Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 246 Conflict between the two courts

Rorschach took all the portraits away after getting permission. Of course, he did not have the talent for prophecy, so he could only repeat his old tricks——

Please Balaam!

After feeding the bead with blue crystals, it gained some initiative and began to roll slowly on the table. Rorschach placed the bead on the portrait, rolled it in a circle, and placed it on the book.

"Hold me and close your eyes." Rorschach was asked to do so, but he did not immediately obey. His beads shook twice, as if to urge him.


"I am here."

Are you Xiao Yi or Xiao Ai Luo Xia asked: "Can you monitor this dormitory?"

"I wouldn't do that proactively."

That's okay. Rorschach told the tower spirit to pay attention to his situation and notify Master Kano immediately if there was any abnormality.

After taking safety precautions, Rorschach held the bead and followed the instructions. When he closed his eyes, what awaited Rorschach was not darkness, but a blurry scene with no color, as if it was only composed of toner like a painting.

There were three people in the room, one was a painter, and a young man was pointing. The third person Rorschach had seen - Grand Duke Mero Wenjia!

It's him? Under the guidance of the young man, the painter completed the painting, and Rorschach recognized the first one, Maxim.

Outside this room is a larger space. Maxim in the scene is speaking fiercely, but unfortunately there is no sound. Rorschach notices that they are in the court. However, for Duke Merovingian, the divine trial below is like a drama, and he is just He is a theatergoer, watching all this from a high position.

When the scene changed, it was when portraits of other lawyers were being drawn. Melo Wenjia had disappeared, leaving only the painter and the young man responsible for identifying the target.

"Let me use my painting talent again." Rorschach has not painted for a while. Fortunately, with the cooperation of Balan's Pearl, a portrait that is not inferior to the artist was painted.

It was the young man responsible for identifying the target.

As for the matter of Merowenjia, Rorschach planned to tell Kano directly.

He felt that the Pearl of Balaam's activity had been a little too high recently, so he decided to burn bridges, took out the small box and sent it back in for isolation for a while.


When Pascal got the portrait, he thought it was painted by his employer. After Rorschach explained it, he immediately understood: "It's this guy! Then he must be the mole in the club."

However, when he actually saw it, the senior brother showed a confused look: "No, we don't have such a person in our club. Did you draw it wrong?"

This made Rorschach a little unsure: "No?"

"I'll take a look." Although he ruled out that he was a mole in the club, Pascal still felt a little familiar. I should have seen him and said, "He is from the club! But not from the Friends of Fraternity and Equality!"

Now it came to light that he was a member of the old club before the reorganization, an inactive element and a speculator who worked in banks and securities houses. After Maxim left with the radical faction and established a new club, Pascal had no contact with him.

"It's our former colleagues who turned against each other and came to frame us!" He gritted his teeth and vowed to take revenge.

A copy of the portrait came into Kano's hands. After understanding the whole story of the Rorschach report, he went to the hospital designated by the guild.

Some people are "recuperating" here.

Necker has been in the independent ward for more than a month. He is very satisfied with his current life. No matter how hot it is outside the window, the temperature in the room is controlled by magic to a comfortable range. In Necker's own words:

"It would be perfect if my lover could visit me at the right time. No, don't look for my wife, let her vent her excess energy in her salon!"

When Kano came to see him, Necker was playing cards with the "assistant" transferred from the Magic Guild.

"All in."

"Dear assistant, learning to control your expression is the first lesson at the gambling table." Necker felt a little bored by the assistant's three-legged cat skills, and the arrival of the Archmage just put an end to the boring crushing game.

Kano waved his assistant away. He saw that Necker was surrounded by newspaper clippings and numerous manuscripts.

"You can't help my assistant much. It's too much for him to organize the information. I need a typewriter and someone who can use it, so that I can dictate and write, saving some effort."

"You really keep writing." Kano picked up a manuscript, which was full of words such as "regulation" and "market."

The Archmage briefly described what happened yesterday: "An attempted attack occurred at the memorial service of lawyer Messier, targeting a group of progressive lawyers. The main messenger was a great noble."

After hearing this, Necker confirmed: "Are your so-called 'progressive lawyers' a group of guys who shout about 'natural law' and 'natural human rights'?"


Necker smiled: "Then I'm making great progress too! Just kidding, haha. Are you wondering why the nobles don't just arrest them and finish them off? I heard that His Majesty the King has thrown a lot of unpleasant things into Basti Prison recently. people."

"Yes. You are quite well informed."

"It's not that I'm well-informed, but this information is public. Generally, people are ordered to be arrested. If they are caught, they will see all the bad deeds of that person in the palace's mouthpiece newspaper three days later, and they will be severely punished. Be sure to use Readers believe that those who were caught are heinous people. I almost had to enjoy the same treatment."

Necker spread out the newspaper he had compiled: "Your Excellency, Archmage, haven't you noticed? The royal palace has been very unruly with the Supreme Court of the Supreme Court recently. Not to mention the so-called 'progressive lawyers' raising the banner of 'natural law', just Even the justices and nobles in robes used similar names to fight against Charles XVI."

During this period, there was also a case that attracted public attention throughout Valois. A group of swindlers claimed to have Her Majesty the Queen's pearl necklace and successfully sold it to an archbishop. They also hinted that they could introduce the buyer to Her Majesty the Queen and have inappropriate intimacy.

This behavior, which is no less than dancing on the tomb of the royal family, was actually acquitted by the Supreme Court! Claims that the gang are just jewelry merchants.

Different newspapers had different views on the same thing. One side believed that the justices had protected the weak from the royal family, while the other side clamored for the death penalty for liars and judges.

"This case has nothing to do with justice. It is an attempt by the justices to humiliate the royal family and disgust our King and Prime Minister. Now Du Plessis is presiding over reforms. He doesn't like my field, so he starts from the legal field.

"The judges feel that the prime minister wants to take back their power and return it to the king. I support this. If the damn king's court can really listen to your majesty, the levy of new taxes can be announced and taken into effect by the Supreme Court, bypassing the meeting of dignitaries."

Necker still harbored a grudge against the meeting of dignitaries.

"But how can the judges and the robed nobles behind them sit still and wait for death? So now a fierce confrontation is taking place between the palace and the court. And at this critical juncture, if the active 'progressive lawyer' is assassinated, it will inevitably lead to the fear of the robed nobles , thought to be King's Brick Terror.

“Once the progressive lawyer dies, no matter whether they are nobles in robes or radicals, their propaganda will be overwhelming, trying to spread panic among the people and portray His Majesty the King as a big devil.

"These people are superior people and nobles when facing the common people, and they claim to represent the general public when facing His Majesty the King. The attack will be amplified and promote the break between the court system and the King."

"Once a rupture occurs, His Majesty's rule will be severely damaged. However, His Majesty is a temperamental person, and those nobles in robes are proud to fight against power. Duplesi alone may not be able to prevent the development of the situation.

"You said that the murderer was a big noble. Just killing one or two lawyers can add fuel to the current turmoil and shake the throne. What a good deal!"

Compared to assassinating kings and nobles, what is killing a little lawyer? With the palace's slowness, it would definitely not react to this trivial matter. Necker applauded the case. If these mages hadn't been meddling, it would have been a pretty successful plot.

"Of course the ones who can benefit from this are those useless princes who want to get involved in the throne. They are not as good as your Majesty. So the biggest suspect is... the currently active Grand Duke Merowenja?"

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