Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 196 Found a treasure

"Thank you so much!" Hasai could feel the sudden freshness of the air and the remarkable effect of Rorschach's spell.

Rorschach observed this workshop. Like the glass town, there were many similar buildings gathered together. With the coordination of the guild, each family could live in peace and concentration on both sides of the stream.

The two went to the dye shop owner to explain their purpose of visiting, and visited in the name of the Baldorom Chamber of Commerce. The first workshop owner was an old man with a red nose. Although he didn't understand why the people from the Fashion Society came here, he still received them.

Walking into the building, the guys inside were busy. They stepped on heavy dye vats, dragged up heavy cloths, and washed them in colorful water. There was hot water in the dye vat, because fabric coloring requires temperature. The rising steam filled the room with the ammonia, sulfide, acid and other substances that Hasay and Rorschach smelled at first.

The final bleached and dyed water is gathered together, and the result is not colorful, but fused into gray-brown sewage, which is poured directly into the stream.

"Is this how you pollute the water?" Mr. Hasay was surprised.

The old workshop owner didn't care and rubbed his nose: "Where are you from, master? We have paid taxes!"

Rorschach declined to comment, but instead observed the pigments mixed into the dye vat, including indigo, red and yellow, and lead green. In short, what he saw were mainly mineral dyes.

"Boss, do you all use ore dyes?"

"Yes. If you look for manufacturers, they are upstream."

This was not what Rorschach was looking for. He then asked: "Are there any workshops that produce purple and can use coal to make colors?"

Hasai was puzzled. Isn't coal black? How can it be changed into other colors. However, it was true. The owner of the dyeing shop was still rubbing his nose. Hasai noticed that his big hands were still an unhealthy purple-red color: "Go, the smelliest family upstream is the one! Please hurry up, young masters. If you go later, we can find you." No more?"

The two came out of the dyeing shop, and Hasai wondered what the old man's last words meant. Upstream was the dye-making workshop. They imported the ore, crushed it, purified it, and then made the ore dye.

However, there was one exception. In order to find the "stinkers" one, Rorschach removed his [air filter bubble]. As expected, there was a strong smell of ammonia, which became stronger the closer he got to a luxurious red brick factory building.

"Byrne Aniline Soda Factory" Hassey watched Rorschach stop in front of the factory and read out the brass label hanging on the door.

"It should be right here." Rorschach took a long breath, trying to expel all the turbid air inhaled from his lungs, and put filter bubbles on himself again.

Unlike other workshops, nothing came out of its chimney. The door of the factory was closed tightly. You could see a coal car parked in the open space in front of the factory and a car with a large wooden barrel behind it.

The barrel's joint was open, and black viscous liquid was dripping down. It's not oil, it should be coal tar. Although it was a depressing scene, Rorschach liked it more and more as he looked at it.

"Is this going bankrupt?" Hasai observed. There was no movement or equipment noise. Rorschach tried knocking on the door first.

No one answered, so Rorschach kept knocking without giving up.

The iron door finally opened a crack, and there was indeed someone inside. It was a haggard older young man. He was a little nervous and fragile: "Please give me some more time." However, when he saw the person clearly, his eyes widened: "It's you!"

At the same time Hasai also made the same cry.

"Do you know each other?" Luo Xia didn't understand the situation, so the young man opened the door and couldn't wait to pull the two guests into the factory. Rorschach saw many devices with familiar shapes, and he could even roughly guess their functions, but they were all new, and only one set had traces of coal tar hanging on them.

"Mr. Hasay, save me!"

The young man's name was Angelhorn. He started out as a goldsmith and then co-founded a gas company. After being mercilessly squeezed out by the Mining Association, young people were forced to change careers. But his change of profession was not very thorough, and he aimed at the business of synthesizing aniline dyes from coal tar, which once again angered the mining guild - they still provided the raw materials for the dye!

He provided the dye for the purple flag that Rorschach saw in Würzburg, so he and Mr. Hasse knew each other. After receiving the final payment, this unlucky and blind young man felt that he could become bigger and stronger. Based on what he had earned in the past, he borrowed another sum of money to expand his small workshop, and then

"Do you still want to become bigger and stronger?" The Mining Association came to visit again, but it did not violate the law. It just instructs all dye shops not to buy the company's magenta, aniline dyes and alkali used for coloring, which is what the company's name says. of "soda".

So the capital chain happily broke! At one point, Angelhorn refers to Rorschach and Hasse as the original debt collectors.

Luo Xia observed the entire factory. There was no master at all, and asked about the current situation.

"I haven't fired them, but I can't pay them the wages, so let them find a new home first." The young man scratched his hair regretfully: "It's all over!"

Rorschach didn't understand why this gentleman switched from goldsmithing to the fledgling organic chemical industry. The young man recalled: "Back then, Munik installed gas street lights. I felt that the gas would be easy to sell, so I formed a partnership with a friend. Later, coal tar Everyone doesn’t want it. I learned from Munik’s university that someone in Istani has developed a method of making pigments from coal tar.”

At this time, a young man with a keen sense of business and a love of learning, just like himself, ignored the disgusting guild and ended up like this. Rorschach and Hasay couldn't help but smile and nod at the same time.

"Are you laughing at me? Then just laugh as much as you want." The young man cried sadly.

Luo Xia quickly took out a small notebook in which he wrote an introduction to the chlorophyll copper sodium salt process and showed it to the other party: "Actually, we want to continue the business. Do you think this can be done?"

Angelhorn's eyes widened quickly after taking the notebook. This is a perfect business, with low cost of raw materials and simple craftsmanship: "Of course it is possible if the craftsmanship is correct!"

"But you are alone now." Hasai didn't understand why he handed over the business to a factory that was actually bankrupt so quickly. He did not dare to directly refute Rorschach, and instead questioned the young man.

"Okay, okay! You only need to pay a small deposit, and I can find another guy to start it. Trust me, for the sake of our happy cooperation last time, give me a chance!"

"Please allow me to discuss this with my companions." Hasai still felt that something was wrong. This factory might be sealed off at any time, so he took Luo Xia aside and held a small meeting in a low voice: "Why did you hand it over to a bankrupt factory so easily? We can look at other manufacturers.”

Rorschach directly used [Messaging Technique]. Even after a spell, the joy in his words could not be concealed: "You are right, a factory that is about to close down is not worth cooperating with. I was wrong."

Hasse was about to nod when he heard Rorschach continue: "But wouldn't it be very suitable for acquisition? We need talents like Mr. Angelhorn! We need to inject capital quickly so that the boss can find a new home for the skilled workers. Please come back”

Talent? Hasay only thinks that he is a genius in business.

However, Rorschach was very optimistic about this factory that was full of ammonia smell: "The name of Bain Aniline Soda Factory is too difficult to pronounce. After the acquisition, I just took the first character of each word and called it 'Basif'." "

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