Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 195 Reversal Ray

Feuerbach's thoughts gave Rorschach the feeling of his brain evaporating, but fortunately it didn't evaporate in vain. He recalled a series of wild words the other party said, and first asked a question:

"Master Feuerbach, if that piece of scratch paper was not yours, would you have been able to recover perfectly when you cast the spell for the second time?"

Feuerbach blew out a smoke ring and nodded with a smile: "In fact, my demonstration was misleading, and you saw it.

"The reversal magic invented by Faust is only the state of dispelling the spell after all. In other words, whether it is the fire lit by magic or the 'Eternal Flame' cast, it only extinguishes it.

"Restoring the parchment is another step forward in his thinking, intercepting the state before burning from the history that I interfered with and assigning it a target. This involves time, which is a very mysterious field.

Moreover, when it comes to the restoration of symbols, it can only be achieved if I have enough understanding of it and pay a higher price. For example, if a book that has been destroyed by magic and I have not read it wants to be restored, it requires profound prophecy. System and consume a lot of money.

It can also be seen from this that if lethal magic causes damage to the target, non-fatal or reversal rays can be restored, causing the soul to be shattered and the intelligence to be extinguished. In any case, the fatal injury that takes effect immediately cannot be undone. "

Rorschach nodded. It seemed that he had thought wrong from the beginning. He thought that the reversal ray could completely restore the state of the target item before the spell was cast. Now that he heard the master's explanation, it was more like a simple magic-breaking ray. Of course, the effect was also gone. Very powerful. As for Feuerbach's "further step", Rorschach is not sure whether he can do it now.

Before the master finished speaking, he continued: "But you can use your creativity. You don't have to go through my ideas, but try to see if you can apply the principle of [restoration]. Although fusion will destroy a single Spells are complicated, but sometimes necessary.”

He asked Rorschach to deploy the [Blue Light Barrier] and demonstrate again, but the [Reverse Ray] did not offset it, but only weakened the barrier.

"So what now?" It was still [Reversal Ray], but Rorschach could feel the familiar ether fluctuations, which were his own divine expulsions. This time, the entire barrier was lifted with one blow, leaving not even a blue light spot. , but collapses into a bit of pure ether.

The current principles of the two spells are similar, one is aimed at gods and the other is aimed at magic, but the master merges them, and one casting action achieves two effects.

This is better than me having a panel! Rorschach was impressed by the master's operation.

It was getting late, and the gargoyle reminded Feuerbach that he had other schedules. After achieving his goal, Rorschach took the opportunity to leave, but he had brought blue crystals and could not take them all back.

Rorschach left a bottle of passivating transmutation dust for Feuerbach, gave another bottle to the mage who introduced the chief master, and sold the rest.

"Have you been chatting for so long?" The mage was surprised. A whole morning had passed, which might set a record for the length of conversation among visitors in the Tower of Secrets.

Am I here to attend class? Rorschach patted the other party's shoulder sadly: "I understand why it takes so long for the Tower of Secrets to graduate."

When they passed the dormitory area, an apprentice was entangled in the silk scarf on the May tree, and not only his hands but also his neck were strangled.

"Hey, whoever cast the magic will suffocate him!"

"I'll try." Rorschach raised his hand, and a weak red ray hit the enchanted silk scarf, immediately ending the prank. The apprentice rubbed his neck and thanked Rorschach.

The magic power consumption is more than expected. At this time, [Feuerbach's Reversal Ray (White)] has appeared on the panel. Not from Faust? Rorschach was secretly surprised and continued walking towards the hall.

"Ah! The natural scenery is still relaxing!" Visiting Master Feuerbach gave me the feeling of being dragged away by knowledge and thoughts. Rorschach was also glad that he could study and research with Kano in the first place. Solving practical problems is more suitable for him. .

Rorschach now recognized the location of the stable and found the mount he came with. He got on his horse and crossed out the line "Three Visits to the Tower of Secret Techniques" from his small notebook, and below it was "Inspection of the Dye Workshop".

The trip to Glass Town before the wedding was with Newingen, and the two outsiders had a very unpleasant quarrel. Although it ended in victory for their own side, Rorschach now made up his mind to let Mr. Hasse accompany him.

Anyway, the equity has been determined, so there is no need to worry about the interference of the Baldorom Chamber of Commerce. Rorschach traveled through the mountain roads until he got to Munik and got a hotel room.

As for why he didn’t just go back to Landsht, of course it was because Rorschach didn’t know the way!

Exercise is relative. Rorschach learned that there was a dye workshop called Munik, so he chose to write a letter to summon Mr. Hasay to come over, and he lay in the room and took a good rest.

When Mr. Hasay was on the road, Rorschach also went to the magic guild to buy some learning scrolls. Now, at the level of an intermediate mage, only one scroll is enough to learn some low-level magic.

The two discussed in the beer hall. Hasse was a little worried after hearing Rorschach's intention: "Is it okay to give people the dye used on wool and cloth to drink?"

"Some are indeed toxic." Rorschach admitted that synthetic dyes are often very dangerous, but there are also many colorants that are natural or extracted and modified from natural materials. Everyone eats them every day, so there should be no problem.

"First of all, the amount of colorant used will not be too large. Secondly, we try to use non-toxic and slightly toxic ones." The last reason was not stated. There is no relevant law in the kingdom. As long as people are not knocked down and spit foam at once, it will not matter. People pursue.

"We don't use those from minerals and coal, but even natural pigments require skilled technicians and basic solvent extraction and blending." Rorschach asked Hasay while eating sausages: "What flavors are we ready to add?"

The businessman immediately reported: "Apple and orange flavor."

"Okay." Rorschach recalled the knowledge from his previous life. Green can be made from chlorophyll, and it can be extracted from pasture. In the previous life, the most economical option was to use silkworm excrement - pieces of cake pulled out by silkworms, which retained the chlorophyll of mulberry leaves. Of course there are green leaves, but as we all know, chlorophyll is not very stable, especially if the glass bottle is transparent. Light and oxidation will denature and decompose it, and it needs to be processed into sodium copper chlorophyll salt.

Rorschach spoke briefly, allowing poor Hasse to experience Rorschach's dizzy feeling in Feuerbach's office: "I'm sorry, Mr. Rorschach, I don't understand." So it's so troublesome to extract green from leaves? Isn’t it enough to just squeeze the juice?

Rorschach shrugged: "That's why I said we should hire professional masters to do it."

Orange is very simple. Many high-quality pigments can be extracted from plants, such as curcumin and red pigments extracted from beetroot. In this way, Fonda's pigments can be found, and they are not synthetic pigments, so they will not damage the average life expectancy of the people of the Byrne Kingdom.

So the two of them took a carriage to the dye workshop near the capital the next day. Before they got close to Mr. Hasse, they smelled a strange smell mixed with excrement, grease, and rotten eggs in the air. So complex that just one puff can double the discomfort in the car.

When crossing the bridge, he also saw that the color of the stream that merged into the Duma River was also very unpleasant.

"Ah! Familiar feeling!" After taking a nostalgic sniff, Rorschach cast [Filtered Air Bubble] on himself and Hasai - the new spell he learned specifically to enter the workshop.

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