Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 218 Disappearance Case

Rorschach returned to his dormitory and stared at the panel in trance.

He recalled what happened at the hospital yesterday. Rorschach was not like Valen who passively allowed the two forces to wrestle within his body and survived in a daze. Rorschach remembered the details of yesterday very clearly.

When Carnot expelled the will in the donkey skin, the second carrier of this power, the frail young man, was "activated", and the small and unpredictable fragments quickly merged into his diseased body.

From the perspective of Rorschach, Kano and others, the wall in the room was beeping and falling with debris, cracking regularly, and the cracks formed countless ancient and undecipherable hieroglyphs.

Combined with the beige color of the entire room and the hot wind blowing, it feels like you have arrived at the ruins of the kingdom of sand.

"It's the remnant soul of the God of Transformation! Use your dissipation technique, Rorschach. The most powerful one!" Of course Kano saw that Rorschach was hiding something private and did not disclose the most complete spell to the Senate, but he did not What a harsh criticism, it just reminds Rorschach that she must go all out now.

Then a red light condensed from Rorschach's hand and rushed into Valang's eyebrows. However, unexpectedly, the two seemed to have established a connection.

Rorschach's consciousness was condescending, and he saw a broken god in the endless quicksand. It had no fixed shape, and its vague shape was barely carved out by the surging gravel.

The three "I curse you" that Valan heard seemed to be for Rorschach, because the god's eyes had crossed Valan and confronted him.

Only Rorschach and the God of Change knew what happened next.

"The deal between me and Valen is fair! I agreed to everything he wanted! Rorschach, don't you want to know why he chose you?"

"Who is He?"

The remnant soul of the god did not answer. He spoke very quickly, as if he was seizing the last moment: "Think about it, why you can dispel my divinity! Think about it, what did you use to replace the miracles and miracles that you bestowed on this world? ! This disgusting and blasphemous spell is unprecedented."

When Valan's ascension was about to reach the end, Rorschach saw an all-too-familiar scene passing quickly through this almost transparent soul.

Rorschach wavered for a while and wanted to stop casting the spell.

"Let's make a deal! Let me go. I can keep Valan alive, and humans and gods can coexist in the same body and let him live for a long time. No, don't!"

Balaam is a negative image, and in other myths, the god of change is often also the god of trickery with evil intentions. Unlike Dryats, who showed good intentions at the beginning, Rorschach did not dare to bet on the consequences of such a god's remnant soul returning to the world.

Rorschach gritted his teeth and finished casting the spell. The mixed effect of [God Expulsion Technique] and reversal ray was achieved. [Rorschach's reversal ray] completely liberated Valan.

The god was indeed in extremely bad condition, and Archmage Kano's confidence was not blind. Although he still did not lower his body in the end, Rorschach could hear him almost begging him to stop.

"What do you bring? Perhaps among all the people, I am the only one who has seen a world without magic and gods." He was lying on the bed, holding a crystal bead in his hand. It was clear and transparent dark green, with a small piece of gold sealed inside. feather.

"Isn't this just a glass marble?"

Rorschach played with it for a while, found a wooden box, and wrote "Yes" on the left side of the inside bottom surface, "No" on the right side, and drew a dividing line in the middle.

"Are you still conscious?"

Throw the marble, bounce it a few times, and stop on the line.

Isn’t this what it is? "The answer can only be yes or no." Rorschach said as he began to accumulate energy and prepare for the expulsion spell.

The marble felt threatened and rolled to the lower left corner without any external force.

"Balan, Chulimo, and Thoth are all you?" He dropped the marble again.

It bounced twice to the left and then stopped again on the center line.

"Are these the first two yes, and the third half right?" Rorschach felt that he was not good at reading comprehension, so he thought of another way.

"I'm sorry for you." He found a book on mythology and opened it, turned to the page with Thoth, ground the charcoal into powder, and rolled the marble in a circle.

The marbles fell, landed on a few specific words, then popped out of the page, and then bounced again in a different order and stopped.

Fortunately, there were not many places to hit, and Rorschach read the meaning: "I am Thoth, Thoth, not me?"

Now the marble is covered in toner, miserable, and the golden feathers inside have become dull compared to the beginning.

Rorschach was moved by Pinball God's good cooperative attitude: "Thank you for your hard work! Let me ask the last question: Who is the 'him' you are talking about in Valang's consciousness? Is he the Lord of Order?"

He let go and threw it into the wooden box again, but this time the marble hit the edge, bounced and disappeared under the bed.

[Mage's Hand] fumbled for a while before "inviting the marble back" from under the bed. Its feathers were completely dark. Rorschach didn't want to embarrass Marble anymore, and after wiping it, he said: "I have helped a god return to the world. If you can stay in the wooden box for a while, I will consider whether to trade with you again." Rorschach didn't know how to resurrect him, so he used "trade intention" to daunt Balaam to make him be more honest.

After saying that, he put the marbles back into the wooden box. The marbles rolled into the lower left corner, waiting for Rorschach to close the lid.

After playing with the marbles, Rorschach still had to play with the spells.

When destroying the donkey skin, he fused the three most powerful magics he had mastered, which lasted for an extremely brief moment. The panel now displays [Rorschach's Great Disintegration (Gray)].

Why is it still unavailable? Rorschach looked at the panel, eager to try. However, when he actually walked into the practice room of Tower of Stars, he could not reproduce it.

Recalling the feeling at that time, Rorschach remembered that he really wanted to destroy the donkey skin. When the expulsion spell was resisted, he mobilized new spells to join in. The combined offensive of expulsion, reversal, and small disintegration interrupted the endless changes in divine power, but he also It was precisely the resistance of the divine power that gave Rorschach enough time and forced him to put in his will to combine the three spells.

But now, he was facing the enchanted target with cold sweat breaking out, but it didn't produce the expected effect. puff! The target shattered, but Rorschach knew that it was only the final small disintegration technique that was taking effect.

"Does it require the cooperation of the God of Change?" Rorschach laughed at himself. After consuming his willpower and the magic power in his body, he was not in a hurry to absorb the ether to restore himself, but exited the practice room.

It was already evening, and Rorschach planned to go straight to the cafeteria.

"Rorschach? Rorschach!" Senior brother's voice echoed through the Tower of Stars, causing passers-by to watch in the hall and cafeteria.

However, Pascal completely ignored the strange looks and came straight after finding Rorschach. He was in a very embarrassed state. When he approached, Luo Xia saw his senior brother's panic expression and his whole body covered in sweat.

"Senior brother? Shouldn't you be in the textile factory at this time?" He met Pascal at night school two nights ago, so according to the schedule, senior brother should still be involved in the management of the night school today.

Pascal grabbed Rorschach's arms tightly: "Rorschach, Andre is missing! He didn't come today. I asked the workshop owner, and he did the same yesterday. I also went to his house and the alchemy department, but he was not here. !”

I need to save my manuscripts for the New Year soon, so the last two updates

Thanks to book friend "Riyue Yuanche" for the reward!

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