Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 203 You have joined the Rorschach Pioneer Project

Ultimately, Rorschach's plans for Bart were reactive responses. If the idea is the same as the anti-missile system in the previous life, there will be more complex enemy detection, targeting and active corresponding hedging magic.

It’s not that magic can’t do it, but at least there needs to be a tower spirit, right? Bart was a no-brainer. If you really have the above skills plus "magic artificial intelligence", you can just build a doomsday mecha and squat next to the mage tower every day.

"Finally, using [Stone Shaping Technique] and 'Mapping', the structure will have a certain self-healing function." Rorschach used [Mage's Hand] to crush the demonstration cup, and then under the gaze of four pairs of eyes, the edges of the fragments became blurred. A little bit of blue light emitted, and the alchemical ink on the bottom of the plate evaporated, and finally the cups were squeezed together with difficulty.

"Of course, this kind of repair is limited. The strength of the port will still be reduced, and it will not be completely restored." He showed it to everyone. The traces of repair were obvious. The lines on the pottery cup and the drawn magic circle were also blurred and messy at the interface. . In fact, the final simple traceback of [Feuerbach's Reversal Ray] is used here.

Jensen was most interested: "But when the main body is broken, isn't the circuit also destroyed? How does it take effect?"

"It's very simple. The magic circle is on the ceiling of the tower." Rorschach showed and drew the bottom of the cup of the magic circle. I'm sorry that no one here can understand it all:

"Generally speaking, the top of the tower is not very vulnerable to attacks, especially the inside of the tower, which is often damaged sideways. After the magic circle on the top of the tower is activated, it will try to reshape the tower body. Attacks from the outside rely on The two barriers shown before. The safety point should be drawn at both the top and bottom of the tower, which can also increase the speed of repair, but if it is at the bottom of the tower, it is not sure whether it will conflict with the energy-gathering array."

"Indeed." Jason was stroking his beard again. He looked at it for a long time and couldn't understand it. When Rorschach was looking at the energy-gathering magic circle, he wouldn't let anyone use paper and pen. Now he is embarrassed to copy it: "Oh, Rorschach. Master Xia has at least saved Bart Boy thousands of gold coins in design fees!"

Bart was embarrassed when he said this, and wanted to express his feelings. Unexpectedly, Rorschach said something shocking: "If I return to Byrne again in the future, I can continue to upgrade the defense measures for Bart's resident mage tower."

There is no other meaning. The boy has made up his mind to test everything on Bart's tower before adding buffs to his own mage tower. Congratulations to Mr. Bart for joining the "Rorschach Pioneer Project" without any knowledge!

After the simplest model demonstration is completed, it is necessary to zoom into the tower. According to Jensen's engineering experience, there are many ways to arrange it. In the end, without exception, he chose the beggar's version, which arranges the same set of arrays on each floor and then connects them in parallel. stand up.

How to inlay and wire the magic circuit requires the guidance of not only designer Rorschach, but also Jason. He is very experienced in how to embed metal wires, inlay node gems, etc. In order to ensure that there were no mistakes in the construction, several people spent two days drawing a complete set of circuit diagrams.

During this period, Amelia also contributed her efforts. "Of all the courses at the court, the one I like most besides equestrian is painting." Although she was overqualified, she at least got started with the ruler and compass tools and mastered the basic drawing specifications.

The contractor finally looked at the results, calculated the materials that needed to be consumed, and made a good suggestion: "I suggest you draw another set of copies. If it runs well, other resident mages may be interested in this protective array."

"Then I'll give you the authorization, Bart. Let's promote it in front of other colleagues. How about we split it 50/50?" Rorschach didn't care. The entire system was originally constructed based on open and widely circulated spells. In fact, apart from [Blue Light Barrier], there is no other way to target mages.

Bart didn't want to take advantage of his friend: "What nonsense are you talking about? You're seven and I'm three."

The main part of the building was completed in just three days. Firstly, the structure of the single tower is simple, and there are many buildings of the same type in the kingdom. The dwarves have long been familiar with it. Secondly, a lot of building materials were recycled, and the rubble was really unusable. Rorschach also reshaped his body, saving a lot of time. There are two mages at the end, and they can carry a crane and move up to the top.

The magic circle is more time-consuming. Fortunately, the "arcane garden" that confuses the ecological circle, the "observation platform" where magic sticks are installed, the "restraint room" where dangerous beings are imprisoned, etc. have all been cut down. There are no rooms that require permanent curing spells.

"Mr. Jensen, I want to talk to you." Except for the dwarfs who ran away on the first day of construction, Rorschach was still very satisfied with the speed and progress of the construction, so he felt that he could be a potential customer of Jensen.

Jason stopped calling the boy "boy" from the second day on. Seeing how solemn the other party was, he also became serious: "Master Rorschach, what do you want from me?"

Rorschach consulted with the construction team on prices and suggested that "a real mage tower" might need to be built in the near future.

"A real mage tower!" the dwarf engineer shouted twice, rubbing his hands: "Do you know what a real mage tower means? It is not the same thing as the small watchtowers we build now."

"Of course, and I still have many special needs." If the old friends from the Alchemy Department can't come to Byrne, then Rorschach still has to find a builder for the new transmutation dust collector.

He didn't want to entrust it to a mysterious organization like the "Masonry Brotherhood", so hiring dwarves (of course, not necessarily Jason) to build facilities would be a better choice.

"How long is the future?"

"Maybe half a year, maybe a year." Rorschach couldn't be sure. His investment in Byrne had not yet paid off. Of course, thinking from another perspective, it was not limited to pure money. The manpower and resources he could mobilize were also considerable.

Jason immediately took out his black-covered notebook and quickly wrote down his mailing address: "Master Rorschach is very capable, and I am willing to take on this job. If the day comes when you need it, you can send a letter here."

He tore off the address, and Rorschach hurriedly bent down to take it. As expected, it was in the northern part of the empire. To be on the safe side, Rorschach asked the last question: "Can it be delivered through the guild's teleportation?"

"Of course, no problem!" Jason did not shake hands, but stretched out his left fist and touched Rorschach.

The facade and capping of the Mage Tower have been completed. In a sense, this building throughout the empire is also a symbol of the majesty of the imperial capital. It temporarily fell down in Würzburg, then re-erected in a newer and taller appearance, continuing to overlook the entire city.

Next came the interior decoration steps. Rorschach was neither interested nor needed help anymore. It was time to set off back to the Holy Kingdom.

"When will we meet again?"

"It may be soon, or it may take some time." Rorschach is not sure how long he will stay in the Tower of Stars. The project at hand is completed, and he will at most be in time for the final exam of Valuana Normal University, but he is still There are new problems. [Reverse Ray], [Minor Splitting Technique] and [God Expulsion Technique] have not been truly completed. It is more beneficial to study and communicate with familiar archmages in the Tower of Stars.

Amelia blamed Bart and blamed herself: "We kept you busy and didn't invite you to enjoy the mountains and lakes of Bain. In addition to hunting and fishing, you should also watch the Kingdom's opera."

"There are indeed a lot of things to deal with when I come to Byrne, but it's a worthwhile trip. It's a great honor to attend the wedding of my friend and the princess. I'll say goodbye."

Rorschach first took a carriage to the capital, and then boarded an airship bound for the Holy Kingdom.

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