took off. It was much better to add [Levitation Technique] to himself. It was like riding an invisible elevator to the top. When he reached the top, the chief door of the Tower of Secrets automatically opened. Open for young people.

"Chief Feuerbach."

"Master Rorschach, I heard that you intend to visit the library of our tower?" The Archmage has an exaggerated beard, but his hair is kept short. He did not waste time on greetings, but went straight to the topic.


"You should know that the Library of the Tower of Secrets is not open to the public because there is too much forbidden knowledge, whether it is to the Royal Academy of Magic or the other Twelve Towers.

The master invited Rorschach to sit on the soft sofa. He did not return to his desk. Instead, he found a seat and lit his pipe, as if the two of them were attending a salon.

"Before I consider whether to make an exception for you, I would like to hear the reasons for your two applications. By the way, do you mind this? If so, you can use an [air filter bubble]." The master raised his pipe.

I thought I wouldn't smoke if I minded.

Rorschach shook his head. The boy immediately gave up any attempt to make a deal. He had been involved in too many business activities recently and thought about "negotiating terms" every day.

Facing the Archmage who was in charge of a tower, he finally confessed: "Okay. Have you heard of the 'divine power dissipation technique'? In fact, I developed it based on a mysterious book."

At this time, on Rorschach's panel, the experience value of [God Expulsion Technique] has risen to 6700+. Apparently, the "reactor" underground in the Tower of Stars is still operating well.

The increase in experience value is not a simple jump of numbers. Rorschach can feel the connection between the symbols and himself. The magic circle eliminates the mixed divine power in the transformed dust and seems to be constantly feeding back something. Now Rorschach vaguely grasps the feeling of immaturity.

Under such conditions, coupled with the fact that he came to the Mystical Tower that was prominent in studying forbidden magic secrets, Rorschach saw hope of completing the [Reversal Ray (Gray)] in the panel.

He thought it was a very interesting spell. Although the author of the book at that time wrote a lot of crazy words, its inclusion in the panel proved the gold content and feasibility of its research, and [God Exorcism Technique] was a former virtue Lu Yaz reported one of the results of his visit to the "original level", and also had the credit for the inspiration of this mysterious man.

"Of course. In fact, that's why I can't wait to invite you to communicate. Otherwise, even if you are a good friend of the consort or even Kano's illegitimate son, I will not waste your time or mine." Master Feuerbach smiled and put down his pipe. , and was immediately picked up by the gargoyle to clear out the cigarette ashes and fill in new tobacco. The process was extremely skillful.

He continued: "But I don't think it's appropriate to call it 'divine power dissipation.'" The master took out the blue crystals in his arms, which were the same batch that Rorschach sold to the Tower of Secrets last time.

The other party lightly took out a small, relatively complete crystal, and then flicked his fingers. The blue crystal did not break, but the blue color was also washed away, leaving only a clear crystal that was constantly turning and shining.

"In my humble opinion, it would be more accurate to name it 'The Exile of the Divine'."

Rorschach's eyes suddenly widened.

The first is the master's operation. He undoubtedly completed a perfect spell. Rorschach himself was not sure that he could make the blue crystal fade so easily. Even if he handed over the basic spell description and magic circle circuit, it would not be easy to reproduce it.

Secondly, Feuerbach accurately grasped two essences. One is that the core of the spell lies in the concept of "exile" and the other is that the other party identified the content of "passivated transmutation dust" from only a small batch of samples. The divinity of Dryats.

"I am impressed by your wisdom." At this point, Rorschach confessed that he wanted to complete the [Reverse Ray] spell.

Feuerbach was silent for a moment, then stood up and walked around. The pipe returned to his hand, and then returned to his mouth.

"I have an impression." He finally stood up and said to Rorschach: "I also know who the inventor of this spell is." He blew out a smoke ring and revealed something Rorschach did not expect: "Faust."

"Isn't he a legend?" Rorschach quickly realized his gaffe.

"There are many legends, but not the man himself. This ancient great mage had extremely high achievements and influenced many people. There were some who could not do magic and some who knew magic. However, he went crazy in his later years and was scorned by fools as having sex with the devil. End of the deal. Are you willing to make the same mistakes again?"

Feuerbach snorted disdainfully: "Many years later, his student's student, Johann Wolfgang, re-excavated and sorted out the unpublished manuscripts of this mad master, transcribed and published several of them. You are in the Tower of Stars Most of the texts you see are one of them.”

"I see, then." Luo Xia was now unsure of the other party's attitude. Should he be allowed to search for information?

"Even if I open it to Master Rorschach, going to the library is like finding a needle in a haystack. How about watching me demonstrate it first?" He started practicing again, first giving Rorschach a roll of parchment. The boy hurriedly scanned the draft written by the master, including handwriting and drawings.

"Remember what it looks like now." Feuerbach snapped his fingers, and the parchment quickly burned. When it was about to burn Rorschach's hand, a wave of waves emitted, and the fire was extinguished. Rorschach saw it with his own eyes. The burning ashes were turned upside down, and the parchment grew back bit by bit.

But it's not right. Feuerbach finished his demonstration and said, "Look."

"It's different." Rorschach clearly recognized that the writing on the parchment was clear before the burning, but now it was blurry and blended with the scrawled lines.

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Thanks to "Lack of Product", "Whiteboard Cubic", "Thunder of Fear", "Jade Sword Immortal Question", "My Name is King Qin", "Book Friends 20210118233042510", "Eight Lazy People", "gvdsfag", "Little Fat Bee" and "Nerve Bing" Recommended votes from book friends such as "Tiger Pushes the Tower", "Ji Yun'er", "An Old Friend Came on the Moon" and "CATLZMY" are encouraged!

I'm going to be on the weather vane tomorrow, I'm worried.

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