Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 194 The Intermediary of the World

"What's different?" Feuerbach entered class mode. He stared at Rorschach with bright eyes, hoping that the other person's brain would be able to think faster and faster.

"The text was destroyed after restoration."

"Yes, no, please use your brain!"

Rorschach felt like he was being pressed every step of the way. He thought about the meaning and connotation of the words themselves: "Message! It's the message that's lost."

"Okay." Feuerbach was satisfied. He repeated the previous spellcasting demonstration on the part of the parchment that had not been burned and restored.

Rorschach concentrated on observing with [Arcane Vision], trying to record the process of the Archmage casting [Reverse Ray] in front of him, but was stopped by Feuerbach:

"Intermediate Mage Rorschach, you are not here to learn my spell-casting skills, waste your concentration, relax and think. Look, look, you have to take a good look at the difference between the results before and after!"

"The text and patterns have been restored." Rorschach got the draft again, and the second cast did not cause any loss of information.

"Yes, the most intuitive difference is that I paid more magic power the second time, but that is only the most superficial price. Don't you find it strange? Just now, Rorschach, you said that the information disappeared. Doesn't the parchment itself contain Information? When we hold it, it has size, weight, color and thickness. Why can its state be easily restored?"

This made Rorschach hesitate. Apparently the handwriting was only blurred, not disappeared. It would be better to say that these substances lost their "meaning" after the first casting.

However, Feuerbach changed the subject next: "Since you studied at the Tower of Stars, I won't waste my time discussing the concept of time with you. Why don't we start with the spells you developed yourself and talk about the so-called gods? .

"Our Creator has infinite power. He created the world. So before the intelligence of humans, elves, and even other gods appears, can the world give itself meaning? Even if mountains, rivers, and lakes exist, can the world itself recognize it? ?Even if magic exists, can it be used to create miracles in the material world?"

Feuerbach seems to believe that the Creator (i.e. the world itself) is a chaotic and foolish being whose own infinity creates terrible meaninglessness:

"Since you have read Faust's works, you know how important the so-called 'orderliness' is. The so-called order must grow from 'finitude'."

Rorschach tried to understand the other party's words. If we follow the previous hypothesis of "monkey typewriter", "monkey" is the creator in Feuerbach's eyes. He emphasized that even if there is a "work" in the endless permutations and combinations, because the content is " There are many "infinite", so they will also lose their meaning. The prerequisite for finding the work is to intercept the finite existence from the infinite.

The limitations of intelligent creatures such as humans as individuals are precisely the prerequisite for giving meaning to the world and creating miracles.

Therefore, in Feuerbach's eyes, intelligent creatures such as humans, elves, and dwarves are all equally intelligent, even gods.

“Therefore, I would like to say that humans and other intelligent entities are mediators that produce symbols and symbolic order, allowing the world to emerge from infinite chaos and gain reflexivity.

"Some stupid and humble believers say, 'When humans think, the Creator will laugh.' Yes, what we see is what the world sees, and what we think is what the Creator thinks. And I really don't bother to hide my feelings about that kind of thinking. ridicule."

He continued to share the research results: "The gods are also divided into the primitive gods who were the first to separate from the Creator and the later powerful gods. The first gods were just divisions of the Creator, light, darkness, and earth. They still have infinity and are still blind. , the same as natural phenomena and existences such as wind, rain, thunder and lightning. They are only 'in themselves', not 'for themselves'.

And intelligence, whether it is awakened in weak creatures or some primitive gods, they become the intermediaries of the world, further endowing finitude, giving each existence the name and meaning, and the power and priesthood of the next generation of gods. "

Since the intelligent body is the intermediary through which the world attempts to grasp itself, what is the intermediary of the intellectual body's consciousness?

"Symbols, the particularity of symbols appears here. Please don't limit yourself to language and words. All abstractions that are divided and dominated by intelligence are symbols. Our graphics, words, and even magic circuits are organized to mediate consciousness, magic, and divinity. The organizational method is what I call 'symbolic order'. Due to the particularity of symbols, it is more expensive to restore them after they are destroyed."

Here Rorschach believes that the "symbol" and "symbolic order" mentioned by Feuerbach are Faust's "orderliness", but the latter is more general. Feuerbach grasps that the symbol itself does not depend on an isolated Individual existence has a set of rules in each process of consciousness transmission and use.

"But symbolic order." Rorschach thought of the gods commonly believed in the Holy Kingdom from this word.

Feuerbach was satisfied with Rorschach's association: "Yes! This is where the power of the God of Order lies! The core of its power is not stability, harmony, or a beautiful and just social order. It is just a trick to win over believers."

The master's expression became excited, and the pipe in his hand had been extinguished for a long time: "It is obvious that all equal intelligence bodies jointly created order, especially the symbolic order, but this god stole the power for himself and shamelessly claimed He is the 'Lord of Order'.

"Only by defeating it and its servants, those bishops, kings and emperors, can we take back the power given to us by the Creator! Regardless of whether we believe in it or not, as long as the defenders of the old order it leads will be eliminated, no one will be left. !”

ah? I'm here to learn magic, how can I end it here? Rorschach was originally nervous and wanted to keep up with the Archmage's thoughts, but as he listened, he turned into an inflammatory speech.

Rorschach was shocked by Feuerbach's progress. Of course, it didn't matter to him, because no matter whether there was such a reason or not, Rorschach had originally planned to do this. Now it is a pity for the young man that he is the only one in the audience who is wasting the great mage. speech.

"I can no longer agree with your thoughts, but what is the relationship between the above and the [Reverse Ray] spell itself."

Feuerbach calmed down a bit and handed the pipe to the gargoyle again to light it: "So what I said implies the principle of magic realization. You should have seen similar ideas in Faust's works. The key is reversal. .

"In fact, your 'divine expulsion' has already grasped the occurrence of the reverse process, but it has not gone any further. In a high level, it cancels what Faust calls 'orderliness', which I call magic.' Symbolic order'.

“The process of casting a spell may be complex, and canceling the result of a complex process does not require ‘returning’. We only need to anchor the state before casting the spell and then arrive directly.

"First of all, what is the state of the spell itself before it is cast? Disorderly, infinite magic power, well, just this step can relieve many magic states, and repairing it after burning the parchment is actually different from [Repair Spell]. The first spell was to destroy the status quo of the material world, and I destroyed the last 'destruction'. Can you understand?"

Rorschach wanted to say no, but couldn't. He now has vague thoughts and needs to sort them out.

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