Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 205 Expansion of Investigation

When the "Secret Meeting in the Monastery" ended, Rorschach returned to the Tower of Stars, put down his luggage and went straight to the research building.

"Master Kano, long time no see!" Rorschach knocked on the master's office door, but saw Kano's surprised expression: "Rorschach? Why are you back?"

Does this mean I'm not welcome? Rorschach raised his eyebrows: "It seems I shouldn't come back here again."

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant. I just thought you would stay in the empire for a longer time, such as visiting your hometown or something. Rorschach, you have nothing to do now, why are you in such a hurry to come back?" Old Valouana man I don't quite understand Rorschach's hurried state. If it were Kano, he would definitely choose to hang around for a month or two more.

"Can't I come back to study in a hurry?" Rorschach took out the gift he had prepared and took out a dozen of apple- and orange-flavored sodas from the ring.

Kano saw Rorschach take out bottles one by one and place them all over his desk, and then "No more? Just drinks?"

Both the master and the apprentice were polite to each other: "You can have whatever you want in the Holy Kingdom. The only sodas you want to bring are these sodas, and the white wine from Würzburg." At the end of the finale, a beautiful glass bottle of wine was handed over. The small packaging is also the result of the improvement of the bottle factory's technology. With disinfection measures, cork stoppers and wax seals, the shelf life is greatly improved compared with traditional wooden barrel transportation.

"This is good." Cano took the white wine and repeatedly looked at the wine label and the light golden body before putting it in his wine cabinet. Then he left a bottle of green soda and waved his hand: "Take the rest, take them away, and distribute them to other people in the group."

Rorschach talked about what Byrne Kingdom had done, which made the teacher feel a little emotional. He picked up the glass bottle: "Even a small glass bottle is not easy to make. But I still think you should stay in Byrne even took advantage of the situation and built his own magic tower."

Rorschach still believes that it is necessary to return to the Holy Kingdom. He now has no funds to build it, and his magic studies have not been completed. After all, you are just a visitor in the Tower of Secrets, and you are blocked in every possible way from looking at the collection of books. Here, legitimate study can help you improve your spells.

While chatting with Bart, he made some insinuations and learned that the empire's southern front army's officers and structures were being mobilized and had no combat effectiveness for the time being, indicating that the Holy Kingdom would be safe for some time to come.

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you. Indeed, even if you stay in Byrne, I will call you back."

Rorschach saw Kano's sudden seriousness and had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, the Archmage folded his hands and informed Rorschach that Valuana Normal University would suspend teaching activities.

"Suspended?" Luo Xia asked in disbelief. He also planned to come back and publish a set of final exam papers!

It turned out that during the following period, several students awakened their little tricks one after another. Some were able to summon small flames, and some could make objects float slightly. The most serious accident occurred during an activity on the playground. , a student accelerated himself, lost control and hit the wall.

This result shocked the guild. Obviously, other schools would not have so many children with magical talents who could figure out spell-casting skills on their own, even if it was just a trick.

So the investigation into this "Magic Awakening" school was opened again. The guild is still unclear whether the mage accidentally passed on magic-related concepts during teaching activities, or whether there was a mage who deliberately taught spellcasting skills to gifted children.

After discussion, it is certain that the Master’s participation in teaching activities has caused the current situation. In the middle of the investigation, many teachers from the Tower of Stars resigned in anger, and because they didn't know who was instigating it, His Majesty the King actually issued a decree to close the school.

All activities ceased.

The investigation is still continuing, and Rorschach and Pascal, who are former teachers, may still have a round of questioning. If there really is a teacher who teaches magic to the master, the guild has not stated how it will deal with it. It is just investigating and investigating again.

"What about the students? What about the efforts, time, energy and material resources invested by the sponsors and teachers?" Luo Xia suggested to the king to start this, although he somewhat disliked the school board of directors, and even though he was only a temporary teacher after the establishment. , but it is unacceptable for Rorschach to end hastily like this.

I haven’t published the final paper yet and I’m going to torture those bastards!

Kano shook his head: "I understand your mood, and I am opposed to wasting the early investment of the guild and affiliated chambers of commerce. But with the result like this, we can see that many people are obstructing it."

"Since you objected, why not let the guild change its approach? Why did the guild withdraw from running the school?" Luo Xia still felt extremely disgusted when she recalled the humiliating inquiry meeting. She never thought that it would happen again.

"I admit that as the chief of the Tower of Stars, I have a considerable say in the activities of the Magic Guild in the Holy Kingdom, but I am neither Charles XVI of the magic world, nor is the Tower of Stars the only major leader in the Holy Kingdom. Magic Tower, the current investigation is in compliance with the procedures, so I can only maintain a neutral attitude."

Fortunately, Kano has not finished his words: "At least it is neutral on the surface. It is still unclear who is behind it. The rational way to deal with it is not for me to express my position in a hurry now. Even if I say it alone, it is impossible for the investigation to happen. Stop easily.

"As long as it continues, I will have time to find out who is the mastermind behind the instigation of the Austrian Senate." Kano said this with an ugly face, and he was probably also angry with the Senate.

"Originally, I thought that if you stay at Bayern, I can reject your questions on behalf of my students. But since neither you nor Pascal, Rorschach, want to see the normal school closed, you might as well try to work hard. I support it. Yours."

".thank you."

But what about the "effort" method? I'm afraid we need to prepare for the question meeting first. Rorschach insisted not to change his lecture notes, and his senior brother agreed that he should teach according to the content of the lecture notes. Rorschach didn't find Pascal, and accidentally arrived outside the campus of Valuana Higher Normal School.

Now the wrought iron door was loosely locked. Luo Xia looked inside. It was quiet and no one was there. It was obviously late spring and early summer, but it was a bit desolate. The lawn in the playground was not mowed and grew very tall.

He looked in both directions, but no passers-by noticed the closed school, so he stretched out his fingertips, and a red light flashed through. The iron chain was broken by one link, and Rorschach pushed open the creaking iron door and entered.

Walking through the deserted playground, corridors, and offices, until the classroom Rorschach accidentally met someone other than himself. There was a young man sitting on the seat, copying the tattered handouts on the paper.


The young man was startled, but when he raised his head and saw a familiar person, his surprise turned to joy: "Teacher! You still remember my name!"

If you miss your name once, you can remember it for a lifetime, right?

"When did classes stop?"

"After the spring break, we were told not to come." Andre's head dropped again: "My father lost his job again. Fortunately, I can read and work as a clerk at the Chamber of Commerce. When I'm not at work, I climb over the wall and sit down. It’s fine in front of the desk.”

Andre was recommended by a church grammar school. Such students often come from average families. Now Rorschach noticed that his clothes were dirtier and older than when he was at school.

"Are you still in contact with other classmates?"

"Yes, yes." Andre said a few names, and their faces appeared in Rorschach's mind one by one. Andre's eyes turned red, and he choked and confided to Rorschach, who was not much older than him: "We all want to continue going to school. Teacher, if I don't know magic, will the school not be closed?"

Rorschach let out a sigh of relief: "Andre, it was not you who was wrong."

Time is tight, so the acknowledgments are merged into tomorrow's author said.

Chapter 203 is a chapter similar to Qizi, the chapter about the turmoil in the kingdom, and is serialized!

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