Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 226 Mysterious Passenger

Kano signaled the mage who had previously cast a spell on Rorschach to also cast [Power Word] on Valan. Then ask the general manager to tell all the mages about the activities he participated in.

Valan made a speech in the hall, exposing the scam of the mining company and the Necker organization, causing an uproar.

The nugget gold discovered at first was actually hidden in the supplies sent to the secondary plane.

Mining companies have never produced gold from the secondary planes

The company's mission, especially General Manager Varang's most important mission, is to push up the stock price.

"So, all the secondary plane lords, including the settled Earl of Granor, they endorse the reliability of the gold mine to the nobles and investors. Although it is in their personal name, from my personal observation, their senior spell casters, Status in the magic guild is a key factor in gaining trust.

"After the company's shares were issued and listed, the huge amount of funds it initially attracted has long since been exhausted."

"Why hasn't the stock price fallen yet?" Many mages are not exempt from this and have invested a lot of money to make a fortune in the stock market. Generally speaking, the stock prices of mining companies can barely outperform the speed of banknote inflation.

Valan told them the "alchemy magic" that opened their eyes: "It's very simple. Our company also holds a lot of stocks, uses them as collateral to borrow money from banks, and then uses the loan money to buy its own stocks and push up the stock price. , and at the same time, the recovered stocks will continue to be mortgaged in banks.”

This is what Necker inspired Valan to do. After all, the general manager responsible for the execution is a young man with an unyielding conscience and old-school aristocratic conduct. Although he can hang out in the beds of countless ladies, whenever he orders such activities, Valan will Lang would feel deeply frightened.

The seat where Valen sat was like a balloon that was constantly inflating, and he himself was responsible for blowing it up! Sooner or later, it will be over. Valan, who gradually realizes that he will become Mr. Necker's shield, begins to be troubled by nightmares until he is saved by Rorschach for the second time.

Telling it all now makes Valan feel relieved.

This guy is so relaxed. Many people's blood has rushed to their foreheads. If it weren't for the chief mage who was there to control him, they would have rushed out of the venue to sell their stocks.

"Liar!" "Liar!" Countless curses and spells were aimed at the crystal seals of Valan and Granol. Granol could still hear and see the outside world. He just felt like the world was spinning. If it hadn't been for the seal to hold it up, he might have fainted on the spot. Fell in the venue.

After that, he started to blame Kano, why did he let himself hear and see all this?

The members of the escorting Alchemy Department finally performed their "bodyguard" function, holding up a blue light barrier to block attacks against Valan, and escorted him out of the venue.

The attacks stopped, but the heated discussions did not.

Kano could only slap the table to make the venue quiet again.

"Everyone, the facts have become clear, and I think Granol's trial will also come to a conclusion."

"Guilty!" "Liar!" The most indignant person was the mage who invested money in stocks, and then the mage who was present in person from the beginning and stood by Kano also began to denounce. Seeing that the situation was over, those "aristocratic factions" also began to perform their own performances. Mixed in with others, they began to shout "guilty" to those who were originally loyal to them.

"Then I declare that the Archmage Granol has usurped the interests of the Magic Guild, seriously damaged the credibility of the Magic Guild, his life has been corrupted, he has lost his principles as an elder of the Arcane Senate, and he has made peace with the upper echelons of the Kingdom of Valois, which has seriously affected Image of the Magic Guild and all mages."

Kano reported a lot of dish names, and finally dismissed Granol from all positions in the guild, withdrew all honors he had received, and the guild, subordinate chambers of commerce, and Tower of Stars were no longer allowed to cooperate with Archmage Granol.

This is equivalent to the magic guild version of an excommunication order. From now on, Granol can theoretically roll to the secondary plane and become his lord.

After the trial ended, Kano immediately started the next meeting item: "Everyone, what happened today will have a profound impact on the entire kingdom and even the continent. During my time as chief, I accidentally let the spell caster be involved in such a scam. It is my dereliction of duty and shame. Since the credibility of the Magic Guild has been sold by individuals for their own selfish interests, we can only redeem it.

"Immediately, Charles XVI will convene a 'meeting of dignitaries'. According to our traditional agreement with the kingdom, I will represent everyone here. But Leonor Cano declares here that I will not only represent the will of all mages, but We will also fight for the benefits they deserve for all the chambers of commerce under the Magic Guild."

His last sentence was very serious and he looked at everyone: "Who is in favor of this and who is against it?"

It takes time to chew on such a declaration, and then someone takes the lead in applauding (Rorschach and Pascal), and immediately thunderous applause sweeps through the venue.

Opposition no longer matters.

After the brief, curtailment of the Magic Guild Building was lifted, word got out, quickly or slowly. It is already evening, and the closing bell is ringing in the stock exchange market. People leaving the market still don’t know what will be published in the headlines of tomorrow’s morning paper, and they don’t know that what they are hearing is the death knell of the mining company and you.

The crystal seal that trapped Granol was lifted, but the person involved had been drained of all his strength and collapsed in the venue. His son François was not eligible to attend the meeting but just arrived as soon as possible.

I don’t know if this young man understood the situation. He just picked up his father, whom he once admired, without saying a word, passed by Rorschach in silence, and left the building.

Rorschach looked at the other person's back with some regret. At least in his memory in the secondary plane, Francois was an enthusiastic and upright young man who had never done anything wrong.

The father and son staggered into the carriage.

"Father, you."

"As a mage, I lost. I lost to Master Kano. From now on, our family will only be the masters of the earldom of the Saliana region. The only one we can be loyal to is His Majesty the King."

Whether it was casting spells or gaining status in the guild, he was completely defeated by Kano. Granol slumped in his seat, as if his spine had been pulled out.

Francois did not have any fluctuations: "Father, the construction of the stronghold in the secondary plane is almost complete. We can move there with the recruited citizens and start over."

"I'm sorry, originally you were more talented than me." Granol thought of a new way: "If that doesn't work, you can still go to the Empire and Istani to learn magic. Son, you are better than me and you will definitely become a great mage. !”

François wanted to say something more, but he discovered that there was an extra man in the carriage.

Count Granol also noticed the visitor, or rather, the visitor now allowed them to notice him.

"Stop!" Granol ordered the coachman loudly, and then ordered his son: "Francois, get out of the car."

"Father." Francois tensed his nerves.

"It's okay, I know this guest. I suddenly remembered that I have other things to deal with. You can rent a carriage and go home first and take care of your sister and mother."

Francois was suddenly controlled, and his body involuntarily stepped off the carriage. When he regains his autonomy, the carriage has disappeared, leaving François confused.

"Do we know each other? My lord, I'm afraid you only know me as the chief of the Tower of Thunderstorm." The guest took off his hat and said, "Please allow me to re-introduce myself: Brotherhood of Stonemasons, Lord of the Valois Inner Circle, Christian. Nice to meet you, Master Granol.”

The space in the car was locked, and it drove all the way to the abyss.

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