Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 244 Speech Emergency Situation

This statement caused an uproar among those attending the memorial service, but not including members of the club. This conclusion had already been discussed at the gathering (the one where Pascal was absent).

Maxim pressed his hands in vain. He had a natural leadership temperament, and conveyed sincere and convincing magic power from his determined eyes. Just one action calmed the whole audience, and people who didn't know him were completely silent. Come down and wait for this illustrious colleague of the deceased to continue.

"Early in the past ten days, the exchange between my husband and me is still fresh in my mind. Everyone, how will he perform when he wins a great victory for the weak who challenge the powerful? There is no complacency. I only see the calmness and wisdom of your husband. Pour out your deep thoughts about the Kingdom.

"He had a quick mind, a restrained diet, a healthy body, and a gentle and rosy complexion. This is a man that any doctor would praise, a man who should be our role model both physically and mentally, but he was declared to have died suddenly! They thought Mr. Messier Is he a fat-headed aristocrat who indulges in drinking and debauchery?"

Pascal learned from other people's exchanges that Messier was only 42 years old. At this age, for a healthy and well-fed person, he was indeed at the tail end of his prime. His sudden death cannot help but make people suspicious.

“He prided himself on being a man of use to his fellow men;

“He brought his talents to study the law and preach justice to the extreme;

"He dared to tell the powerful people of the world, 'You have committed a crime,' and then stood up without fear. Facing dangerous and despicable enemies, he must have known that revenge and hatred would bring jealousy and knock him down. .

"This is the fate of great men."

Maxim's eyes swept across the participants, from the silent cemetery to the silent walls, penetrating the market and the palace.

He is a lawyer who now becomes a judge and makes the above "judgment" to his future self and similar characters.

“In the case where Mr. Messier defended the peasants, we saw from the original judgment the barbaric prejudice of those who claim to be civilized and noble, and we saw that our laws are always particularly cruel and merciless to the miserable people.

"This is a huge reality that cannot be ignored: when the hammer of judgment falls, those who are crushed are the poor, the unfortunate, and the unknown, but they are ignored by other citizens! Being weak is not a sin, but it is often criticized in life and in court. Sentence.”

His speech touched people's hearts. At first, Messier's relatives and friends were still dissatisfied with the lawyer, thinking that his memorial described the deceased too little and did not sincerely praise the deceased. Now they quickly understood that the man in front of them was full of energy, passion and justice. The lawyer is the successor of Messier, and he is even better than his predecessor.

"Everyone, why are there so many poor people?" Maxim's speech came to an end, and his deafening words echoed among the tombstones:

“For greedy hands take precedence over industrious hands and take away all wealth.

“Why are fathers, mothers, and children exposed to the cold without a solid roof to protect them from the wind and rain, because people are diligently building mansions, castles, and palaces.

"The power and money of the superiors have attracted everything that makes Valois and our nation fall into weakness and ignorance. Every day's luxury is devouring the daily necessities of thousands of people."

As a cooperation, he took out the pamphlet "Financial Report to His Majesty the King" that everyone recognized, which nakedly exposed how the nobles and the king divided their wealth.

The audience responded with warm applause. This applause not only showed respect for the deceased, but also proved the recognition of the speaker.

Pascal was also excited when he heard this, and his enchanted shorthand pen was running at full speed. Since the club members discovered that he was very good at shorthand, Thor's role has successfully evolved into the written recorder of the meeting, referred to as ().

Just when everyone was immersed in the mixed emotions of sadness and excitement, two misfits broke into the cemetery. They did not have the purpose of commemoration, but revealed their ferocious faces.

"Two citizens, what are you doing here!" Maxim, who was in a lecture position and could directly observe the entrance to the cemetery, was the first to notice the suspicious visitors. It was obviously summer, but they were wearing big-brimmed hats and gray windbreakers.

The two intruders did not reply. They also looked at the taller Maxim who stood out in the center of the crowd. They each took out a shotgun from his windbreaker, raised it and began to aim.

The flintlock gun was loaded and the trigger clicked, and an ominous loud noise and smoke instantly filled the resting place.

"No!" the crowd screamed, and the projectile did rush straight towards Maxim. However, the moment the opponent raised his gun, Pascal had already started to cast the spell, and the projectile fell into a stagnant position before rushing into the crowd.

When the smoke cleared, the murderer discovered that he had failed and no one was injured.

Maxim calmly reviewed the emergency situation. He first jumped off the dangerous "lectern" and at the same time directed the panicked crowd: "Citizens, calm down! It takes time to reload firearms. Evacuate and look for tombstones as bunkers, but don't fall." !”

As the ladies and some of the older ones ducked out of the way, Maxim was relieved to see that most of the club members were not intimidated by the attack, and they all stared at their enemies from behind the tombstones while clutching their canes and swords.

The attacker was stunned at first, but soon realized that there was a spell caster in the target group when he saw the hanging projectiles!

"Damn it, I didn't say there was any hard fight before!"

"There are legal dogs, get out quickly!" After a brief exchange, the two turned around and ran away.

Floran threw down Pascal next to him out of good intentions, but he also successfully restricted Pascal's movements.

French dog! The enemy's voice was not loud, but the mage heard it clearly. Pascal gritted his teeth, turned over and pushed away the panicked Floran.

Maxim was also the one who noticed that the gunman was about to escape: "Brave men of the club, the enemy has escaped! Those who are confident in their skills will pursue them! Others organize ladies and other gentlemen to leave here."

Fortunately, our lawyer with a sense of justice does not only trap others. He jumped out from behind Messier's tombstone, took out his rapier from his cane and charged towards the enemy.

Pascal also climbed up from the muddy grass. He didn't care about cleaning the dirt on his body, and quietly used [Spiritual Armor Technique] on himself and Maxim. He also used magic power to stimulate his thigh muscles, and surpassed Maxim in the pursuit.

"Thor, the enemy may have finished loading the weapon at this time. Be careful." Maxim did not forget to remind Pascal during the attack.

"It's okay, I'm no longer an 'apprentice'."

However, the opponent seemed to be beyond ordinary people, walking as fast as flying, and the distance was gradually widening, and he was about to use the buildings in the city to swerve away.

Pascal clearly has no talent for first-person shooters, and failed to hit the opponent several times he cast his spell.

"Oh, is this Andre's new home? Isn't it too close to the cemetery?" Rorschach accompanied Andre to the downstairs of the new home. The decoration and security here are indeed better, but there is one An older cemetery.

However, there are too many skeletons under Valuauna, so it’s not a big problem.

Andre replied with a smile: "Wouldn't this make the rent cheaper? Teacher Rorschach, thank you for accompanying me. Goodbye!"


As soon as Luo Xia took a few steps, he was almost hit by two guys who were rushing to reincarnate. Before he had time to explode the national quintessence, he heard his senior brother shouting:

"Roheisenberg, stop the two people in front!"

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