Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 215 The Curse of Donkey Skin

"It's here with me." Of course Rorschach did not forget this thing that Valen had been thinking about. He burned the wrapped handkerchief and held it with his own handkerchief.

"Great!" Valang wanted to sit up and get it, but his cough immediately stopped his attempt. The terminally ill young man was no longer in high spirits and lay down on the hospital bed dejectedly:

"Ah, okay, Lord Rorschach, you saved me for the second time. Since my life is completely in the hands of your benefactor, just take it. If you treat me as a human being, please treat it kindly. , if you see what a bad person I am, you will step on it and try to destroy it."

Finally, when talking about destroying the donkey skin, Valan also showed a little expectation and strange excitement: "I tried it, and the donkey skin stubbornly remained intact. If you can defeat it, I will do it even if I become a ghost. You applauded.”

This child not only has physical problems, but also mentally.

Rorschach used [Arcane Vision] to check suspiciously. Now that he has reached the purple level of proficiency in this spell, he can not only observe the dots of aura on the donkey skin, but also vaguely see the vague connection between Valang on the hospital bed and the small piece of donkey skin in his hand.

A thin, smoky white light evaporated all over Valan's body, which merged into the dark leather and disappeared.

"If you feel better, you can tell me its story."

"Its story is my story." Valan stopped coughing and recounted his memories in as low a voice as possible: "You have seen the original appearance of this talisman, and you have also seen the words on it."

"As long as you make a wish, it will come true? But it will shrink once." Now that Pizi is no bigger than a palm, Luo Xia couldn't help laughing: "How many wishes have you made?"

"Is this still important? You have also seen that I have been very prosperous in the past six months, and I am almost the person who controls the greatest wealth in Valois. Although it does not belong to me, you should know that the hands holding the butter will never be clean. Anyway, I’m satisfied, and I, I’m not willing to give in!”

He recounted his deeds since he became a manager, constantly entering and leaving the mansions of dignitaries, and lingering on the beds of noble ladies. His clever mouth satisfied all the men and women with desires, promising these people returns in return, and gave them real money. The capital is transferred to His Majesty's Treasury and transferred from the Company to the Minister of Finance

"I enjoyed it all, and when I came to my senses, the donkey's skin was only half its original size. And this spring, a damn miner escaped from the secondary plane. I thought the company would be doomed, but it almost happened. I didn't We made a wish, and a miracle happened. The idiot actually joined the cult. We blamed everything on the underground cult.

"As expected, this powerful, cold and fair skin took away my life again, reaching the size of a palm, and my medicine supplier also disappeared." He still had a guess, but he didn't dare to say it.

Rorschach could no longer see the warning text on the leather: "So evil?" He didn't quite believe that all this was the fault of the leather, unless it was also the work of "Mother Earth". Maybe it was just a coincidence, but what is certain is that it is constantly depriving this young man of his life.

The donkey skin became a symbol of Walang's life, and tuberculosis seemed to be the curse it placed on Walang. The talisman was given to Varang a lot, until he realized that it was a talisman for death.

"If the size of the donkey's skin is linked to the remaining life of the donkey, can it be made bigger? In addition to trying it myself, I also asked an alchemist to soak it in potion, and asked an engineer to press and crush it with heavy objects. Pinned the four corners to stretch. But it didn't work.

"So I gave up and naively told myself, okay, then I won't make the wish. I have already achieved success and I don't need to deal with the devil or gods anymore.

"But you are also a young man, and you should know what desire is. Although I am dying like an old man, I can't be as calm as dead water. Especially when you can get it as long as you urgently need it, this cursed one Donkey skin is an addictive poison."

Rorschach felt that Valois's wish seemed nothing special: "Why don't you wish to become the king of Valois?"

Valan seemed to have seen something terrible: "Sir, please think about it, if I make such a big and outrageous wish, how much life will it cost? Will it disappear like ice in summer? Then I will He might be the king of the dead in Valois!"

Luo Xia remembered that he had proposed the idea of ​​purchasing donkey skins for research, but the young man made excuses to reject it. He commented: "The gifts of fate have a price, and now it seems that your life is quite valuable."

"Are you going to make a dig at a patient like that?"

Why are you pretending to be pitiful? Rorschach put away the donkey skin and put it in his pocket: "There are countless people in the fields and in factories full of dust, poisonous gas and countless dangers, paying for their lives in exchange for barely enough bread.

"In contrast, you have transformed from a gambler who was about to commit suicide to gaining money and power. Isn't this life valuable enough?"

"You're right, but I've already spent it, and I can't buy it back with anything!" He coughed again.

Rorschach injected blue light into him again, not targeting the lungs, but flowing into Valan's mind to make him feel better.

"Who can't buy it back? I'll take the donkey skin away. You can cultivate yourself here first. You can't leave without my permission. You can communicate with the outside world, but it can only be sent through my hands."

It was clearly meant to be imprisoned, but Valan was overjoyed. He is not a special lover, but he clearly understands that the above is not the attitude towards a dying person!

Valang wanted to confirm: "You mean you can still save me?"

"Walang, let's make a deal, but my product has only one hope and cannot guarantee absolute success. In exchange, I want to know all the inside information about the mining company and the gold mine." Now it seems that to cure Walang, The curse of the donkey skin should be broken first, and then a way to cure him should be found.

If you can master the general manager of a mining company, you can hold a very powerful card. If this card is thrown out, Necker may be forced to throw out his big card, and Granol, a lord whose fiefdom is entirely in the secondary plane, will definitely "can't afford it".

After hearing the deal proposed by Rorschach, Valang gritted his teeth and nodded: "Master Rorschach, I am willing! God will allow it, I hope so!" He repeated Donkey Skin's last words.

"No god can save you. I hope you can believe me." Rorschach would not hand over Valang to the Prime Minister in red. He left the ward, paid another sum of money, and told the doctors and caregivers to keep an eye on Valan and not let him leave. He would come back tomorrow.

The donkey skin still maintains its connection with Valan under the moonlight, although the holder is already Rorschach at this time. "Walan keeps saying 'my life is yours' and 'the donkey skin is for you to deal with'. Doesn't he want to hand over the ownership to me and transfer the curse?"

Luo Xia shook his head, it didn't matter what the other party planned. Even if his little plan succeeds, Rorschach just needs not to make wishes easily. And he also had a way to deal with donkey skin, so he put it in his pocket and walked towards the Tower of Stars.

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