Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 213 The Idea King Meets the General Manager by Chance

Kano immediately understood what Rorschach was saying. He thought about it but shook his head: "No, no. We don't need to take over the mess." At the southern end of the continent where commerce is developed, there is also a magic tower that issues its own metal currency, and because of its craftsmanship It is advanced, contains few other metals, and is widely welcomed by coastal city-states.

But it is different now. Valois has entered the era of paper money. In Carnot's concept, whoever issues the money must bear the credit of the paper money. At present, there is no credibility! The original one-to-one ratio of gold lang to gold coins has now fallen to one and two-thirds to one, and this is without a large-scale run.

"So I said that it won't work if the magic guild comes forward, and it won't be recognized if it is published. But I don't think His Majesty the King only asks for money from us spellcasters and trading companies? Those fat priests, those night-time The Noblesse of Night Music"

If other forces were brought together to deprive Charles XVI of his happy money printing press, it would essentially separate the right to issue currency from the royal family and subject it to balanced constraints from all parties.

"We are not talking about kicking His Majesty the King out, but we are drawing on the ideas I saw in Byrne. Can each bank set up or hold a controlling stake, including the royal bank, and then the banks are organized into a guild that monopolizes issuance rights."

This is just an idea. Rorschach does not understand economics and finance, but he believes that as long as he throws out the prototype of this idea, Kano will adopt it and discuss it with other big shots in the social arena, and then real industry experts will perfect the plan.

In this way, only His Majesty the King's injured world is completed.

"But I'm afraid there is no chance to gather all the forces, compromise with each other and make a treaty." Rorschach had already vaguely thought of what was bothering Kano, so he deliberately provoked it.

Sure enough, Master Kano curled his lips and affirmed: "I have received a notice that I will represent the Tower of Stars and the Tower of Beginning Earth at the 'Meeting of Dignitaries'."

"Everyone in the tower can guess that His Majesty the King wants to beg for money from us, with his noble head held high, and Duplesi and Necker call out for him first."

However, Kano did not tell the Imperial Idea King in detail why one master could represent two towers or the specific situation of the "Meeting of Dignitaries", and Rorschach could no longer pursue it.

"Teacher, I take my leave."

Kano nodded and thought before Rorschach left: "Don't forget about studying magic recently. We must understand the foundation of our spellcasters."


Although Rorschach agreed in this way, he was no different from Kano in that he had not finished the mundane tasks that bothered him. After dealing with the informal oral investigation, Rorschach did not care about the follow-up. He was in a hurry to go to "Hercules".

For some reason in the kingdom, when all walks of life are experiencing contraction, people are forced to recall how to live by tightening their belts. Mr. Pierre cannot be alone. The flow of water at the headquarters beverage factory is slowly narrowing.

Byrne's "Fonda" has made a profit and can repay some cash, but no kingdom will sit back and watch a large amount of precious metals flow out, so the blood return it can bring to the headquarters is limited.

The plan given by Rorschach is simple, move out of Valuauna!

"Move out! That means investing in a new factory." Pierre originally thought that the mage had something to say, but he didn't expect that he would create a problem for himself.

"Listen to me." Rorschach reassured the businessman with dark circles under his eyes: "We have absorbed enough cash from the stock market, and now we are going against the wind to expand market share at a smaller cost."

This is common countercyclical expansion: "And you'll remember what I said."

"You're saying" Mr. Pierre thought of the news Rorschach revealed when he was developing canned food. The thunderstorm of the war is coming from north to south. As a businessman, he must not only be able to "shelter from the rain", but also be able to "sell umbrellas".

"Our King will be forced to convene a general meeting soon, and the royal capital will definitely not have a peaceful life for a few days. It will move to the northwest corner of the kingdom, to a region with the autonomy of the three estates, and it will also be close to seaports and waterways. It makes it easier for us to transport our products and temporarily shift our focus away from right and wrong.”

"But the tax rate is higher in those areas." Pierre began to seriously consider the proposal: "The magic guild may not be able to fully cover it." After all, the radiation range of each tower is limited, and he is only a series of "Towers of Stars".

"Why can't you rely on yourself? Mr. Pierre, you or your nephew Antoine should sit in the conference hall with the size of the trading company, spend some money to wear a decent robe, and become the mayor of the small town where you live. "Grow up"

Rorschach was like the devil's whisper, stirring up Pierre Neusingen's desire for the next peak in life.

This businessman who worked hard like an old cow was persuaded. He also wanted to taste the taste of higher places. Holding a glass of wine and bending down to call others "Sir" and "Sir" every day, he or his nephew could stand up.

"Well, Master Rorschach, you are always right, I believe you."

There was also the matter of rebuilding the Normal University. Rorschach brought it up again, but was politely rejected by Pierre. He pointed out that after the Normal University was rebuilt, would it be shut down by the palace or the Senate?

Rorschach also knew that the answer was of course "yes". This was the way these people behaved. They did not necessarily allow others to do what they could do; they did not allow others to do what they did not do. If the school is better than before, wouldn't it disgrace the royal family and the Senate?

He couldn't make it difficult for Pierre. In addition, the beverage factory was producing day and night and could not provide a venue. Only Pierre agreed to raise funds from the bosses.

After leaving the beverage factory, Rorschach felt a little depressed. It was getting late at this time, so I simply bought bread along the street and ate it while walking. I walked all the way to a familiar neighborhood, and then went to the textile factory "school" from memory.

The sirens roared, and women with flushed faces filed out. They had finished their work for the day and vacated the large factory building for the night school.

Rorschach stood at the door and waited for a while. Everyone who had gone out left. On the other side of the crowd were two people holding textbooks and newspapers. Pascal and Andre were facing Rorschach.

"Teacher Rorschach!" Andre's energy was obviously much better than when he was on the night shift, while Pascal was still listless.

However, Pascal noticed that Rorschach seemed to be in a lackluster state, so he smiled and patted his shoulder: "Why, did you not sleep well or was the investigator tossing you? Do you want me to buy you a bottle of purple soda?"

Rorschach shook his head. He expressed Mr. Pierre's worries. It seemed that the bosses had similar thoughts and would not invest in the wasted Normal University.

"There will be a way. Don't take this matter too seriously. The fault is not mine." As soon as he finished speaking, senior brother and Luo Xia noticed the commotion on the street at the same time.

"Cough, cough, cough!" A gentleman and a beautiful woman were walking along the river. Suddenly, the young gentleman coughed non-stop. The blood not only soaked the handkerchief, but also stained the white gloves red.

"Ah!" The lady screamed and almost fainted, and then she started to get angry: "You sick and consumptive ghost! Stay away from me." The lady's bag hit the poor young man on the head, causing him to cough up blood. Fall to the ground.

The lady also took out a spray bottle, sprayed the perfume vigorously, got on the luxury carriage following behind and fled.

The sick young gentleman lay on the ground blowing the cold wind from the shore, and all passers-by took a detour.

"This" Rorschach added an [air filter bubble] to himself and Pascal and took a few steps forward to check the situation.

Oh, it turned out to be an old acquaintance, Valang, the general manager of the mining company.

"Help me cough!"

Sorry for the rush, the acknowledgments will be merged to tomorrow. Thank you everyone for reading!

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