Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 248 A gift to the Duke

"Everyone, be quiet! Listen to me!"

Maxim came out of the confessional and stood in front of the stage, where the priest originally preached. Pascal came out of the confessional and walked into the crowd, standing with the aquatic administrator Mr. Floran, the screenwriter Cuarón and others.

The sporadic arguments stopped, and everyone was waiting for Maxim to speak.

"The appalling attack in the cemetery has been revealed! Yes, of course it was the tyrant and his associates who instigated it."

"Revenge!" "Kill them!"

The speaker stopped these excited voices: "But isn't what I said known to all? Who dares to openly use guns to intimidate us citizens in public?

"But we will not be intimidated or disorganized! I know that some people have proposed to reciprocate the anger of the culprits, but we are sensible and law-abiding citizens. There is no Kingdom of Sand among us. As assassins, we must not act out of impulse and leave the tyrant with a reason to arrest us."

This doesn't make others swallow their breath: "So what should we do? Turn a blind eye to the attack?"

The most intense one is Georges Jacques. His face is broad, with prominent masseter muscles and cheekbones, and his eyes are extremely small in the whole. The final combination results in a fierce look.

He is a good friend of the stuttering lawyer Carral and also has a deep friendship with Maxim. But this did not prevent him from expressing his dissatisfaction and openly criticizing Maxim: "Where is that brave Maxim? Where is that Maxim who is angry about injustice? Is it because he is afraid of the enemy's projectiles? , could it be said that the previous warriors have been shot and died, and those in front of us are just trying to survive?"

Such an accusation is very serious, and other people's reactions include applauding in agreement, and others becoming distraught. Fortunately, Maxim knew about George's violent temper and his always provocative rhetorical talent. He chose to respond to strong doubts calmly and rationally, like cold water extinguishing a flame:

"We should indeed take action, there is no reason to sit still. We must first mobilize our influence in the media and reveal this horrific attack to the public through print. I know that some of our colleagues, including journalists, have already done so.

"In addition, according to reliable information, this attack mainly targeted our lawyers, yes, including me."

The audience below began to whisper to each other, and an uneasy atmosphere filled the air.

Maxim stopped the spread of suspicion: "The current situation has been fully discussed by the club. What should we do next? First of all, for safety reasons, we should appropriately reduce gatherings, take confidentiality measures, and reduce empty talk. Yes, I saw something. The tendency seems to be that our career is not far from being realized just by talking about it.

"As for lawyers, and all citizens, we are about to go to the battlefield! We are not fighting with the imperialists and islanders, but with the nobles and bishops at the venue.

“I hope you can build more support from the public, just like we have been doing.

"When I stand with farmers, laborers and all strong and self-reliant people, I feel extremely at ease. Gentlemen, don't be blinded by the colorful world. Return to the countryside, return to your hometown, and treat the third party The class is organized and goes to the place where the enemy's strength is weakest, and those lackeys can no longer pose a physical threat.

"When we obtain enough seats in the upcoming three-level conference to represent the broadest third class, the kingdom will hear our voices and allow us to practice our ideals. The premise is that enough of us can represent The third class strives for fairness and happiness for them.

"I have this confidence, ever since we came together in the Friends of Fraternity and Equality."

The club members below were a little confused. Maxim was different from usual today.

"Some members may be confused, where does my confidence come from? My confidence comes from you. I believe that citizens with conscience and virtue will stand with us, and believe in miracles to stand with us."

When he said the last sentence, Maxim's eyes fell on Pascal.

Rorschach was carrying two guns. Although he wrapped them tightly in linen, he still attracted different looks when walking on the road to the research building.

Fortunately, he handed the two guns to Philip and that was it. In order to make it look more like a gift, he specially found a golden ribbon to tie it up and tied it with a delicate bow.

"Teacher Rorschach, are you looking for me?" It was not only Philip but also Simon who was waiting for him.

Although the two apprentices were competitive at first, under Rorschach's guidance, Simon and Philip worked together to complete the research. They each published an article from different angles, and now they have become good friends.

Simon was technically Philip's first non-aristocratic friend.

"Master Kano is very busy recently and cannot be invited to your home. I regret to inform you."

Phillip was not surprised: "What about you?"

"Teacher Kano is so busy, I am too embarrassed to be idle. As an apology, the master entrusted me to give the gift to your father."

Philip immediately recognized the gun in the package, because he often went hunting with his father and used a shotgun before learning magic.

But will the gift from the Archmage be a magic gun? Philip took it curiously and did not open the package out of politeness.

Of course he would not refuse - the Merovingian family never had to be polite to anyone.

"Thank you, teacher."

Now it was Philip's turn to carry a gun and attract everyone's attention, but after all, he was born in a noble family. He behaved like a natural palace guard and walked out of the research building with his head held high.

He had his own carriage, and the Merovingian coat of arms shone in the sun.

"Go home."

"Yes, Master."

When Philip returned home, the Duke was enjoying afternoon tea elegantly. Just because of his personal love for sweets, he had five layers of pastries at his disposal.


"Father!" Philip quickened his pace. The relationship between father and son had improved a lot recently, so he took out the "gift."

"Master Kano didn't agree to my invitation?"

"Yes. Father, don't think too much, the Archmage is indeed very busy." Philip was afraid that the Duke would misunderstand.

"Hmm." Duke Merovingian didn't know whether it was OK or not. He took the linen package and said, "This is..." The Duke's hands were full of precious gem rings, but that didn't stop him from finding out what was inside the package.

"Philip, go see your mother. She has been nagging me all day. It would be nice if you could say hello."

"Yes, Father." Philip felt strange, but he grew up in the Duke's Palace and knew that he had to obey the arrangements of the owner of this place, so he simply said goodbye.

"My lord." The butler was called in.

The Duke's face was livid. He opened the package and revealed the handmade shotgun with the nameplate worn off.

His plan was foiled by those mages, and they responded in a very straightforward manner.

Is this a warning? He was pondering Kano's intentions, but before figuring out the attitude of the guild and the Magic Tower, there was one thing to do first.

"The traitor who pointed out to us, the one" waved his finger in the air.

"Are you talking about the banker Gillenormand? The man who participated in subversive activities is still in your manor in the western suburbs."

His fingers stopped and he hooked his life-threatening knuckles: "Yes, yes. Get rid of him. Keep your hands and feet clean, and don't let the French dogs smell him again."

"Yes, sir."

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