Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 207 Night School

Rorschach was led into the textile factory night school by Pascal, "Teacher Pascal." The two people at the door first saw their senior brother, and then they were surprised to see Rorschach.

"Hey, how many times have I told you to call me Thor here?" The senior brother also asked Rorschach to give him a pseudonym. "Then call me Heisenberg."

"Is this a place name?" The two of them were a little confused.

The senior brother explained for Heisenberg: "He is an imperialist, so he is normal."

Rorschach observed the entire environment. The vaults in the factory were very high, and wooden beams supported the main structure. Numerous looms were lined up until they disappeared into the darkness. After the shutdown, the unlinked water wheel was idling outside the wall. The Seine River could be vaguely heard. The sound of waves.

The "night school" he was in was just a corner of the factory. Three kerosene lamps were hung to illuminate all the blackboards and desks as much as possible, and "for the advancement of human wisdom and well-being", which was adapted from the school motto of the Valois Normal School. .

Due to the limited light, the desks are arranged in a circle, and students of all sizes are much closer to each other. They have various faces and ages. It is a bit awkward for the big porter to sit on the small desks and low chairs, but Still trying to stay seated upright.

The content is nothing unusual. The current class teaches basic letter formats. While teaching writing and grammar, it also teaches the weavers and porters the words used in written language. The instructor is Rorschach's former student, a girl named Madeline.

Rorschach didn't have much impression of her, because she rarely took the initiative to participate in class interactions and was obviously a bit shy. But now, although Madeline blushed, she still stood in front of students who were older than her in class.

"Very well said." Rosenberg and Thor were listening at the junction of light and darkness at the back of the classroom. In order not to disturb the class, they used [messaging] to communicate.

"Madeline comes from a well-off family and has now transferred to a grammar school in Valouana, but she still insists on participating in our activities."

"'We'?" Rorschach turned on [Dark Vision] and looked around the entire factory: "Club of Friends of Fraternity and Equality?"

Thor crossed his arms in front of his chest: "The owner of this textile factory is a member of the club and also sponsored the Valuauna Normal School. After the suspension of school, this member was very angry and used his factory as a temporary school venue at night. , most of these female workers also come from his own workshop."

So open-minded? Rorschach had only known a similar factory owner in his previous life, known as the "second violinist."

The senior brother continued: "There are also differences among club members regarding this night school. Some people think that our current students only need to be represented by people of virtue and wisdom, while others think that all citizens, regardless of occupation or class, should be equal. We have the right to express reasonable demands. Fortunately, the club president supports us."

He imitated Maxim's firm speech at that time and held a fist: "Gentlemen, during this period of time, my legal assistance to the public has made me deeply realize that people who are tortured by poverty and injustice should first realize themselves. empowering them and teaching them how to express it is an extremely important first step.”

Then he looked at Robert Heisenberg with bright eyes and put his hands on his shoulders: "So do it! Isn't it much better to start with a small first step than empty talk?" Ending "Maxim P.S. After the "body", the senior brother continued to introduce that the club initiated internal donations to start this action, and the students in the night school just paid a few copper coins as a token monthly.

"But please don't involve the students of the Normal University." Luo Xia knew that the "clubs" of all sizes in the capital were by no means just volunteer organizations.

"Don't worry, considering this, we established a 'Qizhi Mutual Aid Organization' that is independent of the club. Caron, myself, and the factory owner here, the three clean members take turns taking charge."

Just keep your feet clean as you say.

The course lasted forty-five minutes of a standard class, and the remaining time was for newspaper reading. This link was deeply appreciated by Rorschach. At least it would allow those people who are immersed in work to obtain more information, and listening to the newspaper could be regarded as a break.

Even reading newspapers is carefully prepared. The organizers select simple tofu chunks and ask students with fast learning progress and large vocabulary to read aloud. Current affairs news with complex vocabulary are read by students from normal colleges, and there are texts suitable for the audience's level. annotation.

Half an hour passed and the activity ended. Everyone stood up and thanked the little teacher for leaving the class. According to Pascal, there are roughly three types of content in the class. The first ones are of course literacy, reading and writing, and then there are courses on calculation and knowledge on employment safety and emergency treatment of minor illnesses and wounds.

After the "college students" left, the night school did not close. At 8:30, students familiar to Rorschach came in, and each of them greeted Rorschach. There are some I don’t know, but Luo Xia is probably still a student of Normal University.

"The first basic class is now attended by students from the Normal University. We plan to invite a few more of these students to be 'little teachers' and open a second improvement class for the basic class students who are learning quickly, but this takes too much time. It’s been a long time, so we need to arrange a new class.” After the senior brother finished speaking, the teacher for today’s second class appeared.

"Huh?" Rorschach was stunned for a moment, and in came Drouot, an engineering teacher and artillery academy student. Although he was not wearing a military uniform, his temperament remained unchanged. He meticulously took out the lecture notes from his leather armor bag and asked the students in the front row to distribute pens and papers to everyone.

Drouot and Rorschach looked at each other and showed a subtle smile.

It turns out this guy can still laugh. Rorschach nodded in response and continued to communicate with his senior brother: "I found Andre today. He also knows some out-of-school students. Do you think we can come here too? About six of us."

Andre works the night shift, but if he can join the alchemy department, he might have a chance to participate.

This made Thor a little embarrassed: "The space here is limited, we are also planning to add an advanced class, but Luo Xiaqian needs to know that those masters will be greatly improved by receiving the current education, but for the students of the original high school, For me, the current classroom is just a stop-gap measure to ensure that they don’t lose their previous knowledge.”

The senior brother spread his hands: "They have few classes here, and they don't have proof of completion of their studies after graduation. Do they really want to keep it up? We just suggest them that qualified students prepare to go to other schools for interviews. Our classroom at this time It’s more like a cram school.”

Of course Rorschach knew that this place could not replace the Higher Normal School. It was like a little fire in the embers, temporarily storing the opportunity for these students with poor backgrounds to change their destiny.

In the end, Pascal agreed, on the condition that Rorschach also joined the team of teachers. On the list Pascal had, there were mages, teachers from the artillery academy, and even priests.

With organizers and a venue, these people are willing to return to the podium, even though the wages are so low that they are close to voluntary labor, and even though the conditions are much more difficult.

"There are a lot of teachers who don't want to leave their students, so we should find ways to rebuild Normal University."

"Don't be kidding me! In the current situation, manpower and material resources have reached the limit of spontaneous organization. Is it that easy to resume school?"

"It all depends on people. Of course it won't happen in a short time." Rorschach made up his mind to talk to Mr. Pierre.

After class, since it was very late, Drouot and Thor, who were teaching the class, held lanterns respectively, and the students were divided into two teams and sent home one by one. The team's route is fixed, and if Rorschach joins today, they can only follow the original route.

"Goodbye, teachers!" After sending the last student home, Rorschach took out his pocket watch and saw that it was almost ten o'clock in the evening.

Thanks to book friend "Valley Valley" for the reward!

Thanks to book friends "Salted Fish and Cuckoo Bird", "Valley Valley", "Book Friends 151003173211067" "lms1" "Book Friends 20170222153928242" "It's really embarrassing" "Book Friends 20200425132356567" "Geyou" "Whiteboard Cubic" Monthly ticket support for "SoWaiho", "Iced Watermelon Cake", "Flying Fire", "TXWS", "Shigure Qianyi" and "Book Friends 20170122133251729"!

Thanks to "Bu Chuan Guan", "Valley Valley", "gvdsfag", "Jade Sword Fairy Questions", "There is a Bear in the World", "Little Fat Bee", "Lack of Product", "Red Blood Cell 2002", "Dark Night, Wings", "Whiteboard Cubic" "rcliiu "Recommended votes from book friends such as "Qianchen Snow Night" and "TWXS" are encouraged!

I spent a lot of time on the road today. I only have two updates. I will update the second or third update tomorrow depending on the situation. Thank you all for following up.

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