Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 233 Uproar

Not only the clubs reacted violently, but also the citizens.

"God of Order, how much do kings and other gentlemen spend a year?" Whether it's a teahouse or a tavern, on the street or in a workshop, people are discussing the "Report".

Along with this, there are more and more rumors about the royal family who are chewing on the words inside.

"Let me tell you, one day I saw several boats of big white geese being brought into the palace."

"For eating?"

"Hmph, guess"

Some of them can't even recognize the words on the cover. The news is mainly spread by word of mouth, and it will always be distorted in the process of public opinion fermentation. The poor people really can't imagine how the palace spent astronomical sums of money. They can only guess that His Majesty eats white bread every day, sprinkles gold foil on it, and sleeps with hundreds of women.

So there were more people digging for gold in the sewers of the palace.

"How could I spend so much money if I were a king?" Two people after work carried inferior wine and walked home, chatting while walking, but they heard someone shouting from the building passing by: "Someone is dying again! "

After the passersby left, some body collectors entered and exited the building, lifted the stretcher covered with linen, threw the "goods" onto the carriage and drove away.

The mining company has closed down. Not a single plate glass window imported from the southern tip of the mainland at a high price was left. They were all smashed with stones by angry investors. Large areas of red paint were splashed on the exterior walls with big words "LIAR" written on them. !

Broken windows made it easier for people to get in and out, and valuable tables, chairs, lamps, etc. were evacuated one by one, but these were nothing compared to the companies taking people's money from the stock market.

The securities building next door was not immune. Bankrupt people wandered around with red eyes every day. Patrols and evictions by the security team could not stop the angry people from demanding explanations.

"Rising and falling are normal phenomena in the market. You cannot lose your mind because of losing money. Dear citizens, fellow citizens of the kingdom!" The spokesman was a newly promoted nobleman in robes. When he saw so many people attacking the securities building, he felt that he wanted to show his respect to the king. The time has come for His Majesty to show his loyalty and come out of the office to try to "educate" everyone.

"Screw you, you guys teamed up to deceive people!" A stone accurately hit the person in charge on the forehead, and blood gushed out.

Soon the second and third stones flew. It turned out that loyalty could not withstand the anger of the people. "Security team! Sheriff, what are you doing!" The person in charge, who was scurrying around, could only sneak through the door.

The security team member could only stop people from coming forward, and at the same time explained to the person in charge: "Sir, I also lost a lot of money in this damn place. Of course I have no money to eat breakfast and I have no power to stop people's anger."

Recently, due to the bankruptcy of mining companies, many people have really gone bankrupt! Also collapsing in a chain reaction were public bonds and annuities.

At the end of the meeting of dignitaries, nominally public bonds and mining company stock dividends will depreciate by one-third through the new currency. However, including the value of the old currency that has already dropped, more than two-thirds of ordinary people's property has evaporated. Public bonds and stocks themselves It's because no one is willing to buy anymore, and the ownership certificates exchanged for real money become waste paper in the blink of an eye.

The former middle class cannot adapt to life after unemployment and property shrinkage, and some will end their lives with dignity.

Others owe foreign debts and can only make more vigorous efforts to show those creditors that they can no longer repay. It's a pity that in the first few days, newspapers would still report on the people who jumped off. Later, because there were so many people, only a small page was left to roughly count the numbers of bankruptcies and suicides.

The most desolate people should be those elderly people. Some have worked as servants for their customers all their lives. They have saved some money and rely on buying government bonds and other financial management, hoping that their pensions will provide them with a stable and comfortable old age. Now their good expectations have come to naught, and the managers and agents who originally promoted financial products to them are nowhere to be found.

There are strong old people who have returned to work to get food for themselves, and they can live day by day; there are also many people who have lost their labor force and say goodbye in advance in places where no one is paying attention, leaving this world where only pain and despair are left.

From this comparison, on the one hand, the citizens suffered more or less losses, and on the other hand, the extravagant expenses of the palace were made public, and the anger was natural.

Because the "Report" made not only the public angry, but also His Majesty the King himself.

In the palace, Charles XVI was angrily writing a secret letter. He muttered: "Necker! Necker, I am really blind. I have high hopes for you, but you are making fun of me and my people."

The content of the secret code is very simple. Send this former minister who has disclosed and published the kingdom's financial situation without authorization to the Basti Prison - that tall and strong fortress is next to Valuana, coldly monitoring the city, and is the guard. Special prisoners such as ministers and opponents of the royal palace who were secretly arrested by the king's orders ended up together.

Du Plessis silently watched His Majesty write, as the king he assisted always did. The day before yesterday, he had a graceful get-together with the Finance Minister and let him leave, giving the cunning Necker a chance to publish this pamphlet. , today I finally thought of controlling him.

I'm afraid it's too late to regret it. By this time, they should be on their way to the Empire, Istani, or looking for asylum with others.

But as before, the red-coated prime minister would not dissuade the angry king. He just waited for his majesty to finish the manuscript before speaking about more important things at the moment:

"Your Majesty, I think it is inappropriate for the Duke of Merovingian to take charge of the establishment of the Currency Board. You should appoint a new Minister of Finance as soon as possible to intervene to prevent public affairs from being manipulated by him and his followers."

Charles XVI's anger made him confused: "Huh! Minister of Finance, I don't want to see cunning bankers anymore! Of course, you are right, Sir Du Plessis. Merovingian is a careerist and cannot be controlled by Let him do evil. Let me think about it, forget it, let Mr. Duplesi recommend it."

He rang the captain of the guard with a small bell and handed him the secret code.

The captain of the guard asked for instructions: "Your Majesty, there are many idlers and trousers-less men wandering around the palace."

"What are they going to do?" This successfully aroused the king's alarm.

"According to my investigation, they want to collect valuables leaked from the palace."

"What can be found in the sewers? You should seal off the surrounding entrances. Don't report this trivial matter."

"Yes, as you wish!" The guard chief took the secret letter and left.

Because the captain of the guard was too close to Necker before, and now he was ignored by Charles XVI, Du Plessis was finally relied on by his majesty like never before, but he only felt deeply tired.

Only the upper echelons knew that the entire scam and financial measures were orchestrated by Necker, but the people regarded the former minister who dared to disclose the truth to the public as a brave person.

He defended himself in the book and promoted the theory of public opinion supervising the operation of the royal family and the entire kingdom, which won the favor of many citizens. In addition, the newspaper dug into the glorious deeds of the person who made his fortune from a commoner, determined to change the status quo of the kingdom, and was forced to resign by the nobles. Kerr actually became a grassroots hero in the hearts of many people.

The blame for the mining company was borne by the missing Valang alone. Everyone accused this young man from a good background of being a liar, and at the same time hinted at what role the king played in the scam and how much benefit he received.

"They still regard me as a hero." Necker, who was wearing a fake beard, couldn't help but feel amused when he heard the discussion in the teahouse. Of course, this shows that his defense in the pamphlet is very effective.

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