Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 223 The big ship turns the rudder

Cano threw the document on the table. Pascal wanted to reach for it, but the master glared back.

"Shouldn't you explain it to your teacher first?" Kano didn't really want to accuse him, but wanted to talk to Pascalton and think of countermeasures before the public inquiry began.

This time the investigation team came with great force. Whether it was collecting or compiling, they prepared a thick stack of dark materials.

Fortunately, Carnot is not just someone who immerses himself in research. He successfully received early warning through his own connections, and an unexpected figure - Gerard de Villefort, the former leader of the investigation team, "contributed".

This gave the Archmage room to maneuver. In the report, Rorschach was described as a spy who came to the Holy Kingdom to cause destruction. Some people analyzed his lesson plans word for word and demanded that Rorschach be responsible for "the leakage of magical knowledge and power."

“We are very sorry to see that the accumulated wisdom of past mages and the results obtained by investing a lot of brain power and wealth, which we are proud of, are imparted to the common people without hesitation by this suspicious person from the empire.

"Some dangerous technologies flowed into the secular society without control, and some dangerous ideas spread from higher normal colleges without prevention. Although the school directors from the guilds foresaw the above negative effects and gave Master Rorschach a serious warning, he still Committed to the above activities, the attitude and consequences are very bad."

Pascal, on the other hand, exposed the organization of night schools and uncovered various criminal records. The mage who wrote the report said this:

"We are deeply concerned that if the authorities discover that students of our chief professor are actually involved in secret activities, it will send an incorrect signal to the palace, causing serious misunderstandings and possibly shocking His Majesty the King. We hope you can clarify the magic practice We will agree with the position of all the mages of Valois.”

After Kano read the above words, Rorschach almost laughed out loud. Such a familiar phrase. Rorschach was a little surprised. Who wrote this thing? As a spell caster, was he too concerned about Charlie XVI's psychological activities?

"So how should I explain it to you?" Cano asked Pascal, knocking on the table.

The senior brother looked at death with an attitude of "I won't pretend anymore and will show my cards now that the matter is over." However, when he was about to admit it, Rorschach interrupted him:

"I think this document is very pointed. It is clearly evidence that the senior brother organized a night school, but it hints that he is engaged in other activities that violate the laws of the kingdom."

Kano nodded: "Continue."

"This makes people question the position of the mages who initiated and organized the investigation. Are they..."

"Okay, okay, I want to ask you what's your position and can you hold on during the question meeting? Don't be intimidated by those guys." Kano interrupted Rorschach's speech.

Pascal and Rorschach both nodded: "Please rest assured."

"Okay, there is me behind you. Let's go to the magic guild together in the afternoon."

Kano was just mentally preparing the two of them. He didn't want to see his students trembling all over when asked by someone on the stage. After the two left, Cano had to attend another meeting, which was much more important than the afternoon question session.

He kept casting spells to seal off his office to ensure that no one could eavesdrop or break in. Then he put the mage badge on his chest and leaned back in his chair.

Kano realized the illusion of connecting the thirteen great mages, and a new meeting began. It will decide what position Kano will attend at the afternoon question meeting, and determine the future of the guild.

The other Archmages have arrived, and their consciousness has focused on Kano.

"You are late, Kano. And you are the one initiating the issue today." Feuerbach of the Tower of Secrets has always been strict.

"Sorry, please allow me to explain that my lateness is also related to this issue. At the beginning of the meeting, I would like to ask the Archmage of the Tower of Secrets how our last issue went?"

Feuerbach was silent for a moment before speaking: "The empire's military mobilization has decreased recently, and we are still waiting for the opportunity."

"Recently, I have been thinking, is the guild's policy in the empire really successful? You are strictly guarding against His Majesty the Emperor's establishment of a magic academy. But I saw that the Royal Academy of Magic was built. Like everyone here, I was initially skeptical. The level of teaching was dismissive until I actually received a mage from the academy."

Such criticism caused an uproar, and another master from the empire was a little angry: "Master Kano, you haven't mentioned your issues yet."

Kano continued to elaborate: "My topic is based on the above thinking. Obviously we have recognized the threats in the future and are trying to maintain our position by weakening the empire.

"But I need to remind everyone that the flow of magical knowledge cannot be stopped. The guild's monopoly has long been bankrupt. We cannot change the choices of many mages, nor can we recycle all the knowledge that has been passed on.

"Moreover, even if we don't share the secrets of the ether, there are wise men among ordinary people who have built universities, and non-magical knowledge has accumulated to an astonishing level. People who don't know magic will also gain the power to transform the world."

"So what are you trying to say?"

"Times have changed! Everyone, just as after the collapse of the old empire, we faced the Church of Order, broke through the tradition of mages hiding knowledge from each other, and established a magic guild. So today, why can't we gradually introduce it to more people, to more descendants of merchants, The descendants of common people impart knowledge? As long as some of them have the ability to cast spells, just like the Imperial Academy does."

"Impossible! Master Kano, you are warning everyone that the guild can no longer monopolize magic, and your countermeasure is to speed up this process?"

The opponents seemed to have heard a joke.

"Yes, if we are passive and stand on the opposite side of this trend, then I think it will only cause the guild to decline with the bankruptcy of the monopoly. If we seize the initiative, then we have the opportunity to transform the monopoly based on blood into A more vital inheritance.”

The magic guild was able to become a transnational organization after the destruction of the old empire. It was built on the basis of the nobility. The guild was often the weight used by the nobility to balance the church. It was needed by the lords who wanted to be independent of the will of God. There are magic guilds that are in opposition to the Church of Order.

Kano only vaguely foresaw a "more dynamic group" than the family and feudal lords. They were still weak, but Rorschach's activity made Kano start to think about whether the guild should bet on them and transform the guild. into a more powerful organizational form than now.

"So this is the reason why you support the Alchemy Department and its affiliated trading companies? Turn spell casters into craftsmen and merchants?"

"Then why are you not ashamed when a mage becomes a noble? And among all of us here, there are descendants of merchants, and there is a powerful craftsman next to me." Kano cast his eyes on the representative of the Thunderstorm Tower.

The other party responded: "Although specific measures need to be cautious, I agree with Master Kano's judgment. I personally think that the cooperation of magic guilds in participating in secular higher education is a useful attempt. We cannot sit back and let the church and big businessmen influence so many smart minds. .”

As soon as these words came out, the archmage of Istani agreed: "As everyone knows, we have always done this." Istani's trade is prosperous, and its guild is far ahead of the guilds on the mainland.

At this point, the archmage of the empire has reservations, and the representative of the magic tower at the southern end of the continent also agrees with Kano's guiding ideology.

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