Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 290 Those who abandon me

The picture depicting the arrival of a great being is a rare dark night, with a large amount of dark blue paint used on it, and the cold moonlight outlines the descendants with countless tentacles.

They are called tentacles because they are slender and slender, which is very different from antennae. Then He enveloped the entire island, and all the other gods seemed to have withdrawn, leaving only Him reigning over the place, with countless tentacles turning into threads to twine over the cities and fields.

Some humans and elves worshiped Him, while the governors of the old empire and other big figures abandoned their exquisite wine glasses, and some fled frantically with their bathrobes on their hands. The soldiers of the old empire began to fight against the Istani resistance.

The rebels were a coalition of elves, human slaves, and indigenous humans on the island. There was always a shadow with countless tentacles behind them, which made the armies of the old empire abandon their armor and fight and retreat until they drove back into the sea.

"It seems it's time to overthrow the rule of the old empire." This is the history that Freddy is familiar with. Whenever he thinks of this glorious past, even the poorest and poorest people in Storm City puff up their chests with pride. This period of joining forces to fight against the enemy is also the basis for the coexistence of elves and humans.

And that tentacle monster is... "Obviously it's our respectable great Is, haha, so ugly." Freddy had no scruples.

what's next? They have covered more than half of the original ceiling, and there are so many characters and scenery in every scene. At this time, Singarev discovered the blind spot: "Where is the Lord of Light and Order? His little brother was beaten so badly, why doesn't he regain his position?"

"I don't know. In fact, the old empire was collapsing at that time." What Rorschach knew was that it was the "Great Extinction of the Original Code Level" at this time. The Lord of Order should be overwhelmed? He couldn't figure out what the gods thought hundreds of years ago.

Now he has two questions. One is that the "Great Extinction" should have begun at this time. How did this "Iss" fish in troubled waters and come to the real material world? The other is that judging from the painting of Dryac being penetrated by a light spear, these The painting description is relatively realistic, so who is such an awesome war reporter who can record all the way to the God War?

At least it is an organization with a deep foundation.

"Ahem, of course the Lord of Order has taken action." An extremely hoarse voice that made the ears feel uncomfortable just hearing it sounded.

The sudden answer startled everyone. The ball of light shone over, and a black thing lay on the ground, next to it were paints, brushes and turpentine.

It turned out that the "bump" was a prostrate old man, wearing a pure black robe. It seemed that no light could be reflected on the surface of the black robe, so there was no outline at all where the cloth covered it, and no ups and downs could be seen. When he raised his head and turned to face the visitor, he showed a smile full of rotten teeth: "Welcome to the Upside Down Church. I am the last one left behind. Most people outside call me 'Black Friar'."

Rorschach was particularly nervous because he didn't notice the Black Monk! It was clear that he had scanned the entire main hall with [Dark Vision] on at the beginning, but he didn't see anyone at all.

If he was invisible by some means, then he should have aura under [Arcane Vision]. With Rorschach's proud sensitivity and control over changes in magical power, he should be able to detect clues even with his powerful invisibility.

Was it because I was totally focused on the painting that I didn’t notice it in time? It was useless to panic at this time. Rorschach could only put his staff into a semi-activated state, ready to take action at any time.

"Want to know the next story? Come, come, come."

As he spoke, he moved out of the way. Not only was the area covered by the old man's thin black robe, but also a large piece of the picture suddenly became brighter, and he could see it clearly under the light ball. It seemed that the old man had made up a piece of shadow. The curtain opens.

The paintings after Advent are semi-finished products, with some areas colored and some areas still sketch-like drafts. What Rorschach and others saw in the completed part were twelve majestic knights. They wore ostentatious helmets, so it was impossible to tell whether they were humans or elves, and these people bowed their heads to a veiled lady. Wearing a crown.

Crowned? Because the crown is supported by two tentacles from Yis and placed on the queen's head.

"Queen!" Then Freddy showed a confused look: "This is wrong. It has been hundreds of years since the founding of Istani. How could Her Majesty the Queen have been on the throne for so long?"

"Now when did your king ascend the throne?"

"Of course," the poet choked, "I can't remember clearly. But I have the impression of the coronation ceremony, so it won't be long. Look, I am still a good young man, not an immortal monster."

"Uh-huh." The black monk made a sound in his nasal cavity. Rorschach stared at the painting. The veil on it made it difficult to see the face. Only the long hair and body features could tell that the person who was crowned was a woman. Great poet Freddie, just because you are not immortal does not mean that others are not.

In the back, there are twelve knights galloping on the island. Wherever their iron hooves trample, Yisi's tentacles follow. The old city is taken over, a new city is born, and there are churches worshiping Yisi.

Some elves seemed to reject the faith of Yis. They used inferior spears and bows to shoot at Yis, which seemed futile and ridiculous. However, the tentacles really did not continue to reach them. Instead, the angry knights waved their swords and slashed at the stubborn ones. The immortal spirit.

The island cracked and a corner was cut off by the sea.

Rorschach guessed where this corner was: "El Island?"

"Not bad." The old man nodded with satisfaction. He didn't know whether he was satisfied with Rorschach's understanding or the expressiveness of his paintings.

Finally, there was the unfinished painting. They could see tentacles thicker than tentacles rising from the earth, accompanied by slime and unknown strange creatures.

The black tentacles easily shattered Is's slender tentacles, and under the hot golden light from the sky, the main firepower seemed to be aimed at the earth's tentacles, while Is was sandwiched in the middle, lying in the air, and the side close to the earth was rotten and polluted. Yes, the side toward the sky is dry and broken, and there is still a burning flame.

In the final scene, which is almost a hook, Yis, with few tentacles left and scarred, escapes into the void, half-hidden in the nebula.

This is too tragic, isn't it? Although the image of this god is just a blur, Rorschach always felt that he could read a hint of desolation and grievance in the final scene.

Freddy and Singletary were stunned. They couldn't believe what was depicted on the picture: "So, Is escaped?"

"Haha, he is a complete coward. He came here to do evil when the empire collapsed. When Istany was in crisis, he immediately ran away, abandoning his people, abandoning his most devout believers, and at the last moment And you’re still deceiving the world!”

The black monk was full of resentment. When he spat out hoarse words, as if echoing his emotions, the black robe moved automatically without the wind, revealing not the limbs and torso, but countless terrifying tentacles, fangs and claws in the air. , exactly the same as the one in the oil painting.

The dwarf and the poet's scalps were numb, and they raised their guns and aimed at the black monk. Rorschach also built a blue light barrier between the team and the old man.

The two tiny tentacles penetrated the barrier without any hindrance and hit the gun accurately. Everything from the metal barrel to the wooden stock turned into a thick black slurry.

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